This IPFS-related repository has been archived, and all issues are therefore frozen. If you want to ask a question or open/continue a discussion related to this repo, please visit the official IPFS forums.
We archive repos for one or more of the following reasons:
- Code or content is unmaintained, and therefore might be broken
- Content is outdated, and therefore may mislead readers
- Code or content evolved into something else and/or has lived on in a different place
- The repository or project is not active in general
Please note that in order to keep the primary IPFS GitHub org tidy, most archived repos are moved into the ipfs-inactive org.
If you feel this repo should not be archived (or portions of it should be moved to a non-archived repo), please reach out and let us know. Archiving can always be reversed if needed.
Project health metrics
This is a status board for the github repositories within the IPFS organization. It displays build health, and other measures that we care about internally.
Check out the latest here:
Hosted on IPFS!
Simply clone this repo.
To recompile continuously, and start a development server with hot reloading:
npm run dev
To build minified javascript for production:
npm run build
To deploy this, after merging any new PRs, follow these steps:
- Have an ipfs daemon running:
ipfs daemon
- Kill your
npm run dev
script if you happen to have it running. npm install && npm prune
npm run publish
. This should open the published page on the gateway.- Pin the hash:
ipfs pin add <hash>
- Pin the hash to the gateways, on IRC:
!pin <hash>
- Post the hash and url to
If you would like to contribute code to this repository, please dive in! Check out the issues. Clicking the banner above will lead you to the general IPFS community contribute guidelines, if you would like to contribute in other ways.
If you would like to have your repository listed here, please move it to the IPFS organization. If you are not part of the organization, ask someone if you can join, or fork this project and set it up for your own repositories.