v1.7.2 - 2025-03-02
- Type check de1b39a
- Lock 2b15683
- Dep 7d60d5a
- Doc 184f1f8
- Merge pull request #282 from ilovepixelart/feature/esm 76ad448
- ESM 939621a
- Merge pull request #281 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep d505bb6
- Dep aab190e
- Override c268240
- Merge pull request #278 from ilovepixelart/feature/pkgroll 472772d
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into feature/pkgroll 988d322
- Merge pull request #279 from ilovepixelart/dependabot-npm_and_yarn-all-dependencies-b484da3d92 d698f0b
- Update dependencies: Bump the all-dependencies group with 5 updates 6f8eec0
- Dep 36c82ec
- Clean lock bb52056
- Import 5ee7e30
- Switch to pkgroll 49ebd60
- Merge pull request #277 from ilovepixelart/dependabot-npm_and_yarn-all-dependencies-840c07ccc3 c4b9c70
- Update dependencies: Bump the all-dependencies group with 2 updates ea6ac5c
- Merge pull request #276 from ilovepixelart/dependabot-npm_and_yarn-all-dependencies-e2d4cef7ba a68ca84
- Update dependencies: Bump the all-dependencies group with 6 updates 1f8d281
- Merge pull request #275 from ilovepixelart/dependabot-npm_and_yarn-all-dependencies-8fd2c74fee 90d1369
- Update dependencies: Bump the all-dependencies group with 4 updates 3073331
- Merge pull request #274 from ilovepixelart/dependabot-npm_and_yarn-all-dependencies-10fca7b204 b8bc4d7
- Update dependencies: Bump the all-dependencies group with 3 updates 3cee387
- Update changelog for v1.7.1 c23e87d
v1.7.1 - 2025-01-19
- Biome afbb41d
- Remove unused bffab0d
- Remove unused 16fbb85
- Update changelog for v1.7.0 6b47229
v1.7.0 - 2025-01-19
- Merge pull request #273 from ilovepixelart/feature/move-all-types-to-one-file c169849
- Sort imports dc45b11
- Refactor import, export, test models 84508bf
- Convert cache options to type 1a90719
- Move all types to one file and renamed: - type IData -> CacheData - type ICacheOptions -> CacheOptions - type ICacheEngine -> CacheEngine - class CacheEngine -> Cache 8851b9a
- Update changelog for v1.6.8 8d56584
v1.6.8 - 2025-01-19
- Merge pull request #272 from ilovepixelart/feature/better-types-for-ttl c61d9e1
- Better types for TTL 85454ca
- Merge pull request #271 from ilovepixelart/dependabot-npm_and_yarn-all-dependencies-0bc38f1f4e cdb5fee
- Update dependencies: Bump the all-dependencies group with 5 updates 5f78453
- Dependabot a135c4e
- Update settings f1e2765
- Merge pull request #270 from ilovepixelart/feature/update-action-and-dep 6f3f7d3
- Action and Dep 3e003dc
- Merge pull request #267 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/mongoose-8.9.3 bbbac03
- Bump mongoose from 8.9.2 to 8.9.3 55bd4fa
- Merge pull request #268 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-22.10.5 823c518
- Merge pull request #269 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/mongodb-memory-server-10.1.3 14d27bc
- Bump mongodb-memory-server from 10.1.2 to 10.1.3 0071236
- Bump @types/node from 22.10.2 to 22.10.5 411c9ae
- Merge pull request #265 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/ioredis-5.4.2 7facf90
- Merge pull request #266 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/mongoose-8.9.2 9ee8e8d
- Bump mongoose from 8.9.0 to 8.9.2 2db95e8
- Bump ioredis from 5.4.1 to 5.4.2 85bec09
- Merge pull request #263 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-22.10.2 562a9fe
- Merge pull request #264 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/mongoose-8.9.0 5e99298
- Bump mongoose from 8.8.4 to 8.9.0 817c968
- Bump @types/node from 22.10.1 to 22.10.2 cd0b7f1
- Merge pull request #262 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/bson-6.10.1 0fd4eac
- Merge pull request #261 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/mongoose-8.8.4 8b30004
