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title: Evidence Transformations abbref: EvTrans docname: draft-smith-rats-evidence-trans-latest category: std consensus: true submissiontype: IETF

ipr: trust200902 area: "Security" workgroup: "Remote ATtestation ProcedureS" keyword: Evidence, RATS, attestation, verifier, supply chain, RIM, appraisal

stand_alone: true pi: toc: yes sortrefs: yes symrefs: yes tocdepth: 6


normative: I-D.ietf-rats-corim: corim DICE.CoRIM: -: dice-corim title: DICE Endorsement Architecture for Devices author: org: Trusted Computing Group (TCG) seriesinfo: Version 1.0, Revision 0.38 date: November 2022 target: DICE.Attest: -: dice-attest title: DICE Attestation Architecture author: org: Trusted Computing Group (TCG) seriesinfo: Version 1.2, Revision 1 date: January 2025 target: RFC9334: rats-arch SPDM: -: spdm title: Security Protocol and Data Model (SPDM) author: org: Distributed Management Task Force seriesinfo: Version 1.3.0 date: May 2023 target: TCG.CE: -: ce title: TCG DICE Concise Evidence Binding for SPDM author: org: Trusted Computing Group seriesinfo: Version 1.00, Revision 0.54 date: January 2024 target: I-D.ietf-rats-endorsements: rats-endorsements

informative: RFC8610: cddl STD96: -: cose =: RFC9052 STD94: -: cbor =: RFC8949 RFC7942: DICE.Layer: -: dice-layer title: DICE Layering Architecture author: org: Trusted Computing Group seriesinfo: Version 1.0, Revision 0.19 date: July 2020 target: I-D.ietf-rats-eat: eat RFC5280: x509

entity: SELF: "RFCthis"

--- abstract

Remote Attestation Procedures (RATS) enable Relying Parties to assess the trustworthiness of a remote Attester and therefore to decide whether to engage in secure interactions with it - or not. Evidence about trustworthiness can be rather complex and it is deemed unrealistic that every Relying Party is capable of the appraisal of Evidence. Therefore that burden is typically offloaded to a Verifier. In order to conduct Evidence appraisal, a Verifier requires fresh Evidence from an Attester. Before a Verifier can appraise Evidence it may require transformation to an internal representation. This document specifies Evidence transformation methods for DICE and SPDM formats to the CoRIM internal representation.

--- middle

Introduction {#sec-intro}

Remote Attestation Procedures (RATS) enable Relying Parties to assess the trustworthiness of a remote Attester and therefore to decide whether to engage in secure interactions with it - or not. Evidence about trustworthiness can be rather complex and it is deemed unrealistic that every Relying Party is capable of the appraisal of Evidence. Therefore that burden is typically offloaded to a Verifier. In order to conduct Evidence appraisal, a Verifier requires fresh Evidence from an Attester. Before a Verifier can appraise Evidence it may require transformation to an internal representation. This document specifies Evidence transformation methods for DICE and SPDM formats to the CoRIM internal representation.


This document uses terms and concepts defined by the RATS architecture. For a complete glossary see {{Section 4 of -rats-arch}}. Addintional RATS architecture is found in {{-rats-endorsements}}. RATS architecture terms and concepts are always referenced as proper nouns, i.e., with Capital Letters.

In this document, an Evidence structure describes an external representation. There are many possible Evidence structures including {{-eat}} and {{-x509}}. The bytes composing the CoRIM data structure are the same either way.

The terminology from CoRIM {{-corim}} {{-dice-corim}}, DICE {{-dice-layer}} {{-dice-attest}}, CBOR {{-cbor}}, CDDL {{-cddl}} and COSE {{-cose}} applies.

{::boilerplate bcp14}

Verifier Reconciliation {#sec-verifier-rec}

This specification assumes the reader is familiar with Verifier Reconsiliation as described in {{Section 2 of -corim}}. It describes how a Verifier should process the CoRIM to enable CoRIM authors to convey their intended meaning and how a Verifier reconciles its various inputs. Evidence is one of its inputs. The Verifier is expected to create an internal representation from an external representation. By using an internal representation, the Verifier processes Evidence inputs such that they can be appraised consistently.

