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English version of code for Node.JS screencast.

Yaroslav Yakovlev edited this page Jul 23, 2013 · 1 revision

Getting started

  1. Fork this repo

  2. Execute the following command: git pull

  3. To move to the next video, just execute the command goes after the link to video. e.g. git checkout -f s5

  4. Now play with the code, do whatever you want with it and still be able to rollback to the initial version.

Title: Node.JS modules
Initial code: git checkout -f s5
03:10 Exports non-working example: git checkout -f s5_1
04:50 Working exports example: git checkout -f s5_2
05:51 Export User to global: git checkout -f s5_3
08:21 Json localization: git checkout -f s5_4
09:36 Moved files to user directory: git checkout -f s5_5

Title: Приёмы работы с модулями
Initial code: git checkout -f s6_1
03:10 Added module.parent check. git checkout -f s6_2
03:55 Added app.js and git checkout -f s6_3
05:30 Various exports options. git checkout -f s6_4
08:25 Db working example. git checkout -f s6_5
12:50 Moved db to node modules. git checkout -f s6_6
14:50 moved db one level above. NODE_PATH setting. git checkout -f s6_7
18:00 Added logger. git checkout -f s6_8

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