The fetchprices.js program retrieves prices from the Nord Pool power exchange and the Entso-E European power market. Provided the power tariffs and VAT are correctly set, the program calculates the user's gross price per kWh, as well as the spot price including VAT as shown below.
"hourly": [
"startTime": "2024-07-22T11:00:00",
"endTime": "2024-07-22T12:00:00",
"spotPrice": 0.3559,
"gridFixedPrice": 0.1925,
"supplierFixedPrice": 0.0542
In addition, a daily summary is provided.
"daily": {
"minPrice": 0.2904,
"maxPrice": 0.3717,
"avgPrice": 0.3438,
"peakPrice": 0.359,
"offPeakPrice1": 0.3141,
"offPeakPrice2": 0.3576
The program fetches new prices daily from the Nord Pool power exchange. There are several parameters that can be adjusted to customize the program's behavior. Below is the part of the configuration file relevant to getprices.js. Make sure to include a space after the colon ( : ) if parameters are changed.
The default scheduling method is the node-schedule module. This is enabled by setting the runNodeSchedule parameter to true. The program will then run continuously. Control of the program is managed through the scheduleHours and scheduleMinutes parameters.
The default paramers are:
runNodeSchedule: true
scheduleHours: [13,14]
scheduleMinutes: [6,11,16,21]
scheduleEuMinutes: [5]
Users who prefer to use node-schedule can ensure the program runs continuously by using PM2 ( or a similar program.
When the program starts, it will create the ./data directory and fetch the first set of prices, then calculate the prices.
The keepDays parameter determines how many days of price data are kept. This is set to 7 days, but can be changed to fewer or more days.
Those who prefer to use cron to run the program, can do so by setting the runNodeSchedule parameter to false. In the example, the program is run half an hour past the hours 15, 17, 19, 21, 23. This increases the chances of fetching data even if data from the Nordic power exchange is unavailable at a given time. The program's path must be set to the directory where ElWiz is installed.
30 15,17,19,21,23 * * * cd /your/program/path/ && ./fetchprices.js
The local currency can be EUR, DKK, NOK or SEK. This is set in the priceCurrency parameter.
priceCurrency: NOK
It is also important to specify the correct region. This information is available from the network owner. For Sweden, Finland, and Denmark, the options are:
# [SE1, SE2, SE3, SE4, FI, DK1, DK2]
# [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
For Norway, the options are:
[Oslo, Kr.sand, Bergen, Molde, Tr.heim, Tromsø]
[ 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
It's important to use the number that corresponds to the region. For Oslo, it's 8.
priceRegion: 8
To get correct price calculations, it is important to enter the prices listed in the local power company's invoice. The invoice prices consist of a fixed price and a price per kWh for both the network owner and the power company. For the following parameters, you can choose to enter prices with or without VAT. If you enter net prices, the VAT rate must be entered in the supplierVatPercent parameter. In the example below, the power company delivers electricity at the spot price + a surcharge of 9 NOK per month. Here, VAT of 25% is already included. supplierVatPercent is therefore set to 0.0. The surcharge of 9 NOK is distributed over the number of hours in a month. The spot price from the Nordic power exchange is added VAT and included in the result.
supplierKwhPrice: 0.0
supplierMonthPrice: 9.0
supplierVatPercent: 0.0
spotVatPercent: 25.0
The network owner's price in the example below is 0.4454 per kWh. Additionally, the network owner charges a fixed price per day of 6.66 NOK, which is then distributed over the number of hours in a day. Here, prices are also already inclusive of VAT, so gridVatPercent is set to 0.0
gridKwhPrice: 0.4454
gridDayPrice: 6.66
gridVatPercent: 0.0
# The rest of the configuration is only valid
# for the "fetchprices" program
# Days to keep data files
keepDays: 7
# Windows users without cron may want to use
# the "node-schedule" module.
# Set the following to "true" if that is the case.
# Cron users should set it to "false".
runNodeSchedule: false
# The following recommended scheduling
# will try to fetch prices 10 minutes past
# the scheduleHours. The same scheduling is
# recommended for cron users
scheduleHours: [15,17,19,21,23]
scheduleMinutes: [30]
# Your local supplier's price information
# Setting computePrices false for
# only returning naked spot prices (no VAT)
computePrices: false
# Use the same currency as your local supplier
# The following currencies are available:
priceCurrency: NOK
# The following regions are available.
# Sweden, Finland, Denmark
# [SE1, SE2, SE3, SE4, FI, DK1, DK2]
# [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
# Norway
# [Oslo, Kr.sand, Bergen, Molde, Tr.heim, Tromsø]
# [ 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
# Find your region and insert here.
# Ask your local supplier if in doubt.
priceRegion: 8
# Spot prices from Nordpool are without VAT
# and VAT needs to be added
spotVatPercent: 25.0
# Change the following values according
# to your electric power supplier's invoice
# Different price models may require changes to the program
# You will most likely find your prices on your supplier's invoices
supplierKwhPrice: 0.0
supplierMonthPrice: 0.0
supplierVatPercent: 0.0
# Network cost
gridKwhPrice: 0.0
gridDayPrice: 0.0
gridVatPercent: 0.0