This specification defines format transformations for Evidence in DICE {{-dice-attest}}, SPDM {{-spdm}}, and concise evidence {{-ce}} formats that are transformed into a Verifier's internal representation. This specification uses the CoMID internal representation ({{Section 8.2.1 of -corim}}) as the transformation target. Other internal representations are possible but out of scope for this specification.

Transforming DICE Certificate Extension Evidence {#sec-dice-trans}

This section defines how Evidence from an X.509 certificate containing a DICE certificate extension {{-dice-attest}} is transformed into an internal representation that can be processed by Verifiers.

Verifiers supporting the DICE certificate extension Evidence SHOULD implement this transformation.

DiceTcbInfo Transformation {#sec-tcb-info}

This section defines transformation methods for DICE certificate extensions DiceTcbInfo, DiceMultiTcbInfo, and DiceMultiTcbInfoComp. These extensions are identified by the following object identifiers:

  • tcg-dice-TcbInfo - ""

  • tcg-dice-MultiTcbInfo - ""

  • tcg-dice-MultiTcbInfoComp - ""

Each DiceTcbInfo entry in a MultiTcbInfo is converted to a CoRIM ECT (see {{Section 8.2.1 of -corim}}) using the transformation steps in this section. Each DiceMultiTcbInfo entry is independent of the others such that each is transformed to a separate ECT entry. A list of Evidence ECTs (i.e., ae = [ + ECT]) is constructed using CoRIM attestation evidence internal representation (see {{Section of -corim}}). Each DiceMultiTcbInfoComp entry is converted to a DiceMultiTcbInfo entry then processed as a DiceMultiTcbInfo.

For each DiceTcbInfo (DTI) entry in a DiceMultiTcbInfo allocate an ECT structure.

{:dtt-enum: counter="dtt" style="format Step %d."}

{: dtt-enum}

  • An ae entry is allocated.

  • The cmtype of the ECT is set to evidence.

  • The DiceTcbInfo (DTI) entry populates the ae ECT.

{:dtt2-enum: counter="dtt2" style="format %i"}

{: dtt2-enum}

  • The DTI entry populates the ae ECT environment-map

copy(DTI.type, ECT.environment.environment-map.class-map.class-id). The binary representation of DTI.type MUST be equivalent to the binary representation of class-id without the CBOR tag.

copy(DTI.vendor, ECT.environment.environment-map.class-map.vendor).

copy(DTI.model, ECT.environment.environment-map.class-map.model).

copy(DTI.layer, ECT.environment.environment-map.class-map.layer).

copy(DTI.index, ECT.environment.environment-map.class-map.index).

{: dtt2-enum}

  • The DTI entry populates the ae ECT elemenet-list.

copy(DTI.version, ECT.element-list.element-map.measurement-values-map.version-map.version).

copy(DTI.svn, ECT.element-list.element-map.measurement-values-map.svn).

copy(DTI.vendorInfo, ECT.element-list.element-map.measurement-values-map.raw-value).

Foreach FWID in FWIDLIST: copy(DTI.FWID.digest, ECT.element-list.element-map.measurement-values-map.digests.digest.val).

Foreach FWID in FWIDLIST: copy(DTI.FWID.hashAlg, ECT.element-list.element-map.measurement-values-map.digests.digest.alg).

{: dtt2-enum}

  • The DTI entry populates the ae ECT elemenet-list.flags. Foreach f in DTI.OperationalFlags and each m in DTI.OperationalFlagsMask:

If m.notConfigured = 1 AND f.notConfigured = 1; set( = FALSE).

If m.notConfigured = 1 AND f.notConfigured = 0; set( = TRUE).

If m.notSecure = 1 AND f.notSecure = 1; set( = FALSE).

If m.notSecure = 1 AND f.notSecure = 0; set( = TRUE).

If m.recovery = 1 AND f.recovery = 1; set( = FALSE).

If m.recovery = 1 AND f.recovery = 0; set( = TRUE).

If m.debug = 1 AND f.debug = 1; set( = FALSE).

If m.debug = 1 AND f.debug = 0; set( = TRUE).

If m.notReplayProtected = 1 AND f.notReplayProtected = 1; set( = FALSE).

If m.notReplayProtected = 1 AND f.notReplayProtected = 0; set( = TRUE).

If m.notIntegrityProtected = 1 AND f.notIntegrityProtected = 1; set( = FALSE).

If m.notIntegrityProtected = 1 AND f.notIntegrityProtected = 0; set( = TRUE).