- Bump bson from 6.10.0 to 6.10.1 dd15d78
- Bump mongoose from 8.8.3 to 8.8.4 12a09cf
- Update changelog for v1.6.7 3c2df91
v1.6.7 - 2024-12-03
- Merge pull request #260 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep ff760c0
- Dep 93cda9f
- Merge pull request #259 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep f5a8ba2
- Dep 62d36fd
- Merge pull request #256 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-22.9.3 84e0e12
- Merge pull request #257 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/bson-6.10.0 f3fe5e1
- Merge pull request #258 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/typescript-5.7.2 fcb68dd
- Bump typescript from 5.6.3 to 5.7.2 8042d70
- Bump bson from 6.9.0 to 6.10.0 8194b74
- Bump @types/node from 22.9.1 to 22.9.3 fd90046
- File 2b810ac
- Merge pull request #255 from ilovepixelart/snyk-upgrade-0409fd4b367c28a88d5514ee927f3f98 f78af6b
- fix: upgrade bson from 6.8.0 to 6.9.0 7e98dba
- Merge pull request #254 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 9d3a6a4
- Dep & Coverage 1fd9ab2
- Merge pull request #253 from ilovepixelart/feature/vitest f726974
- Test 319b7c5
- Merge pull request #252 from ilovepixelart/feature/vitest 02d856c
- npm 6c73895
- Biome 0bf9013
- Server create, destroy 7cfc5a0
- Biome 989871b
- Unify, fs fallback 44e650e
- Types 7142164
- Types 6576451
- Biome cfb97ab
- Refactor b27064e
- Refactor fc1f2a6
- toBe db01da3
- Biome fix b5b88f4
- Vitest ac72099
- Doc 958d33a
- Doc 7bd8e6d
- Merge pull request #251 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/mongoose-8.8.1 c1f4e07
- Merge pull request #250 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-22.9.0 d8d481a
- Bump mongoose from 8.8.0 to 8.8.1 3095ccd
- Bump @types/node from 22.8.7 to 22.9.0 6a7f71f
- Merge pull request #248 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-22.8.7 4ef2107
- Merge pull request #249 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/mongoose-8.8.0 6dd5b2f
- Bump mongoose from 8.7.3 to 8.8.0 1c67e93
- Bump @types/node from 22.8.1 to 22.8.7 7624065
- Update changelog for v1.6.6 2382ddd
v1.6.6 - 2024-10-26
- Merge pull request #246 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 37a0af2
- Dep d8c0a00
- Merge pull request #243 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/biomejs/biome-1.9.4 8ef3716
- Merge pull request #244 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-22.7.7 89805b9
- Bump @types/node from 22.7.5 to 22.7.7 dd5d7bf
- Bump @biomejs/biome from 1.9.3 to 1.9.4 e19eedb
- Merge pull request #242 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/mongoose-8.7.2 e264412
- Bump mongoose from 8.7.1 to 8.7.2 c9e36ed
- Merge pull request #239 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/mongoose-8.7.1 3e93949
- Merge pull request #241 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-22.7.5 00729a3
- Merge pull request #240 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/typescript-5.6.3 9dd411e
- Bump @types/node from 22.7.4 to 22.7.5 1cf6f88
- Bump typescript from 5.6.2 to 5.6.3 693b60b
- Bump mongoose from 8.7.0 to 8.7.1 b31da83
- Merge pull request #238 from ilovepixelart/feature/switch-to-biome 8deb6a1
- Command f761f98
- Simplify biome config to required rules ecf033b
- Merge pull request #237 from ilovepixelart/feature/switch-to-biome 24f7b4f
- Switch to biome d1bf328
- Cleanup 66d2087
- Test for debug logs in cache 4a98e25
- Update changelog for v1.6.5 f74152c
v1.6.5 - 2024-09-21
- Merge pull request #231 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 1886957
- Dep a1937c6
- Update changelog for v1.6.4 0bc67f7
v1.6.4 - 2024-08-01
- Merge pull request #224 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep dc8b560
