- Contact us with any problems at support@innovationsforlearning.org
- In an email, please send us the following info: Laptop version, iTunes version, Device type and version
- Mac Laptop
oriPad mini
for Teacher Notepad, Practice Station, and Partner StationiPod
, or separateiPad
for Student Small Group
- On your laptop, open iTunes
- Make sure iTunes is open on the laptop into which you are downloading
- Visit this link for TeacherMate - Teacher Notepad
- Visit this link for TeacherMate - Practice Station
- Visit this link for TeacherMate - Student Small Group
- Visit this link for TeacherMate - Partner Station
- Double-click the
to install into iTunes
- Double-click the
to install into iTunes - Double-click the
to install into iTunes - Double-click the
to install into iTunes
- Connect your iOS device to your laptop