If m.notRuntimeMeasured = 1 AND f.notRuntimeMeasured = 1; set( = FALSE).

If m.notRuntimeMeasured = 1 AND f.notRuntimeMeasured = 0; set( = TRUE).

If m.notImmutable = 1 AND f.notImmutable = 1; set( = FALSE).

If m.notImmutable = 1 AND f.notImmutable = 0; set( = TRUE).

If m.notTcb = 1 AND f.notTcb = 1; set( = FALSE).

If m.notTcb = 1 AND f.notTcb = 0; set( = TRUE).

{: dtt-enum}

  • The ECT.authority field is set up based on the signer of the certificate containing DTI as described in {{sec-authority}}.

The completed ECT is added to the ae list.

DiceUeid Transformation {#sec-ueid}

This section defines the transformation method for the DiceUeid certificate extension. This extension is identified by the following object identifier:

  • tcg-dice-Ueid - ""

{:ueid-enum: counter="ueid" style="format Step %d."}

{: ueid-enum}

  • An ae entry is allocated.

  • The cmtype of the ECT is set to evidence.

  • The DiceUeid entry populates the ae ECT environment-map.instance-id.tagged-ueid-type. The CBOR tag #6.550 is prepended to the DiceUeid OCTET STRING then copied to ae.environment-map.instance-id.

  • The ECT.authority field is set up based on the signer of the certificate containing DiceUeid as described in {{sec-authority}}.

The completed ECT is added to the ae list.

DiceConceptualMessageWrapper Transformation {#sec-cmw}

This section defines the transformation method for the DiceConceptualMessageWrapper certificate extension. This extension is identified by the following object identifier:

  • tcg-dice-Ueid - ""

The DiceConceptualMessageWrapper entry OCTET STRING may contain a CBOR array, JSON array, or CBOR tagged value. If the entry contains a CBOR tag value of #6.571 or #6.1668557429, or a Content ID of 10571, or a Media Type of "application/ce+cbor", the contents are transformed according to {{sec-ce-trans}}.

Authority field in DICE/SPDM ECTs {#sec-authority}

The ECT authority field is an array of $crypto-keys-type-choices.

When adding Evidence to the ACS, the Verifier SHALL add the public key representing the signer of that Evidence (for example the DICE certificate or SPDM MEASUREMENTS response) to the ECT authority field. The Verifier SHALL also add the signer of each certificate which has authorized the signer of the signing key.

Having each authority in a certificate path in the ECT authority field lets conditional endorsement conditions match multiple authorities or match an authority that is scoped more broadly than the immediate signer of the Evidence artifact.

Each signer authority value MUST be represented using tagged-cose-key-type.

Transforming TCG Concise Evidence {#sec-ce-trans}

This section defines how Evidence from TCG {{-ce}} is transformed into an internal representation that can be processed by Verifiers.

Verifiers supporting the TCG Concise Evidence format SHOULD implement this transformation.

Concise evidence may be recognized by any of the following registered types:

CBOR tag C-F ID TN Tag Media Type
#6.571 10571 #6.1668557429 "application/ce+cbor"

A Concise Evidence entry is converted to a CoRIM ECT (see {{Section 8.2.1 of -corim}}) using the transformation steps in this section. A list of Evidence ECTs (i.e., ae = [ + ECT]) is constructed using CoRIM attestation evidence internal representation (see {{Section of -corim}}). The Concise Evidence scheme uses CoRIM CDDL definitions to define several Evidence representations called triples. Cases where Concise Evidence CDDL is identical to CoRIM CDDL the transformation logic uses the structure names in common.

Transforming the ce.evidence-triples {#sec-evidence-triple}

The ce.evidence-triples structure is a list of evidence-triple-record. An evidence-triple-record consists of an environment-map and a list of measurement-map. For each evidence-triple-record an ae ECT is constructed.

{:cet-enum: counter="cet" style="format Step %d."}

{: cet-enum}

  • An ae ECT entry is allocated.

  • The cmtype of the ECT is set to evidence.

  • The Concise Evidence (CE) entry populates the ae ECT environment fields.

copy(CE.evidence-triple-record.environment-map, ECT.environment.environment-map).

