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Mithril infrastructure

This is a work in progress 🛠️

This infrastructure creates an ad hoc Mithril network on Google Cloud platform


Install Terraform

  • Install terraform tools (latest stable version).

Create a new environment

If you want to run this terraform automation for multiple environments from the same source, you need to create a new workspace:

  • Create en env variable:
  • Create the terraform worspace if needed:
terraform workspace new $DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT
  • Switch to the terraform worspace if needed:
terraform workspace select $DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT
  • Init terraform state for this workspace:
terraform init
  • Create a terraform variable file (and then add the variable values that you want to set):
touch env.$DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT.tfvars

⚠️ You can also add a custom variable value by using the cli arg -var "var_name=**THE_VALUE**"

  • Lint terraform deployment (optional):
terraform fmt -check
  • Plan terraform deployment:
terraform plan --var-file=env.$DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT.tfvars
  • Apply terraform deployment:
terraform apply --var-file=env.$DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT.tfvars

You should see this output from terraform:

aggregator_endpoint = "https://aggregator.**"
api_subdomain = "**"
external-ip = ""
google_project = "mithril"
name_servers = tolist([

You will need to update the NS records of the API sub domain given by api_subdomain with the name servers listed in name_servers.

Destroy an environment

  • Destroy terraform deployment (optional):
terraform destroy --var-file=env.$DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT.tfvars

Bootstrap a Genesis Certificate (test only)

⚠️ This operation will reset and invalidate the current Certificate Chain

The commands to run when bootstrapping is:

  • Open a bash terminal on the VM and run the following command once connected:
docker exec mithril-aggregator /app/bin/mithril-aggregator -vvv genesis bootstrap


The Mithril infrastructure comes with some scripts that help handle common tasks.


This script is mainly used by the GitHub Actions workflows in the terraform deployments.

Script Description Usage Extract a public key from a GCP credentials file and adds it to an authorized ssh_keys file for a specific user. ./ credentials.json ssh_keys username


These scripts are used to create and maintain a Cardano Stake Pool Operator (SPO) on a Mithril network, for Tests only.

Connect to the VM and select the Cardano node and the Mithril signer node:

# Show debug output
export DEBUG=1

# Select Cardano network
export NETWORK=preview

# Select Cardano node
export CARDANO_NODE=cardano-node-relay-signer-1

# Select Mithril signer node
export SIGNER_NODE=mithril-signer-1

In order to create a stake pool from scratch:

  • Create keys with
  • Register the stake address of the pool with
  • Register the stake pool with

In order to query a stake pool information:

  • Query the stake pool with

In order to maintain the stake pool:

  • Renew the operational certificate of the stake pool with

In order to retire a stake pool:

  • Retire a stake poool with
Script Description Usage Script for creating keys for a Cardano pool (SPO) GENESIS_FILE=**YOUR_SHELLEY_GENESIS_FILE** ./tools/pool/ Script for querying info about a Cardano pool (SPO) ./tools/pool/ Script for registering stake address of a Cardano pool (SPO) TX_IN=**YOUR_TX_IN** ./tools/pool/ Script for registering a Cardano stake pool (SPO) GENESIS_FILE=**YOUR_SHELLEY_GENESIS_FILE** TX_IN=**YOUR_TX_IN** SIGNER_DOMAIN=**YOUR_SIGNER_DOMAIN_NAME** POOL_TICKER=**YOUR_TICKER** ./tools/pool/ Script for renewing Operational Certificate for a Cardano pool (SPO) ./tools/pool/ Script for retiring a Cardano pool (SPO) TX_IN=**YOUR_TX_IN** VALUE_OUT=**YOUR_VALUE_OUT** ./tools/pool/


These scripts are used to fast bootstrap the genesis cerificates of a Mithril network, for Tests only. The principle is to antedate the databases of the signers and aggregators so that we can bootstrap then a valid genesis certificate.

⚠️ This process is experimental and recommended for expert users only.

Script Description Usage Script for antedating an aggregator database to run after the first signer registration (create fake 2 previous epochs with current epoch data for stake, verification_key and protocol_parameters) ./tools/genesis/ Script for antedating a signer database to run after the first signer registration (create fake 2 previous epochs with current epoch data for stake, protocol_initializer) ./tools/genesis/ Script for updating the content of the genesis certificate in the aggregator database ./tools/genesis/ Script for adding a Pool Id to an existing stake distribution in the aggregator database ./tools/genesis/ Script for adding a Pool Id to an existing stake distribution in the signer database ./tools/genesis/

Here is an example process to fast bootstrap a Mithril network on preview with 2 signer nodes:

# Set env var
export NETWORK=preview

# Check that all cardano nodes are synced
docker exec mithril-aggregator /app/bin/cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic $NETWORK_MAGIC
docker exec mithril-signer-1 /app/bin/cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic $NETWORK_MAGIC
docker exec mithril-signer-2 /app/bin/cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic $NETWORK_MAGIC

## Clean signer db
sqlite3 data/$NETWORK/mithril-signer-1/mithril/stores/signer.sqlite3 "DELETE FROM protocol_initializer; DELETE FROM stake;"
sqlite3 data/$NETWORK/mithril-signer-2/mithril/stores/signer.sqlite3 "DELETE FROM protocol_initializer; DELETE FROM stake;"

## Clean aggregator db
sqlite3 data/$NETWORK/mithril-aggregator/mithril/stores/aggregator.sqlite3 "DELETE FROM certificate; DELETE FROM single_signature; DELETE FROM verification_key; DELETE FROM snapshot; DELETE FROM stake;"

## Restart nodes
docker restart mithril-aggregator
docker restart mithril-signer-1
docker restart mithril-signer-2

## If with certified signer
### Create certified signer and retrieve its pool id
CARDANO_NODE=cardano-node-signer-1 SIGNER_NODE=mithril-signer-1 POOL_TICKER=MSI01 ./tools/pool/
CARDANO_NODE=cardano-node-signer-1 SIGNER_NODE=mithril-signer-1 POOL_TICKER=MSI01 ./tools/pool/
CARDANO_NODE=cardano-node-signer-1 SIGNER_NODE=mithril-signer-1 POOL_TICKER=MSI01 ./tools/pool/

CARDANO_NODE=cardano-node-signer-2 SIGNER_NODE=mithril-signer-2 POOL_TICKER=MSI02 ./tools/pool/
CARDANO_NODE=cardano-node-signer-2 SIGNER_NODE=mithril-signer-2 POOL_TICKER=MSI02 ./tools/pool/
CARDANO_NODE=cardano-node-signer-2 SIGNER_NODE=mithril-signer-2 POOL_TICKER=MSI02 ./tools/pool/

## If with certified signer
### Update stake distribution with new pool ids
#### This is not completely working: you will have to wait for one epoch before going to the next step
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-aggregator $(cat ./data/$NETWORK/mithril-signer-1/cardano/pool/pool_id.txt) 100000000123456
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-signer-1 $(cat ./data/$NETWORK/mithril-signer-1/cardano/pool/pool_id.txt) 100000000123456
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-signer-2 $(cat ./data/$NETWORK/mithril-signer-1/cardano/pool/pool_id.txt) 100000000123456

./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-aggregator $(cat ./data/$NETWORK/mithril-signer-2/cardano/pool/pool_id.txt) 100000000123456
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-signer-1 $(cat ./data/$NETWORK/mithril-signer-2/cardano/pool/pool_id.txt) 100000000123456
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-signer-2 $(cat ./data/$NETWORK/mithril-signer-2/cardano/pool/pool_id.txt) 100000000123456

## Wait until stake distribution is updated and signer is registered
docker logs -f --tail 250 mithril-aggregators
docker logs -f --tail 250 mithril-signer-1
docker logs -f --tail 250 mithril-signer-2

## Run fast genesis scripts
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-aggregator
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-signer-1
./tools/genesis/ $NETWORK mithril-signer-2

## Bootstrap genesis certificate
docker exec mithril-aggregator /app/bin/mithril-aggregator -vvv genesis bootstrap

## Update genesis certificate to previous epoch
### Select current genesis certificate in the aggregator database
sqlite3 data/$NETWORK/mithril-aggregator/mithril/stores/aggregator.sqlite3 "SELECT * FROM certificate;"

### Recompute the genesis certificate hash
Run the following Rust snippet (see below)

### Update the current genesis certificate of the aggregator database

Snippet code to re-compute a valid genesis certificate:

### Add this test to the mithril-common/src/crypto_helper/ file and run the test
fn update_genesis_certificate() {
    use crate::entities::Certificate;

    let certificate_json = "**YOUR_GENESIS_CERTIFICATE**";
    let mut certificate: Certificate = serde_json::from_str(certificate_json).unwrap();
    certificate.beacon.epoch -= 1;
    certificate.hash = certificate.compute_hash();