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Ditch CTEs in favour of sub-selects
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vjt committed Dec 4, 2012
1 parent 39ab32a commit 18f4c4b
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79 changes: 50 additions & 29 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -28,17 +28,16 @@ structure by e.g. keeping the view rules in sync or dropping/recreating it when
migrations. A schema dumper is available as well.

Data extraction at a single point in time and even `JOIN`s between temporal and non-temporal data
is implemented using
[Common Table Expressions](
(WITH queries) and a `WHERE date >= valid_from AND date < valid_to` clause, generated automatically
by the provided `TimeMachine` module to be included in your models.
is implemented using sub-selects and a `WHERE` generated by the provided `TimeMachine` module to
be included in your models.

Optimal temporal timestamps indexing is provided using GiST spatial search.
The `WHERE` is optimized using a spatial GiST index in which time is represented represented by
boxes and the filtering is done using the overlapping (`&&`) geometry operator.

All timestamps are (forcibly) stored in the UTC time zone, bypassing the `AR::Base.config.default_timezone`

See [README.sql]( for the plain SQL
See [README.sql]( for the plain SQL
defining this temporal schema for a single table.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,35 +120,50 @@ will make an `as_of` class method available to your model. E.g.:

Will execute:

WITH countries AS (
SELECT * FROM history.countries WHERE #{1.year.ago.utc} >= valid_from AND #{1.year.ago.utc} < valid_to
) SELECT * FROM countries
SELECT "countries".* FROM (
SELECT "history"."countries".* FROM "history"."countries"
WHERE box(
point( date_part( 'epoch', '#{1.year.ago.utc}'::timestamp ), 0 ),
point( date_part( 'epoch', '#{1.year.ago.utc}'::timestamp ), 0 )
) &&
point( date_part( 'epoch', "history"."addresses"."valid_from" ), 0 ),
point( date_part( 'epoch', "history"."addresses"."valid_to" ), 0 ),
) AS "countries"

This work on associations using temporal extensions as well:


Will execute:

WITH countries AS (
SELECT * FROM history.countries WHERE #{1.year.ago.utc} >= valid_from AND #{1.year.ago.utc} < valid_to
) SELECT * FROM countries LIMIT 1
# ... countries history query ...

SELECT "history"."compositions".* FROM "history"."compositions"
WHERE box(
point( date_part( 'epoch', '#{above_timestamp}'::timestamp ), 0 ),
point( date_part( 'epoch', '#{above_timestamp}'::timestamp ), 0 )
) &&
point( date_part( 'epoch', "history"."addresses"."valid_from" ), 0 ),
point( date_part( 'epoch', "history"."addresses"."valid_to" ), 0 ),
) AS "compositions" WHERE country_id = X

WITH compositions AS (
SELECT * FROM history.countries WHERE #{above_timestamp} >= valid_from AND #{above_timestamp} < valid_to
) SELECT * FROM compositions WHERE country_id = X

And `.joins` works as well:


Will execute:

WITH countries AS (
SELECT * FROM history.countries WHERE #{1.year.ago.utc} >= valid_from AND #{1.year.ago.utc} < valid_to
), compositions AS (
SELECT * FROM history.countries WHERE #{above_timestamp} >= valid_from AND #{above_timestamp} < valid_to
) SELECT * FROM countries INNER JOIN countries ON compositions.country_id =
SELECT "countries".* FROM (
# .. countries history query ..
) AS "countries" INNER JOIN (
# .. compositions history query ..
) AS "compositions" ON compositions.country_id =

More methods are provided, see the
[TimeMachine]( source
Expand All @@ -168,23 +182,30 @@ them in your output, use `rake VERBOSE=true`.

* `.includes` still doesn't work, but it'll fixed soon.

* Some monkeypatching has been necessary both to `ActiveRecord::Relation` and
to `Arel::Visitors::ToSql` to fix a bug with `WITH` queries generation. This
will be reported to the upstream with a pull request after extensive testing.
* The history queries are very verbose, they should be factored out in a
per-table stored procedure.

* The migration statements extension is implemented using a Man-in-the-middle
class that inherits from the PostgreSQL adapter, and that relies on some
private APIs. This should be made more maintainable, maybe by implementing
an extension framework for connection adapters. This library will (clearly)
never be merged into Rails, as it is against its principle of treating the
SQL database as a dummy data store.
private APIs. This should be made more maintainable, maybe by requiring
the use of `adapter: chronomodel` or `adapter: chrono_postgresql`.

* The schema dumper is WAY TOO hacky.

* Savepoints are disabled, because there is
no way to identify a subtransaction belonging to the current transaction.

* The choice of using subqueries instead of [Common Table Expressions](
was dictated by the fact that CTEs [currently acts as an optimization
If it will be possible [to opt-out of the
in the future, they will be probably be used again as they were [in the
past](, because the
resulting queries are much more readable, and do not inhibit using .from()
from ARel.

