a collection of code examples to work with InLoox.ODataClient nuget package https://www.nuget.org/packages/InLoox.ODataClient/
- Enter your credentials username/password. Please note, this is an example and you shouldn't save your credentials in clear text. Better use environment variables / config files.
- Update endpoint to InLoox endPoint. For InLoox now use https://app.inlooxnow.de or https://app.inlooxnow.com for InLoox Enterprise Version (Saas) use your iis url
The example loads the first 10 documents from https://app.inlooxnow.com with custom field 'DocTest' set to true and updates the status field.
The following custom field is required to run:
Name: DocTest
Place: Document
Type: Checkbox
First, create a custom field named DocTest under options->General->Custom Fields
Second, open up a project and go to the document section. Upload a new file or open an exisiting one.
The custom fields section of the file dialog shows the new field to check.
Now, run the InLooxNowOdataClient example. After a few seconds the checked documents should show an updated status entry
Creates a task with description and updates the name
Creates a user and adds an authentication entry