- Dep 900009d
- Update changelog for v1.6.3 f3cc884
v1.6.3 - 2024-07-06
- Merge pull request #214 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep d34c8fc
- Dep ed45048
- Doc 42649db
- Update changelog for v1.6.2 a25949e
v1.6.2 - 2024-06-15
- Merge pull request #208 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 81bbd44
- Doc 6fad2db
- Dep 75a5b37
- Merge pull request #207 from ilovepixelart/feature/upgrade-actions 65e97a7
- Upgrade actions 49c732b
- Merge pull request #206 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/typescript-eslint/parser-7.11.0 8781ae1
- Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 7.9.0 to 7.11.0 a299c97
- Merge pull request #202 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin-7.11.0 24183e9
- Merge pull request #205 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/mongoose-8.4.1 dad5623
- Merge pull request #204 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-20.13.0 56dce3d
- Bump mongoose from 8.4.0 to 8.4.1 ed0fc49
- Bump @types/node from 20.12.7 to 20.13.0 3614288
- Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 7.9.0 to 7.11.0 23417ad
- Update changelog for v1.6.1 66bec2f
v1.6.1 - 2024-05-18
- Merge pull request #201 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 708483f
- Dep 331728b
- Update changelog for v1.6.0 fd97423
v1.6.0 - 2024-05-10
- Merge pull request #200 from ilovepixelart/feature/test de2f1d1
- Test for populated 766d766
- Merge pull request #199 from ilovepixelart/feature/tests 9a28de6
- More tests 81dfdd8
- Merge pull request #198 from ilovepixelart/feature/serializer 12ea7f8
- Import order 42dd7a4
- Fallback to db in case serialization fails 5e95320
- Node 22 1f9798c
- Dep aba8c01
- Types 26e8a4b
- Dep 72e2ae5
- Latest major versions d171775
- Try parallel again 239419d
- Dep 62691c0
- Sequential + bson versions 4041200
- Pipeline ffc9994
- Check for all versions a9486cb
- Dep 5564204
- Dep c43e7e2
- Lint 2ff3b04
- Corner case for mongoose 6 a3341e4
- Dep 5215a13
- Dep d794831
- Serializer b146f59
- Merge pull request #193 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin-7.8.0 2c29a03
- Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 7.7.0 to 7.8.0 c369e18
- Merge pull request #194 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/typescript-eslint/parser-7.8.0 dbc3837
- Merge pull request #195 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/eslint-plugin-jest-28.3.0 1e342fd
- Merge pull request #196 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/swc/helpers-0.5.11 aefc0d3
- Merge pull request #197 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-20.12.7 934d890
- Bump @types/node from 20.12.2 to 20.12.7 25a8db9
- Bump @swc/helpers from 0.5.10 to 0.5.11 e62b766
- Bump eslint-plugin-jest from 28.2.0 to 28.3.0 2299342
- Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 7.7.0 to 7.8.0 7723e23
- Merge pull request #192 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 13eed72
- Dep 44a924e
- Update changelog for v1.5.0 aa9177b
v1.5.0 - 2024-04-01
- Eslint 6f4aea2
- Merge pull request #183 from PfisterFactor/main e1da1f1
- fix: lint again 214fb35
- Merge pull request #189 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/eslint-plugin-sonarjs-0.25.0 7a9fa42
- Bump eslint-plugin-sonarjs from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0 a454088
- Merge pull request #186 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/mongoose-8.2.4 919f735
- Merge pull request #187 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/swc/cli-0.3.12 6da6a7d
- Merge pull request #188 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/swc/helpers-0.5.8 481b6d4
