- You have created multiple png images (maps for example) named with same prefix name and ending with "_xxxx.png" where xxxx is the number of the image.
- You can concatenate them with ffmpeg to create a movie using Laurent Brodeau's tool climporn. Here is how to do it on Jean Zay:
- On JZ, load the ffmpeg module:
module load ffmpeg
- Install Laurent's tool from git (do it once for all):
git clone https://github.com/brodeau/climporn.git
- Go to the directory where you have archived your png images and use the umage2mp'.sh script:
/path-where-you-installed-climporn/climporn/ffmpeg/images2mp4.sh -i imageprefixname_ -f 4
The -f option defines the frame rate (frame per seconds).
For more options just run the script to get its manual:
basename: missing operand
Try 'basename --help' for more information.
USAGE: images2mp4.sh -i <common_prefix_image_files> (options)
Available options are:
-t: format of images (default='png')
-h: height (pixels) of video to create (default='1080')
-c: codec for video (default='x264)' [x264, x265, ...]
-f: input framerate == images per second (default='25')
-C: CRF value, 0 is lossless and 51 worse possible (default='20') [ffmpeg default=23]
-p: preset for encoding (default='medium') [fast, medium, slow, veryslow]
-v: video format (default='mp4') [mp4,webm,...]
-d: frequency for dropping frames (ex: -d 2 would speed up video by 2 by dropping every other frame)
-D: directory (path) in which to create the video if elsewhere than current directory
-n: number of threads (default='1')
-P: pixelized! when scaling, apply nearest point interpolation!
- Copy the created mp4 file on your local machine to play it