JSQLDataSource embedded an Connection pool, but don't worry any daemon thread running at backend and Connection keep alive, everything in Connection Pool will be faded.
New an instance by using keyword new
JSQLDataSource datasource = new JSQLDataSource("jdbc:h2:tcp://;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE", "your_name", "your_password");
Use Properties
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("url", "jdbc:mariadb://");
props.setProperty("loginTimeout", "10");
props.setProperty("username", "jsql"); // will be overridden by driver.user
props.setProperty("driver.user", "your_name");
props.setProperty("driver.password", "your_password");
JSQLDataSource datasource = new JSQLDataSource(props);
Please use
rather thanProperties.put
Use DataSourceBuilder
for the best
JSQLDataSource datasource = JSQLDataSource.newDataSourceBuilder()
.addMapProperties(() -> {
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<>();
props.put("driver.socketFactory", "javax.net.DefaultSocketFactory");
return props;
property name | comment | mandatory | default |
url | connection url | Y | |
username | connection username, this is not necessary for memory DB, e.g. derby or sqlite | N | |
password | connection password, this is not necessary for memory DB, e.g. derby or sqlite | N | |
driverClass | jdbc Driver class name | N | detected by url |
dialect | your customized Dialect class name | N | detected by url |
loginTimeout | seconds of connection timeout creation | N | 5 seconds |
pool.maxPoolSize | max connection pool size | N | 20 |
pool.idleTimeout | milliseconds of object idle timeout | N | 30 minutes |
pool.scheduledThreadLifeTime | idle schedule thread's life time in milliseconds | N | 5 minutes |
pool.pollTimeout | milliseconds of borrowing a object timeout | N | 5 seconds |
pool.validateOnBorrow | validate on borrowing an object from pool | N | true |
pool.validateOnReturn | validate on returning an object to pool | N | false |
pool.createRetryCount | retry to create pool object if exception occur | N | 0 |
driver.user | prior to username | N | |
driver.password | prior to password | N |
configuration please checkout Connection Pooldriver.*
configuration depend on Database Driver implementation, e.g. using proxy socket factory for creating MariaDB Connection by following configurationdriver.socketFactory=custom.proxy.Socks5SocketFactory