- Merge pull request #190 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-20.12.2 f84e1b6
- Bump @types/node from 20.11.24 to 20.12.2 7792d7f
- Bump @swc/helpers from 0.5.7 to 0.5.8 14d4306
- Bump @swc/cli from 0.3.10 to 0.3.12 fadec48
- Bump mongoose from 8.2.3 to 8.2.4 d2c9f49
- fix: linting 414b4a5
- Merge pull request #185 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 1a1a1f3
- Dep 9282287
- Merge pull request #184 from ilovepixelart/snyk-upgrade-0cc3c149099921abc857d6f2207ebc4d ec6382e
- fix: upgrade mongoose from 8.2.0 to 8.2.1 3ed60f8
- fix: boolean check 49cf22e
- feat: add debug logging 59bd5df
- Update changelog for v1.4.7 2ebcef7
v1.4.7 - 2024-03-14
- Merge pull request #181 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 9b6afae
- tsconfig 196a371
- Dep edfe4e3
- Merge pull request #180 from ilovepixelart/feature/lint 531edee
- Lint eb152d4
- Merge pull request #179 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/swc/cli-0.3.10 4ad38ae
- Merge pull request #177 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/typescript-eslint/parser-7.1.0 6cde986
- Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 7.0.2 to 7.1.0 0eb587c
- Merge pull request #176 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-20.11.24 639fba0
- Merge pull request #178 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin-7.1.0 090792f
- Bump @swc/cli from 0.3.9 to 0.3.10 4ff420b
- Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 7.0.2 to 7.1.0 dec1024
- Bump @types/node from 20.11.20 to 20.11.24 80a8ad8
- Merge pull request #173 from ekamahuja/private-ecma-# e846475
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into private-ecma-# bc82eb9
- Skip sonar for forked PRs 9d7989f
- Merge pull request #175 from ekamahuja/installation-bun-readme 18ba561
- Added 'bun' commands to installation instructions in README.md 1331853
- Refactor: Replace private keyword with ECMAScript private fields e26d905
- Update changelog for v1.4.6 a9f621c
v1.4.6 - 2024-02-24
- Lock a389447
- Merge pull request #169 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/mongoose-8.2.0 752171b
- Merge pull request #170 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-20.11.20 a1d3f34
- Merge pull request #171 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/eslint-8.57.0 4a101a8
- Bump eslint from 8.56.0 to 8.57.0 ae10a2c
- Bump @types/node from 20.8.10 to 20.11.20 d63732c
- Bump mongoose from 8.0.0 to 8.2.0 b82efd0
- Dependabot ignore 0181902
- Merge pull request #168 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep a3d1be1
- Merge pull request #167 from ekamahuja/memor-engine-map 8f50596
- Remove eslint delete method memory engine comment cb72814
- Enhancement: Upgrade cache to use Map for improved performance e3df1e9
- Dep da387c0
- Update changelog for v1.4.5 538865a
- Merge pull request #163 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 9f37105
- Dep 3916a8f
- Merge pull request #155 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 13d99f3
- Dep 03656ba
- Update changelog for "v1.4.5" 13a3e8e
v1.4.5 - 2024-01-20
- Merge pull request #154 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 450ff32
- Dep e49aa31
- Update changelog for "v1.4.4" da6b190
v1.4.4 - 2024-01-09
- Merge pull request #152 from ilovepixelart/feature/esm-bash-and-dep 5ea3ecb
- Audit e98d515
- ESM bash and Dep d6851db
- Update changelog for "v1.4.3" ca0e4d2
v1.4.3 - 2023-12-06
- Doc ae2fee9
- Merge pull request #143 from ilovepixelart/feature/esm-support 9cdaa4a
- Doc ee606bb
- ESM support 1f2c00f
- Settings 70858d6
- System files ignore 41bcd1c
- Delimiter style for interfaces 68003aa
- Update changelog for "v1.4.2" 06cacc7
v1.4.2 - 2023-11-28
