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File metadata and controls

224 lines (179 loc) · 16 KB

How to use

    // read about it in the LineChartData section
  swapAnimationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 150), // Optional
  swapAnimationCurve: Curves.linear, // Optional

Implicit Animations

When you change the chart's state, it animates to the new state internally (using implicit animations). You can control the animation duration and curve using optional swapAnimationDuration and swapAnimationCurve properties, respectively.


PropName Description default value
lineBarsData list of LineChartBarData to show the chart's lines, they stack and can be drawn on top of each other []
betweenBarsData list of BetweenBarsData to fill the area between 2 chart lines []
titlesData check the FlTitlesData FlTitlesData()
extraLinesData ExtraLinesData object to hold drawing details of extra horizontal and vertical lines. Check ExtraLinesData ExtraLinesData()
lineTouchData LineTouchData holds the touch interactivity details LineTouchData()
rangeAnnotations show range annotations behind the chart, check RangeAnnotations RangeAnnotations()
showingTooltipIndicators show the tooltip based on provided list of LineBarSpot, The point is that you need to disable touches to show these tooltips manually []
gridData check the FlGridData FlGridData()
borderData check the FlBorderData FlBorderData()
minX gets minimum x of x axis, if null, value will read from the input lineBars (But it is more performant if you provide them) null
maxX gets maximum x of x axis, if null, value will read from the input lineBars (But it is more performant if you provide them) null
baselineX defines the baseline of x-axis 0
minY gets minimum y of y axis, if null, value will read from the input lineBars (But it is more performant if you provide them) null
maxY gets maximum y of y axis, if null, value will read from the input lineBars (But it is more performant if you provide them) null
baselineY defines the baseline of y-axis 0
clipData clip the chart to the border (prevent drawing outside the border) FlClipData.none()
backgroundColor a background color which is drawn behind th chart null
rotationQuarterTurns Rotates the chart 90 degrees (clockwise) in every quarter turns. This feature works like the RotatedBox widget 0


PropName Description default value
show determines to show or hide the bar line true
spots list of FlSpot's x and y coordinates that the line go through it []
color color of the line [Colors.redAccent]
gradient You can use any Gradient here. such as LinearGradient or RadialGradient null
barWidth gets the stroke width of the line bar 2.0
isCurved curves the corners of the line on the spot's positions false
curveSmoothness smoothness radius of the curve corners (works when isCurved is true) 0.35
preventCurveOverShooting prevent overshooting when draw curve line on linear sequence spots, check this issue false
preventCurveOvershootingThreshold threshold for applying prevent overshooting algorithm 10.0
isStrokeCapRound determines whether start and end of the bar line is Qubic or Round false
isStrokeJoinRound determines whether stroke joins have a round shape or a sharp edge false
belowBarData check the BarAreaData BarAreaData
aboveBarData check the BarAreaData BarAreaData
dotData check the FlDotData FlDotData()
showingIndicators show indicators based on provided indexes []
dashArray A circular array of dash offsets and lengths. For example, the array [5, 10] would result in dashes 5 pixels long followed by blank spaces 10 pixels long. The array [5, 10, 5] would result in a 5 pixel dash, a 10 pixel gap, a 5 pixel dash, a 5 pixel gap, a 10 pixel dash, etc. null
shadow It drops a shadow behind your bar, see Shadow. Shadow()
isStepLineChart If sets true, it draws the chart in Step Line Chart style, using lineChartStepData. false
lineChartStepData Holds data for representing a Step Line Chart, and works only if [isStepChart] is true. LineChartStepData()
errorIndicatorData Holds data for representing an error indicator (you see the error indicators if you provide the xError or yError in the FlSpot). ErrorIndicatorData()


PropName Description default value
stepDirection Determines the direction of each step, could be between 0.0 (forward), and 1.0 (backward) LineChartStepData.stepDirectionMiddle


PropName Description default value
fromIndex index of the first LineChartBarData inside LineChartData (zero-based index) required
toIndex index of the second LineChartBarData inside LineChartData (zero-based index) required
color color of the area [Colors.blueGrey]
gradient You can use any Gradient here. such as LinearGradient or RadialGradient null


PropName Description default value
show determines to show or hide the below, or above bar area false
color color of the below, or above bar area [Colors.blueGrey]
gradient You can use any Gradient here. such as LinearGradient or RadialGradient null
spotsLine draw a line from each spot the the bottom, or top of the chart BarAreaSpotsLine()
cutOffY cut the drawing below or above area to this y value (set applyCutOffY true if you want to set it) null
applyCutOffY determines should or shouldn't apply cutOffY (scutOffY should be provided) false


