- Author: Bill Xia
- Email: ibillxia@gmail.com
- Blog: http://ibillxia.github.io
This package is based on the sphere project, SPro project, the ALIZE project(include ALIZE package and LIA_RAL package. For more information of ALIZE, please see http://mistral.univ-avignon.fr/index_en.html).
There are four directories:
The Demos directory are some simple tutorials of how to use some of the related tools. You can start from these demos. To start the demo, you need to compile the sphere_2.7, SPro_5.0, ALIZE_3.0 and LIA_RAL_3.0 tools in order and copy the executable files to the bin directory in each demo in the Demos directory.
If you do not want to use SPro as the feature extraction toolkit, HTK is another alternative. I also made a repo of HTK on github:
For more information about HTK please visit the HTK homepage: