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Mithril-relay CI workflow Discord


Do not use in production 🔥


This is a work in progress 🛠

The Mithril relay is an experimental implementation of a relay for Mithril signer and aggregator which supports partial P2P network layer for a Mithril network.


  • Install the latest stable version of the correctly configured Rust toolchain.

  • Install Build Tools build-essential and m4. For example, on Ubuntu/Debian/Mint, run sudo apt install build-essential m4.

  • Install OpenSSL development libraries. For example, on Ubuntu/Debian/Mint, run apt install libssl-dev

Download the source file

Download the source file from GitHub (HTTPS):

git clone

Or (SSH):

git clone

Switch to the desired branch/tag:

# Replace **YOUR_BUILD_BRANCH_OR_TAG** with the appropriate branch or tag name
# Please refer to the **Build from** column of the **Mithril networks** table above
git checkout **YOUR_BUILD_BRANCH_OR_TAG**

Change the directory:

cd mithril/mithril-relay

Development testing and building

Run tests:

make test

Create the help menu:

make help

Generate the Rust documentation:

make doc

Release the build and run the binary

Build only in release mode:

make build

Display the help menu:

./mithril-relay --help

You should see:

This program is a relay for Mithril nodes.

Usage: mithril-relay [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  aggregator  Run a relay for a Mithril aggregator
  signer      Run a relay for a Mithril signer
  passive     Run a passive relay (just a peer in the P2P network)
  help        Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

      --run-mode <RUN_MODE>
          Run Mode [env: RUN_MODE=] [default: dev]
  -v, --verbose...
          Verbosity level (-v=warning, -vv=info, -vvv=debug)
      --config-directory <CONFIG_DIRECTORY>
          Directory where configuration file is located [default: ./config]
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version

Run a relay for an aggregator:

./mithril-relay aggregator --listen-port **P2P_LISTEN_PORT** --aggregator-endpoint **AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINT** --dial-to **OTHER_P2P_PEER_TO_CONNECT_TO**

Run a relay for a signer:

./mithril-relay signer --server-port **HTTP_SERVER_LISTENING_PORT** --listen-port **P2P_LISTEN_PORT** --aggregator-endpoint **AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINT** --dial-to **OTHER_P2P_PEER_TO_CONNECT_TO**

Run a passive relay:

./mithril-relay passive --dial-to **OTHER_P2P_PEER_TO_CONNECT_TO**

If you wish to delve deeper and access several levels of logs from the Mithril client, use the following:

  • Add -v for some logs (WARN)
  • Add -vv for more logs (INFO)
  • Add -vvv for even more logs (DEBUG)
  • Add -vvvv for all logs (TRACE)

Run a Docker container

Registry image

A list of available images on the registry can be found here.

To prepare the environment variables, retrieve the values from the above Mithril networks table.


Here is an example configuration for the release-preprod network and the latest stable Docker image:

export MITHRIL_IMAGE_ID=latest

Proceed by creating a shell function for the Mithril relay:

mithril_relay () {

Now you can use the mithril_relay functions:

# 1- Help
mithril_relay --help

# 2- Aggregator
mithril_relay aggregator

# 3- Signer
mithril_relay signer

# 4- Passive
mithril_relay passive

Local image

Build a local Docker image:

make docker-build

Run a local Docker container:

make docker-run


Here are the subcommands available:

Subcommand Performed action
aggregator Runs a relay for a Mithril aggregator
signer Runs a relay for a Mithril signer
passive Runs a passive relay (just a peer in the P2P network)

Configuration parameters

The configuration parameters can be set in either of the following ways:

  1. In a configuration file, depending on the --run-mode parameter. If the runtime mode is testnet, the file is located in ./conf/testnet.json.

  2. The value can be overridden by an environment variable with the parameter name in uppercase.

Here is a list of the available parameters:

Parameter Command line (long) Command line (short) Environment variable Description Default value Example Mandatory
verbose --verbose -v VERBOSE Verbosity level - Parsed from the number of occurrences: -v for Warning, -vv for Info, -vvv for Debug and -vvvv for Trace ✔️
run_mode --run-mode - RUN_MODE Runtime mode dev - ✔️

aggregator command:

Parameter Command line (long) Command line (short) Environment variable Description Default value Example Mandatory
listen_port --listen-port - LISTEN_PORT P2P peer listening port 0 9090 ✔️
dial_to --dial-to - DIAL_TO P2P peer address to connect to (not needed for first peer) - /ip4/ -
aggregator_endpoint --aggregator-endpoint - AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINT Aggregator node endpoint - ✔️

signer command:

Parameter Command line (long) Command line (short) Environment variable Description Default value Example Mandatory
listen_port --listen-port - LISTEN_PORT P2P peer listening port 0 9090 ✔️
dial_to --dial-to - DIAL_TO P2P peer address to connect to (not needed for first peer) - /ip4/ -
server_port --server-port - SERVER_PORT HTTP server listening port 3132 8181 ✔️
aggregator_endpoint --aggregator-endpoint - AGGREGATOR_ENDPOINT Aggregator node endpoint - ✔️

passive command:

Parameter Command line (long) Command line (short) Environment variable Description Default value Example Mandatory
listen_port --listen-port - LISTEN_PORT P2P peer listening port 0 9090 ✔️
dial_to --dial-to - DIAL_TO P2P peer address to connect to (not needed for first peer) - /ip4/ -