When joining and interacting with our Open Source Discord server we kindly ask that you follow our Code of Conduct at all times.
- Please do not directly message other members of this server unless they explicitly allow you to do so
- No advertising of products or services
- This excludes linking to other repos, articles, blogs and discussing other open source projects - we ❤️ open source
- Swearing/cursing is allowed to a reasonable degree provided its not intended as harassment as per our Code of Conduct
- Please keep library specific discussions to their appropriate category and topic e.g.
React Native Firebase
- When asking for help ensure you provide as much info as possible about your issue e.g. platform(s), versions, error stacks etc - you'll most likely get an answer quicker
- Asking for help for the same thing in multiple channels is not ok - please be patient
- If you've accidentally posted in the wrong channel you can delete the message on Discord (Three Dots Icon > Delete)
Please report any instances of abuse, harrasment, or otherwise unacceptable behavior by contacting the us at oss@invertase.io or by directly messaging an Invertase member on Discord (names are indicated with yellow text on the members list).