- Created project and implemented Microsoft's famous database 'Northwind' to our ecosystem.
- Created simple UI with windows forms for access, execute and retrieve query examples.
- Added some queries and updated winform
- Created layers as folders
- Added Entity Framework 6.2.0 to the project's references
- Implement DbContext and build connection string with using windows authenticaton
- Created entity classes
- Designed simple winform for run add/modify/delete processes.
- Enabled migrations
- Enabled automatic migrations
- Created database with update-database command in package manager console
- Created CRUD operations in Form1.cs because this project is just to explain how Code First Approach is works. Normally we use design patterns with n-tier architecture.
- This project is a simple PhoneBook applet.
- Created layers as folders
- Implemented Entity Framework 6.2.0 to the project
- Created entity classes
- Created repository classes
- In this example I implemented a better repository pattern to the project. All CRUD operations are managed with repository clases. UI and Database seperated with Repository pattern.
- Created an instance of DbContext class and implemented local Sql server connection string.
- Added DbSet objects to the project context to convert entity classes to database tables.
- Started to desigh ui layer with windows form, not yet finished.
- Created a test AppUser to debug operations.