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Assignment #1 - due date: Apr 7, 2020 EOD.

What to turn in: a single .fsx script that contains your solutions to all exercises. Be sure to add comments with the exercise numbers and any other details you think will help evaluating your code.

Numbers, sequences/lists, mapping, filtering, folding (15 points)

  1. Write a function that determines whether a number is even or odd. Example: IsEven 12 -> true. (1 point)

  2. Filter a list of numbers to find all even ones. Example: FindEvenNumbers [1 .. 10] -> [2; 4; 6; 8; 10]. (1 point)

  3. Calculate the sum of the first 100 even numbers. (1 point)

  4. Find the difference between the sum of the squares of all even and odd numbers between 1 and 100. (2 points)

  5. Write a function that computes every other character in a string. Example: "Hello" -> ["H"; "l"; "o"]. (2 points)

  6. Use the Sieve of Erathostenes to find all prime numbers from 2 to a given number. Example: FindAllPrimesUpTo 10 -> [2; 3; 5; 7] (3 points)

  7. Compute the sum of the differences between consequtive prime numbers smaller than a given number. Example: SumPrimeDifferencesUpTo 1000 -> some number. (2 points)

  8. Write a function to find the nth prime number. Example: FindNthPrime 50 -> ... (3 points)

Records (10 points)

Given the following type to represent people and a list of such people as (people: Person list):

type Person =
        FirstName: string
        LastName: string
        Age: int
  1. Find the sum of all people's ages. (1 point)

  2. Find all people above a given age. Example: FindPeopleAbove 50 people -> [...]. (1 points)

  3. Compute the average age in a given list of people. Example: FindAverageAge people -> 45.3. (1 points)

  4. Compute a new people list with first and last names interchanged. (2 points)

  5. Implement a "marriage name change" algorithm that takes a list of (old last name, new last name) pairs and returns a new people list. Example: ApplyMarriage [("Smith", "Johnson"); ("Williams", "Jones")] people -> [...]. (3 points)

  6. Extend the original Person type with a gender and enhance ApplyMarriage to only rename females. (2 points)

Discriminated unions (10 points)

Given the original Person record in the previous group of exercises, and the following Employee type to represent employee hierarchies (a team leader manages a team of people, a manager manages a list of teams) in an imaginary software company:

type Employee =
    | Developer of Person
    | TeamLeader of Person * Person list
    | Manager of Person * Person list list

let org : Employee list = ...

You may need to use Set or Map. These allow you to represent collections with unique elements, and key-value stores, respectively.

  1. Find the person who manages the largest single team. Example: FindPersonWithLargestTeam org -> .... (2 points)

  2. Find those team leaders or managers that have people older than themselves in their teams. Signature: FindLeadersWithOlderTeamMembers: Employee list -> Employee list. (3 points)

  3. Modify FindLeadersWithOlderTeamMembers to implement FindLeadersWithTeamMembersOlderThan: int -> Employee list -> Employee list. (2 points)

  4. Find all people who are in multiple teams. Example: FindPeopleInMultipleTeams org -> [...]. (3 points)

Functions, recursion (5 points)

  1. Write a tail recursive fib function. (2 points)

  2. Explain why we prefer tail recursive functions to non-tail recursive ones. (3 points)

Extra credit (7 points)

Given the following type to represent basic arithmetic expressions with variables:

type Expr =
    | Var of string
    | Number of float
    | Sum of Expr * Expr
    | Diff of Expr * Expr
    | Mult of Expr * Expr
    | Div of Expr * Expr
  • Implement an evaluator function. Signature: Eval: env:Map<string, float> -> Expr -> float. (2 points)

  • Implement a function that substitutes the values of given variables into an expression. Signature: Subst: (string, float) list -> Expr -> Expr. (2 points)

  • Implement a renderer for expressions that correctly account for operator precedence (so it uses parentheses where necessary). Signature: PrettyPrint: Expr -> string. (3 points)

More extra credit (8 points)

  • Implement queues and stacks as a new data type. Be sure to read up on defining classes with members.