ROS2-TMS is an IoRT (Internet of Robotic Things) library for TMS (Town Management System), which is the management system of an informationally structured environment (ISE). ROS2-TMS is newly constructed on the basis of ROS-TMS and adopts the state-of-the-art robot middleware, ROS2. This system integrates various information gathered by distributed sensors, stores them to an on-line database, plans proper service tasks, and manages and executes robot motion.
Wiki page :
ROS2-TMS is being developed as a part of "MyIoT Store" in "MyIoT Project" supported by the Cabinet Office (CAO), Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP), “An intelligent knowledge processing infrastructure, integrating physical and virtual domains” (funding agency: NEDO).
Date : 2020.06.17 (since 2019.2.14 ROS2-TMS / since 2012.5.1 ROS-TMS / since 2005.11.1 TMS)
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64BIT
ROS2 Dashing Diademata
mongodb 4.0
pymongo 3.5.1