- Merge pull request #135 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 9823556
- Dep 73c0524
- Update changelog for "v1.4.1" 67a8c78
v1.4.1 - 2023-11-15
- Merge pull request #134 from ilovepixelart/feature/custom-key-for-aggregate bd4cd95
- Enable custom cache key for aggregate ff4151c
- Doc b6300b6
- Doc dad993d
- Update changelog for "v1.4.0" 8fe292c
v1.4.0 - 2023-11-12
- Merge pull request #131 from ilovepixelart/feature/tsconfig-eslint df15116
- Dep 9a8e813
- Engines 66b73a8
- Tsconfig strictest rules 64923f0
- Update changelog for "v1.3.0" a215539
v1.3.0 - 2023-11-06
- Merge pull request #130 from ilovepixelart/feature/mongoose-8 682d868
- Latest 7a5bcd8
- Doc dd80f0b
- Mongoose 8 07eb6e0
- Merge pull request #129 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 5ffeae7
- Fixed versions 04b67c6
- Dep b030219
- Merge pull request #123 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/babel/traverse-7.23.2 5201ef3
- Bump @babel/traverse from 7.22.17 to 7.23.2 8361552
- Update changelog for "v1.2.1" fd583ee
v1.2.1 - 2023-10-16
- Merge pull request #122 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 43c9973
- Dep fc808db
- Merge pull request #121 from ilovepixelart/feature/object-id-detection 4e6c111
- Certain strings get erroneously deserialised to ObjectID b045283
- Update changelog for "v1.2.0" b65a2fa
v1.2.0 - 2023-10-02
- Merge pull request #118 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 4541bc3
- Dep e805e09
- Merge pull request #110 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep b132dcb
- Monthly 992e7b6
- Dep 7b134aa
- Update changelog for "v1.1.2" 9290d14
v1.1.2 - 2023-09-01
- Merge pull request #102 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 916df05
- NodeNext 66dbe4d
- Dep df4e305
- Merge pull request #94 from pilot22/main 6a9671f
- Update README.md 440d924
- Merge pull request #93 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep e17fafb
- Dep 1c7a4b2
- Merge pull request #91 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin-6.4.0 2156674
- Merge pull request #88 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/swc/core-1.3.78 85a356f
- Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 6.3.0 to 6.4.0 e0511e1
- Bump @swc/core from 1.3.76 to 1.3.78 46c70ab
- Update changelog for "v1.1.1" 4cc4ddf
v1.1.1 - 2023-08-14
- Merge pull request #85 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 59009f3
- Dep - Update dependencies 8999ac0
- Update changelog for "v1.1.0" 6fa4781
v1.1.0 - 2023-08-05
- Merge pull request #79 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 189e3f4
- Dep + new version of swc - Remove env use target in .swcrc 47d040e
- Merge pull request #76 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/eslint-8.46.0 d6d11d1
- Merge pull request #77 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/jest-29.6.2 45f271e
- Bump jest from 29.6.1 to 29.6.2 ba66284
- Bump eslint from 8.45.0 to 8.46.0 ae317b3
- Update changelog for "v1.0.9" 73394a4
v1.0.9 - 2023-07-24
- Merge pull request #72 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep c39c013
- Dep 4350ab8
- Merge pull request #69 from ilovepixelart/feature/lint de1f96d
- Eslint strict 67dda77
- Update changelog for "v1.0.8" 56b6c8a
v1.0.8 - 2023-07-20
- Merge pull request #68 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep f4fec16
- Dep a852dcf
- Merge pull request #67 from ilovepixelart/feature/custom-key-empty-string 27204ec
- Check != null 9fd1486
- Type of string 5a4fb3e
- Test description d790d68
- Custom key empty string 79880ed
- Update changelog for "v1.0.7" 8d4ce3e
v1.0.7 - 2023-07-16
- Merge pull request #63 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep daf6776
- Ts node aa08a17
- Dep 5fb1efb