{:cet2-enum: counter="cet2" style="format %i"}

{: cet2-enum}

  • For each ce in CE.[ + measurement-map]; and each ect in ECT.[ + element-list]:

copy(ce.mkey, ect.element-map.element-id)

copy(ce.mval, ect.element-map.element-claims`)

{: cet-enum}

  • The signer of the envelope containing CE is copied to the ECT.authority field as described in {{sec-authority}. For example, a CE may be wrapped by an EAT token {{-eat}} or DICE certificate {{-dice-attest}}. The signer identity MUST be expressed using $crypto-key-type-choice. A profile or other arrangement is used to coordinate which $crypto-key-type-choice is used for both Evidence and Reference Values.

  • If CE has a profile, the profile is converted to a $profile-type-choice then copied to the ECT.profile` field.

The completed ECT is added to the ae list.

Transforming the ce.identity-triples {#sec-identity-triple}

The ce.identity-triples structure is a list of ev-identity-triple-record. An ev-identity-triple-record consists of an environment-map and a list of $crypto-key-type-choice. For each ev-identity-triple-record an ae ECT is constructed where the $crypto-key-type-choice values are copied as ECT Evidence measurement values. The ECT internal representation accommodates keys as a type of measurement. In order for the $crypto-key-type-choice keys to be verified a CoRIM identity-triples claim MUST be asserted.

{:ikt-enum: counter="ikt" style="format Step %d."}

{: ikt-enum}

  • An ae ECT entry is allocated.

  • The cmtype of the ECT is set to evidence.

  • The Concise Evidence (CE) entry populates the ae ECT environment fields.

copy(CE.ce-identity-triple-record.environment-map, ECT.environment.environment-map).

copy(null, ECT.element-list.element-map.element-id).

{:ikt2-enum: counter="ikt2" style="format %i"}

{: ikt2-enum}

  • For each cek in CE.[ + $crypto-key-type-choice ]; and each ect in ECT.element-list.element-map.element-claims.intrep-keys.[ + typed-crypto-key ]:

copy(cek, ect.key)

set( &(identity-key: 1), ect.key-type)

{: ikt-enum}

  • The signer of the envelope containing CE is copied to the ECT.authority field. For example, a CE may be wrapped by an EAT token {{-eat}} or DICE certificate {{-dice-attest}}. The signer identity MUST be expressed using $crypto-key-type-choice. A profile or other arrangement is used to coordinate which $crypto-key-type-choice is used for both Evidence and Reference Values.

  • If CE has a profile, the profile is converted to a $profile-type-choice then copied to the ECT.profile` field.

The completed ECT is added to the ae list.

Transforming the ce.attest-key-triples {#sec-attest-key-triple}

The ce.attest-key-triples structure is a list of ev-attest-key-triple-record. An ev-attest-key-triple-record consists of an environment-map and a list of $crypto-key-type-choice. For each ev-attest-key-triple-record an ae ECT is constructed where the $crypto-key-type-choice values are copied as ECT Evidence measurement values. The ECT internal representation accommodates keys as a type of measurement. In order for the $crypto-key-type-choice keys to be verified a CoRIM attest-key-triples claim MUST be asserted.

{:akt-enum: counter="akt" style="format Step %d."}

{: akt-enum}

  • An ae ECT entry is allocated.

  • The cmtype of the ECT is set to evidence.

  • The Concise Evidence (CE) entry populates the ae ECT environment fields.

copy(CE.ce-attest-key-triple-record.environment-map, ECT.environment.environment-map).

copy(null, ECT.element-list.element-map.element-id).

{:akt2-enum: counter="akt2" style="format %i"}

{: akt2-enum}

  • For each cek in CE.[ + $crypto-key-type-choice ]; and each ect in ECT.element-list.element-map.element-claims.intrep-keys.[ + typed-crypto-key ]:

copy(cek, ect.key)

set( &(attest-key: 0), ect.key-type)

{: akt-enum}

  • The signer of the envelope containing CE is copied to the ECT.authority field. For example, a CE may be wrapped by an EAT token {{-eat}} or DICE certificate {{-dice-attest}}. The signer identity MUST be expressed using $crypto-key-type-choice. A profile or other arrangement is used to coordinate which $crypto-key-type-choice is used for both Evidence and Reference Values.

  • If CE has a profile, the profile is converted to a $profile-type-choice then copied to the ECT.profile` field.

The completed ECT is added to the ae list.

