- The Image Loading solution should support turning what is loaded to raw
A 2-layer architecture for image loading (format decoders + generic interface)
Error codes or exceptions?
stance on
? -
whether there can be an additional IAllocator in Image loaders for temporary buffers, used for decoding
Which formats should be supported for loading?
Which formats should be supported for encoding?
how much Image loader are supposed to convert from one Color format to another Pros:
- Less allocations Cons:
- Extra conversions making things less clean
Is video to be supported?
Should animated format such as GIF be supported?
Should progressive images such as GIF be supported?
Progressive images (such as progressive JPEG) should be supported with an incomplete input?
What happens when loading something with another colorspace as sRGB? should it auto-convert?
Whether Image loaders should have short-paths for getting image meta-data such as dimensions
What meta-data is accessible to the visible API?