- Merge pull request #58 from ilovepixelart/snyk-upgrade-8a29cddcb70f40bb2243efa11c83881a b784814
- fix: upgrade mongoose from 6.11.1 to 6.11.2 fe5468a
- Update changelog for "v1.0.6" 1c92b67
v1.0.6 - 2023-07-04
- Merge pull request #57 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 06e9cb2
- Dep 3d3876f
- Merge pull request #55 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/eslint-8.44.0 edb1de4
- Bump eslint from 8.43.0 to 8.44.0 183a8bc
- Merge pull request #52 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-20.3.3 a885149
- Merge pull request #54 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/eslint-plugin-n-16.0.1 0df2358
- Merge pull request #56 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/swc/core-1.3.67 062be47
- Bump @swc/core from 1.3.66 to 1.3.67 6a01da3
- Bump eslint-plugin-n from 16.0.0 to 16.0.1 51d0445
- Bump @types/node from 20.3.1 to 20.3.3 d48f584
- Merge pull request #51 from ilovepixelart/snyk-upgrade-28ddc4ad3cc15b5ccaf3efbf4c8efe08 12f1c00
- fix: upgrade mongoose from 6.10.5 to 6.11.1 e94b5cc
- Merge pull request #50 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/fast-xml-parser-and-aws-sdk/credential-providers-4.2.5 f94d51d
- Merge pull request #46 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/swc/core-1.3.66 d25909e
- Merge pull request #44 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/eslint-8.43.0 730dc1b
- Merge pull request #49 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin-5.60.1 9918498
- Bump fast-xml-parser and @aws-sdk/credential-providers 565a529
- Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.59.11 to 5.60.1 f360866
- Bump eslint from 8.42.0 to 8.43.0 e83cedb
- Merge pull request #48 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/eslint-plugin-jest-27.2.2 4a11f94
- Bump eslint-plugin-jest from 27.2.1 to 27.2.2 53e086d
- Bump @swc/core from 1.3.62 to 1.3.66 dedaba1
- Merge pull request #41 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/typescript-eslint/parser-5.59.11 1530df4
- Merge pull request #40 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-20.3.1 0314799
- Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.59.9 to 5.59.11 a7aa637
- Bump @types/node from 20.2.5 to 20.3.1 f70db9f
- Merge pull request #43 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin-5.59.11 dcab8c5
- Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.59.9 to 5.59.11 e3b41f6
- Update changelog for "v1.0.5" 427b286
v1.0.5 - 2023-06-09
- Merge pull request #36 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 723a84b
- Sonar cloud latest version, settings for vscode fdffdf1
- Dep 4d68f53
- Merge pull request #35 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 5cc9e34
- Dep eca2a0a
- Merge pull request #34 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/typescript-5.1.3 1947bb2
- Bump typescript from 5.0.4 to 5.1.3 2a337d6
- Merge pull request #33 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/swc/core-1.3.62 990a7a5
- Merge pull request #31 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/jest-29.5.2 25ced59
- Merge pull request #30 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/eslint-8.42.0 f7c9eda
- Bump @swc/core from 1.3.61 to 1.3.62 be64cb2
- Bump @types/jest from 29.5.1 to 29.5.2 5e4001a
- Bump eslint from 8.41.0 to 8.42.0 4900965
- Merge pull request #29 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 124df0e
- Dep 9b1b0b9
- Merge pull request #24 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-20.2.5 bb9388c
- Merge pull request #23 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/swc/core-1.3.60 008f11c
- Merge pull request #22 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/typescript-eslint/parser-5.59.7 6d86a7d