PropName Description default value
show determines show or hide the below, or above spots line true
flLineStyle a FlLine object that determines style of the line [Colors.blueGrey]
checkToShowSpotLine a function to determine whether to show or hide the below or above line on the given spot showAllSpotsBelowLine
applyCutOffY Determines to inherit the cutOff properties from its parent BarAreaData true


PropName Description default value
show determines to show or hide the dots true
checkToShowDot a function to determine whether to show or hide the dot on the given spot showAllDots
getDotPainter a function to determine how the dot is drawn on the given spot _defaultGetDotPainter
PropName Description default value
enabled determines to enable or disable touch behaviors true
mouseCursorResolver you can change the mouse cursor based on the provided FlTouchEvent and LineTouchResponse MouseCursor.defer
touchTooltipData a LineTouchTooltipData, that determines how show the tooltip on top of touched spots (appearance of the showing tooltip bubble) LineTouchTooltipData
getTouchedSpotIndicator a callback that retrieves list of TouchedSpotIndicatorData by the given list of LineBarSpot for showing the indicators on touched spots defaultTouchedIndicators
touchSpotThreshold the threshold of the touch accuracy 10
distanceCalculator a function to calculate the distance between a spot and a touch event _xDistance
handleBuiltInTouches set this true if you want the built in touch handling (show a tooltip bubble and an indicator on touched spots) true
getTouchLineStart controls where the line starts, default is bottom of the chart defaultGetTouchLineStart
getTouchLineEnd controls where the line ends, default is the touch point defaultGetTouchLineEnd
touchCallback listen to this callback to retrieve touch/pointer events and responses, it gives you a FlTouchEvent and LineTouchResponse null
longPressDuration allows to customize the duration of the longPress gesture. If null, the duration of the longPressGesture is kLongPressTimeout null


PropName Description default value
tooltipBorder border of the tooltip bubble BorderSide.none
tooltipBorderRadius background corner radius of the tooltip bubble BorderRadius.circular(4)
tooltipPadding padding of the tooltip EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16, vertical: 8)
tooltipMargin margin between the tooltip and the touched spot 16
tooltipHorizontalAlignment horizontal alginment of tooltip relative to the spot
tooltipHorizontalOffset horizontal offset of tooltip 0
maxContentWidth maximum width of the tooltip (if a text row is wider than this, then the text breaks to a new line 120
getTooltipItems a callback that retrieve list of LineTooltipItem by the given list of LineBarSpot defaultLineTooltipItem
fitInsideHorizontally forces tooltip to horizontally shift inside the chart's bounding box false
fitInsideVertically forces tooltip to vertically shift inside the chart's bounding box false
showOnTopOfTheChartBoxArea forces the tooltip container to top of the line false
getTooltipColor a callback that retrieves the Color for each touched spots separately from the given LineBarSpot to set the background color of the tooltip bubble Colors.blueGrey.darken(15)


PropName Description default value
text text string of each row in the tooltip bubble null
textStyle TextStyle of the showing text row null
textAlign TextAlign of the showing text row
textDirection TextDirection of the showing text row TextDirection.ltr
children List pass additional InlineSpan children for a more advance tooltip null


PropName Description default value
indicatorBelowLine a FlLine to show the below line indicator on the touched spot null
touchedSpotDotData a FlDotData to show a dot indicator on the touched spot null


PropName Description default value
bar the LineChartBarData that contains a spot null
barIndex index of the target LineChartBarData inside LineChartData null
spotIndex index of the target FlSpot inside LineChartBarData null


PropName Description default value
bar the LineChartBarData that contains a spot null
barIndex index of the target LineChartBarData inside LineChartData null
spotIndex index of the target FlSpot inside LineChartBarData null
distance distance to the touch event null


PropName Description default value
lineBarSpots a list of TouchLineBarSpot null


PropName Description default value
showingSpots Determines the spots that each tooltip should be shown. null

some samples

Sample 1 (Source Code)

Sample 2 (Source Code)

Sample 3 (Source Code)

Sample 4 (Source Code)

Sample 5 (Source Code)

Sample 6 - Reversed (Source Code)

Sample 7 (Source Code)

Sample 8 (Source Code)

Sample 9 (Source Code)

Sample 10 (Source Code)

Sample 11 (Source Code)