## Contributing

Expand Down
7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions lib/chrono_model.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,11 +26,4 @@ class Error < ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError #:nodoc:
# We need to override the "scoped" method on AR::Association for temporal
# associations to work as well
ActiveRecord::Associations::Association = ChronoModel::Patches::Association

# This implements correct WITH syntax on PostgreSQL
Arel::Visitors::PostgreSQL = ChronoModel::Patches::Visitor

# This adds .with support to ActiveRecord::Relation
ActiveRecord::Relation.instance_eval { include ChronoModel::Patches::QueryMethods }
ActiveRecord::Base.extend ChronoModel::Patches::Querying
85 changes: 10 additions & 75 deletions lib/chrono_model/patches.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,96 +13,31 @@ module Patches
class Association < ActiveRecord::Associations::Association

# Add temporal Common Table Expressions (WITH queries) to the resulting
# scope, checking whether either the association class or the through
# association one are ChronoModels.
# If the association class or the through association are ChronoModels,
# then fetches the records from a virtual table using a subquery scoped
# to a specific timestamp.
def scoped
return super unless _chrono_record?

ctes = {}
scoped = super
return scoped unless _chrono_record?

klass = reflection.options[:polymorphic] ?
owner.public_send(reflection.foreign_type).constantize :

if klass.chrono?
ctes.update _chrono_ctes_for(klass)

if respond_to?(:through_reflection) && through_reflection.klass.chrono?
ctes.update _chrono_ctes_for(through_reflection.klass)
history = if klass.chrono?
elsif respond_to?(:through_reflection) && through_reflection.klass.chrono?

scoped = super
ctes.each {|table, cte| scoped = scoped.with(table, cte) }
return scoped.readonly
return scoped.readonly.from(history.virtual_table_at(owner.as_of_time))

def _chrono_ctes_for(klass)

def _chrono_record?
owner.respond_to?(:as_of_time) && owner.as_of_time.present?

# Adds the WITH queries (Common Table Expressions) support to
# ActiveRecord::Relation.
# \name is the CTE you want
# \value can be a plain SQL query or another AR::Relation
# Example:
# Post.with('posts',
# Post.from('history.posts').
# where('? BETWEEN valid_from AND valid_to', 1.month.ago)
# ).where(:author_id => 1)
# yields:
# WITH posts AS (
# SELECT * FROM history.posts WHERE ... BETWEEN valid_from AND valid_to
# ) SELECT * FROM posts
# PG Documentation:
module QueryMethods
attr_accessor :with_values

def with(name, value)
clone.tap do |relation|
relation.with_values ||= {}
value = value.to_sql if value.respond_to? :to_sql
relation.with_values[name] = value

def build_arel
super.tap {|arel| arel.with with_values if with_values.present? }

module Querying
delegate :with, :to => :scoped

# Fixes ARel's WITH visitor method with the correct SQL syntax
# FIXME: the .children.first is messy. This should be properly
# fixed in ARel.
class Visitor < Arel::Visitors::PostgreSQL
def visit_Arel_Nodes_With o
values = do |name, value|
[name, ' AS (', value.is_a?(String) ? value : visit(value), ')'].join
"WITH #{values.join ', '}"

8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions lib/chrono_model/time_gate.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,8 +9,12 @@ module TimeGate
module ClassMethods
def as_of(time)
time = Conversions.time_to_utc_string(time.utc) if time.kind_of? Time
as_of = scoped.with(table_name,
select(%[ #{quoted_table_name}.*, #{connection.quote(time)} AS "as_of_time"]))

virtual_table = select(%[
#{quoted_table_name}.*, #{connection.quote(time)} AS "as_of_time"]

as_of = scoped.from("(#{virtual_table}) #{quoted_table_name}")

as_of.instance_variable_set(:@temporal, time)

Expand Down
27 changes: 17 additions & 10 deletions lib/chrono_model/time_machine.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -219,10 +219,7 @@ module HistoryMethods
# Fetches as of +time+ records.
def as_of(time, scope = nil)
time = Conversions.time_to_utc_string(time.utc) if time.kind_of? Time

as_of = superclass.unscoped.readonly.
with(superclass.table_name, at(time))
as_of = superclass.unscoped.readonly.from(virtual_table_at(time))

# Add default scopes back if we're passed nil or a
# specific scope, because we're .unscopeing above.
Expand All @@ -242,9 +239,18 @@ def as_of(time, scope = nil)
return as_of

def virtual_table_at(time, name = nil)
name = name ? connection.quote_table_name(name) :

"(#{at(time).to_sql}) #{name}"

# Fetches history record at the given time
def at(time)
time = Conversions.time_to_utc_string(time.utc) if time.kind_of? Time

from, to = quoted_history_fields
select("#{quoted_table_name}.*, '#{time}' AS as_of_time").
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,12 +352,13 @@ module QueryMethods
def build_arel
super.tap do |arel|

# Extract joined tables and add emporal WITH if appropriate {|j|
j.to_sql =~ /JOIN "([\w-]+)"(?:\s+"([\w-]+)")? ON/ && [$1, $2]
}.compact.each do |table, alias_|
next unless (model = TimeMachine.chrono_models[table])
with(alias_ || table,
arel.join_sources.each do |join|
model = TimeMachine.chrono_models[join.left.table_name]
next unless model

join.left =
model.history.virtual_table_at(@temporal, join.left.table_alias || join.left.table_name)
end if @temporal

Expand Down

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