- Bump @types/node from 20.2.3 to 20.2.5 000a98b
- Bump @swc/core from 1.3.59 to 1.3.60 f3d3509
- Bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 5.59.6 to 5.59.7 f62a530
- Merge pull request #21 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/eslint-8.41.0 bdffee1
- Merge pull request #20 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/swc/core-1.3.59 02e51e1
- Merge pull request #18 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-20.2.3 b3da66e
- Bump eslint from 8.40.0 to 8.41.0 01e08b5
- Bump @swc/core from 1.3.58 to 1.3.59 0bc14d7
- Bump @types/node from 20.1.7 to 20.2.3 dacefb5
- Update changelog for "v1.0.4" 9fadca3
v1.0.4 - 2023-05-17
- Merge pull request #17 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep c13843f
- Dep 370436d
- Merge pull request #15 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/swc/core-1.3.58 c405297
- Merge pull request #16 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-20.1.4 a56a146
- Bump @types/node from 20.1.3 to 20.1.4 051256c
- Bump @swc/core from 1.3.57 to 1.3.58 96ba39c
- Merge pull request #13 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 97f21a6
- Dep 186fb1b
- Merge pull request #12 from ilovepixelart/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/types/node-20.1.0 e819e8f
- Bump @types/node from 18.16.3 to 20.1.0 ce3c4d9
- Merge pull request #11 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 24363c5
- Dep eb57f13
- Update changelog for "v1.0.3" 343521a
v1.0.3 - 2023-05-03
- Type for simplicity
- Lean with hydration of dates and ids
- Distinct hydration of dates and ids
- Apply args for callbacks
- Some tests to cover above
- Doc 6b5d1c7
- Merge pull request #10 from ilovepixelart/feature/apply 6184e24
- Lint 17d03e2
- Fixes - Type for simplicity - Lean with hydration of dates and ids - Distinct hydration of dates and ids - Apply args for callbacks - Some tests to cover above c363e2b
- Update changelog for "v1.0.2" e04dc70
v1.0.2 - 2023-05-02
- Release 36e67ed
- Merge pull request #9 from ilovepixelart/feature/test 4b850da
- Fix rehydration scenario for lean objects 25e2caf
- Test 820d958
- Merge pull request #8 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep b0fcbef
- Dep 66e8265
- Doc 49a26ad
- Update README.md 61c4494
- Update changelog for "v1.0.1" cc5c31e
v1.0.1 - 2023-04-30
- Dep e67c1e3
- Dep cc8ebd2
- Merge pull request #5 from ilovepixelart/feature/remove-dependency 39cba89
- Dep 9a3e0bb
- Remove dependency 811df42
- Cache npm 0298794
- Key e9b19a5
- Update changelog for "v1.0.0" 777e8c1
v1.0.0 - 2023-04-29
- Doc dcaa81f
- Cleanup bd95d5e
- Description 2f18d42
- Description 4115926
- Doc 684cbbd
- Merge pull request #4 from ilovepixelart/feature/test 33a5d0c
- Test 962f8b1
- Doc 0b7286a
- Merge pull request #3 from ilovepixelart/feature/dep 165321e
- Dep bbd94bf
- Update changelog for "v0.0.6" c184433
v0.0.6 - 2023-04-28
- Key b27f663
- Hydration cases aec2d0b
- Update changelog for "v0.0.5" 92756a9
v0.0.5 - 2023-04-27
- Doc 11f0282
- Doc 6dc537d
v0.0.4 - 2023-04-27
- Merge pull request #2 from ilovepixelart/feature/aggregate 40ed36b
- Test 5af6586
- Refactor hashing bc291de
- Cleanup 6f48f36
- Test 2df4b5e
- Aggregate 7d87eb7
v0.0.3 - 2023-04-27
- Doc 796d8ae
v0.0.2 - 2023-04-27
- Doc 3a1a96e
- Features 546f96d
- Merge pull request #1 from ilovepixelart/feature/cache-engine c1e2adc
- Redis localhost 73e000f
- Redis pipeline 6897e9d
- Redis 001b158
- More tests 90f01f4
- Redis test 39fb0f5
- Cache bug fix ttl, more tests 8761c96
- Doc c745179
- Cache engine - Close underlying connection - Regis cache options support - Delete old in memory cache - Test for redis be18959
- Name 3c9b736
- Dep dfca630
- Dep 63ee84f