To run a demo for private tokens (without docker containers) do the following:
- your machine has SGX support
- Intel SGX SDK installed.
- rust toolchain is ready to build substrate
in terminal 1 run a substraTEE-node
git clone https://github.com/scs/substraTEE-node
cd substraTEE-node
git checkout tags/M5.2
cargo build --release
./target/release/substratee-node --dev --ws-port 9979 --rpc-port 9969
in terminal 2, run the worker
git clone https://github.com/scs/substraTEE-worker
cd substraTEE-worker
git checkout tags/M5.2
cd bin
RUST_LOG=info ./substratee_worker -p 9979 worker
in terminal 3, run the client
cd substraTEE-worker/bin
./substratee_client --node-ws-port 9979
Then you should see this in terminal 3:
*** Getting the amount of the registered workers
[<] Found 1 workers
[>] Getting the first worker's from the substraTEE-node
[<] Got first worker's coordinates:
W1's public key : "5Gkzji8EtE1hTjVzTmZXWqrs6sqcHcbCooGqVH7iRRuxdnar"
W1's url: ""
[>] Get the shielding key from W1 (=5Gkzji8EtE1hTjVzTmZXWqrs6sqcHcbCooGqVH7iRRuxdnar)
[<] Got worker shielding key Rsa3072KeyPair: { n:CF67550FB00AB959A76219EA35188B360380037123FCAA77B683A791A1F980331F9D9E11D04C7F5FB3B63787F8AAB579FDFFE1DCE79A29B6ACED2628635C8463965D5D839BD58072AA77B8CAE124E40562955FE9936DAE2976CD57B41A2DE89EEDBF9DA77C155365E8BB45DCA1E0EC3B32604D9489712762BE63B3D1F04801D796887F70115BFDD440450A04BFE81DEE7BE718F56F766E6B0C2D9DE270583C4DFBA64FD59B4DE39C07977F1FD2956588DDBF73987EECB5BB303AF2115C4E72879C5EC69B7CD5C00DAEF9F9B062B40ADA16984C574246C8AB882A79D2E1C2F597C1017FBA69D7449BAD85ADE822D92A775DB1766F21C886E762C3E260390B72C82515F1D48FD190059B419C639E3688BCC2070E9CDB6BDDD49202B7296EA2AB01EA2D3AC2990C5078446582A4C03194BBF8D7E557B4503FF4645C053D7288398C79781F642F3A8D399195E6D2E6F74B434791D881BC97BAA0F0B228BD031C40E357BC61644E68CC40F3E08BDCBBD92E306FA9353FAEA05FDCBFCF4729FECC008C, e:01000001 }
[+] Alice's Incognito Pubkey: 5Dt1Wg85pXGLstt36t6TDdvXXoCtG6zkUL17KkyVaPYSrzGH
[+] Bob's Incognito Pubkey: 5GTTq4EnvMk4oTXYJp2kqTd2T9hbnARuee5awLiKFKsxWgRy
[+] pre-funding Alice's Incognito account (ROOT call)
[+] Subscribed, waiting for event...
[+] Received confirm call from 5Gkzji8EtE1hTjVzTmZXWqrs6sqcHcbCooGqVH7iRRuxdnar
[+] query Alice's Incognito account balance
got getter response from worker: Ok("State is 1000000")
[+] query Bob's Incognito account balance
got getter response from worker: Ok("State is 0")
*** incognito transfer from Alice to Bob
[+] Subscribed, waiting for event...
[+] Received confirm call from 5Gkzji8EtE1hTjVzTmZXWqrs6sqcHcbCooGqVH7iRRuxdnar
[+] query Alice's Incognito account balance
got getter response from worker: Ok("State is 900000")
[+] query Bob's Incognito account balance
got getter response from worker: Ok("State is 100000")
Alice wants to transfer 100k tokens privately to Bob. She doesn't use her substraTEE-node account for this as the transfer would be publicly visible.
Instead, she creates an incognito account and she keeps her account secret (also the public key). This account will never hit the substraTEE-node blockchain transparently.
The Demo God then gives Alice some initial Balance of 1M.
Bob also creates an incognito account and tells Alice (and only her) his public key.
Alice now uses SubstraTEE's shielded transaction feature to send 100k to Bob.
- block diagram
- sequence diagram