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EV3 - RoboRinth App

Nach dem Bootvorgang wird automatisch eine RoboRinth Applikation gestartet. Die App verbindet sich mit einem MQTT Broker und stellt ein MQTT Interface zur Verfügung zum Lesen und Schreiben von Devices die am ev3 angeschlossen sind, z.B. ColorSensor und Motoren. Die angeschlossenen Devices werden beim Applikationsstart automatisch detektiert und initialisiert. Es ist nur wichtig, dass Sensoren an den Input-Ports (markiert mit 1-4) und Aktoren an den Output-Ports (markiert mit A-D) angeschlossen werden. Auf dem Screen des ev3 wird die Roboter-ID sowie der Connection-Status angezeigt. Zudem signalisieren die LEDs den Connection-Status (grün = ok, orange = keine Verbindung). Bei Verbindungsverlust versucht die Applikation automatisch wieder Kontakt zum Broker herzustellen.


Die Konfiguration für die Applikation liegt auf dem Filesystem der EV3 Roboter unter /home/robot/roborinth/config/config.json. Unter anderem kann dort die IP Adresse des MQTT Hosts angepasst werden.

Zugriff erfolgt mittels SSH.

IP Adressen der Roboter

Weiterentwicklung & Deployment

Die vorkonfigurierte Python Applikation oder sonst eine Python/Java Applikation kann auf dem Host entwickelt werden und anschliessend z.B. mittels WinSCP aufs target deployed werden. Der systemd service roborinth startet die Applikation nach dem Bootvorgang automatisch. Für eine C/C++ Anwendung gibt es zur Zeit keine Cross-Compilation Toolchain. Man müsste in diesem Fall auf dem Target kompilieren.


Jeder Roboter sendet und empfängt Nachrichten unter einem speziellen Root-Topic, das der ID des Roboters entspricht. D.h. Der Roboter mit der ID robo-01 sendet und empfängt nur Nachrichten unter dem Topic robo-01/...

Über MQTT können folgende Typen von Nachrichten gesendet werden:

  • Clients können requests publishen, welche vom Roboter verarbeitet werden, das Resultat wird als response gepublished
  • Clients können mit subscribe und unsubscribe Notifikationen aktivieren/deaktivieren
  • notification Nachrichten werden mit einer einstellbaren Periode vom Roboter gepublished

Die Notifikationsperiode beträgt standardmässig 1 Sekunde.

Achtung: Der ev3 ist nicht besonders leistungsfähig. Bei zuvielen, gleichzeitigen Notifikations-Subscriptions und zu kurzer Notifikationsperiode kann die Applikation instabil werden.

Info: Aufgrund von Stabilitätsproblemen sind Ultraschall-Distanzsensor, Drucksensor und Servomotor zur Zeit deaktiviert. Diese Devices werden für die Challenge aber vermutlich nicht benötigt.

