We try to use Semantic Versioning and some sort of Kanban in our software development processes as much as possible. The issues are grouped into milestones and most of the times will be labeled as: Feature, Bug, Task.
A milestone can be either a Release or a Hotfix. A Release must increment the MINOR version number and usually corresponds to the work (issues) done in 1 sprint. A Hotfix must increment the PATCH version number and usually contains Bug fixes. We name milestones prefixing the name with the word Release or Hotfix accordingly.
If you're in our organization and have rights to push to this repository, we recommend creating a branch per issue using the following naming conventions:
- Start the branch name with the issue number, i.e.: 23-fix-logout-error.
- If the issue is labeled with Feature add
after the issue number, i.e.: 23-feature-login-with-facebook. - If you need to do some work specific for a release or a hotfix create a corresponding branch, i.e.: release-v0.5.0 or hotfix-v0.5.1
If you don't have rights to push directly to this repo but still want to contribute, just send us a pull request to master, explaining in it what issues it solves.
Always try to write meaningful commit messages referencing/closing issues.
We use master for our main/default branch. When a pull request is accepted, we rebase it to master so we can keep a linear history. When we have code ready to be release to "production", we create an annotated tag git tag ...
which can be seen in the releases section of this repo. This section also serves as our CHANGELOG.
A Task is something that is not complex enough to be defined as a Feature. For example, changing a text, fixing a typo, or other relatively minor tasks.
Last but not least, stop using git pull