Transforming SPDM Evidence {#sec-spdm-trans}

This section defines how Evidence from SPDM {{-spdm}} is transformed into an internal representation that can be processed by Verifiers.

Verifiers supporting the SPDM Evidence format SHOULD implement this transformation.

The SPDM measurements are converted to concise-evidence which has a format that is similar to CoRIM triples-map (their semantics follows the matching rules described above). The TCG DICE Concise Evidence Binding for SPDM specification {{-ce}} describes a process for converting the SPDM Measurement Block to Concise Evidence. Subsequently the transformation steps defined in {{sec-ce-trans}}.

The keys provided in the ECT.authority field SHOULD include the key which signed the SPDM MEASUREMENTS response carrying the Evidence and keys which authorized that key as described in {{sec-authority}}.```

Implementation Status

This section records the status of known implementations of the protocol defined by this specification at the time of posting of this Internet-Draft, and is based on a proposal described in {{RFC7942}}. The description of implementations in this section is intended to assist the IETF in its decision processes in progressing drafts to RFCs. Please note that the listing of any individual implementation here does not imply endorsement by the IETF. Furthermore, no effort has been spent to verify the information presented here that was supplied by IETF contributors. This is not intended as, and must not be construed to be, a catalogue of available implementations or their features. Readers are advised to note that other implementations may exist.

According to {{RFC7942}}, "this will allow reviewers and working groups to assign due consideration to documents that have the benefit of running code, which may serve as Evidence of valuable experimentation and feedback that have made the implemented protocols more mature. It is up to the individual working groups to use this information as they see fit".

Security and Privacy Considerations {#sec-sec}

Evidence appraisal is at the core of any RATS protocol flow, mediating all interactions between Attesters and their Relying Parties. The Verifier is effectively part of the Attesters' and Relying Parties' trusted computing base (TCB). Any mistake in the appraisal process could have security implications. For instance, it could lead to the subversion of an access control function, which creates a chance for privilege escalation.

Therefore, the Verifier’s code and configuration, especially those of the CoRIM processor, are primary security assets that must be built and maintained as securely as possible.

The protection of both the Attester and Verifier systems should be considered throughout their entire lifecycle, from design to operation. This includes the following aspects:

  • Minimizing implementation complexity (see also {{Section 6.1 of -rats-endorsements}});
  • Using memory-safe programming languages;
  • Using secure defaults;
  • Minimizing the attack surface by avoiding unnecessary features that could be exploited by attackers;
  • Applying the principle of least privilege to the system's users;
  • Minimizing the potential impact of security breaches by implementing separation of duties in both the software and operational architecture;
  • Conducting regular, automated audits and reviews of the system, such as ensuring that users' privileges are correctly configured and that any new code has been audited and approved by independent parties;
  • Failing securely in the event of errors to avoid compromising the security of the system.

The appraisal process should be auditable and reproducible. The integrity of the code and data during execution should be made an explicit objective, for example ensuring that the appraisal functions are computed in an attestable trusted execution environment (TEE).

The integrity of public and private key material and the secrecy of private key material must be ensured at all times. This includes key material carried in attestation key triples and key material used to assert or verify the authority of triples (such as public keys that identify trusted supply chain actors). For more detailed information on protecting Trust Anchors, refer to {{Section 12.4 of -rats-arch}}.

The Verifier should use cryptographically protected, mutually authenticated secure channels to all its trusted input sources (i.e., Attesters, Endorsers, RVPs, Verifier Owners). The Attester should use cryptographically protected, mutually authenticated secure channels to all its trusted input sources (i.e., Verifiers, Relying Parties). These links must reach as deep as possible - possibly terminating within the Attesting Environment of an Attester or within the appraisal session context of a Verifier - to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks. Also consider minimizing the use of intermediaries: each intermediary becomes another party that needs to be trusted and therefore factored in the Attesters and Relying Parties' TCBs. Refer to {{Section 12.2 of -rats-arch}} for information on Conceptual Messages protection.

IANA Considerations {#sec-iana-cons}

There are no IANA considerations.

--- back



The authors would like to thank the following people for their valuable contributions to the specification.

Henk Birkholz


Yogesh Deshpande


Thomas Fossati


Dionna Glaze




The authors would like to thank James D. Beaney, Francisco J. Chinchilla, Vincent R. Scarlata, and Piotr Zmijewski for review feedback.