Requests and Responses


  • Data is always send as plain string
  • Each topic has to be prefixed with robot-id. e.g. robo-01/request/gyro/angle
Request-Topic Data Description
request/color/present - see response
request/color/reflected - see response
request/color/ambient - see response
request/color/id - see response
request/color/name - see response
request/color/raw - see response
request/touch/present - see response
request/touch/pressed - see response
request/ultrasonic/present - see response
request/ultrasonic/distance - see response
request/gyro/present - see response
request/gyro/angle - see response
request/gyro/reset - reset angle to 0
the response returns immediately
but it takes a few seconds until the angle is set to 0
request/motor/present - see response
request/motor/position - see response
request/motor/reset - see response
request/motor/turn {"speed":"x","angle":"y"} -100 <= x <= 100
y has to be an int
request/motor/activate int speed value from -100 to 100
request/steering/present - see response
request/steering/activate {"speed":"x","steering":"y"} start moving the robot with given speed and steering value
speed goes from -100 to 100
steering value impacts the radius
the value goes from -100 to 100
where as 0 means "straight line" and -100/100 "turn on point"
see MoveSteering
request/steering/reset - reset steering releases "brakes" which are set after requesting "turn"
request/steering/turn {"speed":"x","steering":"y","angle":z"} turn the robot with given speed, steering, and angle.
the angle refers to the outer wheel in degrees
request/power/voltage - see response
request/power/current - see response
request/notper int set notification period in milliseconds
value must be between 10 and 10000
default is 1000
request/ctrl char Q to quit
Command for debug purpos
request/txt string text to be displayed on ev3 Screen
for debug purpose
Response-Topic Data Description
response/color/present bool returns True if ColorSensor is present
in case of False color topics return invalid values
response/color/reflected int read reflected light intensity from ColorSensor
response/color/ambient int read ambient light intensity from ColorSensor
response/color/id int read currently detected color's id
response/color/name string read currently detected color's name
response/color/raw (int,int,int) read ColorSensor Raw Values in RGB as tuple
response/touch/present bool returns True if TouchSensor is present
in case of False touch topics return invalid values
response/touch/pressed bool returns True if TouchSensor is currently pressed
response/ultrasonic/present bool returns True if UltrasonicSensor is present
in case of False ultrasonic topics return invalid values
response/ultrasonic/distance decimal read distance in centimeter (0.0-255.0)
response/gyro/present bool returns True if GyroSensor is present
in case of False gyro topics return invalid values
response/gyro/angle int read angle in degrees
clockwise turn --> positive angle
counterclockwise turn --> negative angle
angle has no boundaries may be <-360 or >360
response/gyro/reset bool True if request was successful
response/motor/present bool returns True if MediumMotor is present
in case of False motor topics return invalid values
response/motor/position int return position of MediumMotor in degrees (Motor may be used as sensor)
response/motor/reset bool True if request was successful
response/motor/turn bool True if request was successful
response/motor/activate bool True if request was successful
response/steering/present bool returns True if MoveSteering is present
in case of False steering topics return invalid values
response/steering/activate bool True if request was successful
response/steering/reset bool True if request was successful
response/steering/turn bool True if request was successful
response/power/voltage decimal returns battery pack voltage in Volts
response/power/current decimal returns current draw in MilliAmps
response/notper bool True if request was successful
to low value leads to system instability
response/ctrl bool True if request was successful
response/txt bool True if request was successful



  • Data is always send as plain string
  • Each topic has to be prefixed with robot-id. e.g. robo-01/request/gyro/angle

for detailed info on notification data see request/response descriptions

Topic Data
notification/color/present bool
notification/color/reflected int
notification/color/ambient int
notification/color/id int
notification/color/name string
notification/color/raw (int,int,int)
notification/touch/present bool
notification/touch/pressed bool
notification/ultrasonic/present bool
notification/ultrasonic/distance decimal
notification/gyro/present bool
notification/gyro/angle int
notification/motor/present bool
notification/motor/position int
notification/steering/present bool
notification/power/voltage decimal
notification/power/current decimal


Enable notifications by publishing one or more of the following messages.

Attention: To many subscriptions can lead to system instability.

Topic Request-Data
subscribe/color/present -
subscribe/color/reflected -
subscribe/color/ambient -
subscribe/color/id -
subscribe/color/name -
subscribe/color/raw -
subscribe/touch/present -
subscribe/touch/pressed -
subscribe/ultrasonic/present -
subscribe/ultrasonic/distance -
subscribe/gyro/present -
subscribe/gyro/angle -
subscribe/motor/present -
subscribe/motor/position -
subscribe/steering/present -
subscribe/power/voltage -
subscribe/power/current -


Disable notifications by publishing one or more of the following messages.

Topic Request-Data
unsubscribe/color/present -
unsubscribe/color/reflected -
unsubscribe/color/ambient -
unsubscribe/color/id -
unsubscribe/color/name -
unsubscribe/color/raw -
unsubscribe/touch/present -
unsubscribe/touch/pressed -
unsubscribe/ultrasonic/present -
unsubscribe/ultrasonic/distance -
unsubscribe/gyro/present -
unsubscribe/gyro/angle -
unsubscribe/motor/present -
unsubscribe/motor/position -
unsubscribe/steering/present -
unsubscribe/power/voltage -
unsubscribe/power/current -