- removed captures of stderr and stdout from pybpodapi
- allow bpod to list modules without hardware physically being connected, for testing
- additional terminal logging removed
- additional error messaging for soundcard module
- first IBL release
- flattened git submodule structure to a single module
- removed a multitude of abandoned packages
- mogrified all png files
- simplified logging
- python v3.8 support
- modern pandas python package support
- github actions automated pypi package publishing
- pybpod-gui-plugin (v1.8.2)
- Changed 'Skip all trials' button to 'Stop'
- Changed 'Stop trial' button to 'Skip trial'
- pybpod-gui-plugin-emulator (v0.1.5)
- Update button names
- pybpod-api (v1.8.1)
- Fixed global_timer output actions for GlobalTimerTrig
- Fixed default send_events value on set_global_timer to 1 (as expected in the Bpod firmware)
- PyBpod's version number is now shared between the main packages of PyBpod (pybpod, pybpod-api, pybpod-gui-api and pybpod-gui-plugin).
- pybpod-api (v1.8.0)
- Fixed several documentation related issues
- Updated documentation
- Add support to kill a task or skip all trials to run_state_machine
- pybpod-gui-api (v1.8.0)
- Documentation fixes
- Add support to kill tasks
- pybpod-gui-plugin (v1.8.0)
- Add support to kill tasks (updated Subject and Setup panels)
- Fixed bug where bpods that weren't connected were removed from the list when refreshed
- Fixed Task selection on setup panel being active while running a protocol
- Fixed issue#51 (Behaviour ports were being reset in every load)
- pybpod-gui-plugin-emulator (v0.1.4)
- Add task kill button to UI
- Reordered the “Test Protocol IO” button in the UI
- pybpod-gui-plugin-rotaryencoder (v0.1.4)
- Added support for enabling/disabling moduleOutputStream in the GUI
- pybpod-gui-plugin-soundcard (v0.1.6)
- Added libusb backend support
- Increased timeout duration on read
- Fixed a problem with the setup requirements
- Fixed a problem with pybpod-gui-plugin-waveplayer.
- Requirements for PyBpod now point to specific package versions to ease upgrades
- pybpod-api (updated to v1.6.4)
- Fixed problem with bad indexing when accessing modules in _bpodcom_module_write
- pybpod-gui-plugin-waveplayer (v1.0)
- Corrected version number in the package and PyPi
- pybpod-gui-plugin (updated to v1.6.2)
- Fixed png that was creating a warning on PyBpod initialization
- Now it points correctly to the master branch
- pyforms-gui (updated to v4.901.2)
- Version update so that PyPI considers a new version and the updates mentioned in v1.7.2 release are applied.
- pybpod-alyx-module (updated to v1.1.1)
- Removed unnecessary requests package requirement
- pybpod-gui-plugin-emulator (v0.1.3)
- Fixed override messages not being sent properly on Windows
- Fix for pause not working
- pybpod-rotaryencoder-module (v0.1.1)
- Fix for version override which would present always as version 0
- pybpod-soundcard-module (v0.1.5)
- Added bumpversion support to this module
- The pybpodgui_plugin_session_history is now pointing to the master branch as it should (v1.4.1)
- Fixed problem with wrong pybpod-alyx-module version (now it is v1.1)
- Python base version changed to v3.6.6
- Conda environment files are now more coherent between Windows and Linux
- pybpod-api (updated to v1.6.3)
- Data from interrupted trials are ignored
- Added new trigger_input message to manually override inputs and trigger events
- Fixed manual override of output channels
- Fixed problem with GlobalTimers that were writing to the wrong indexes
- Added new 'message' options to send serial messages to the modules connected to BPod's State Machine
- pybpod-gui-api (updated to v1.2.2)
- Setups ran through a subject are now ran correctly
- Added PYBPODGUI_API_AUTO_SAVE_PROJECT_ON_RUN option to user_settings
- ScriptCmds are now executed as subprocesses
- pybpod-gui-plugin (updated to v1.6.1)
- Fixed bug when subject were added to setups when canceling the confirmation dialog
- Subject window now works properly and with the same options as within the setup (run, pause, detach from GUI option)
- Fixed path problem in Pre and Post commands on Windows that prevented to run Pre and Post commands properly.
- pyforms-gui (updated to v4.9.2)
- Code Editor now is presented properly on Windows
- Normalized font labels size
- pybpod-alyx-module (updated to v1.1)
- Import of Alyx subjects now allows to ignore all existing subject or replace all
- Subjects that are dead, are now removed automatically from the list
- New modules and plugins
- pybpod-soundcard-module (v0.1.4). More details on this module in: https://pybpod-soundcard-module.readthedocs.io/
- pybpod-gui-plugin-emulator (v0.1). More details on this module in: https://pybpod-gui-plugin-emulator.readthedocs.io/en/v0.1.0/