This project is made to encourage practicing sports such as volleyball, swimming, push ups, pull ups and so on. Here you will find an implementation of Restful API (Server) & libGdx Android (Client) App.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment notes from below on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Deployment can be done on Windows/Linux/Mac OS with these components installed:
To setup the database you first need to install a Postgresql server link. After you've installed it add the bin folder to your Path system variable.Then access command prompt and change your directory to the folder with the db dump.
>cd <path_to_dump>
After you have completed the installation you can login as a postgtres user like so
psql postgres -U postgres
If you have already "motivision" database then run:
Now you can create the database by running the following command
After that try running this command
>psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres motivision
And restore the database with
motivision=# \i cleanDump.sql
If you want to run server as a .jar file from terminal just write:
cd /motivision/api/
Linux/Mac OS:
To run it as a .war read following:
Tutorial (google):
Tutorial (motivision):
Deployment can be done on Windows/Linux/Mac OS with these components installed:
You can build apk in Android Studio following instruction:
Apk will be saved in following directory:
To build jar in Android Studio just press on Gradle menu from the right corner and then double click on "dist" gradle task:
Executable jar will be saved in following directory:
Where you will find /get_XXX - then it's a GET method request Request Method in "Test,Item" Controllers is GET Where you will find /delete_XXX - then it's a DELETE method request Other requests has POST method
* Get team info request
* Used to get team info by teamId
* @param teamId - id of the team to get data
* @return if such team exist return Json info about the team
* @return if no such team exist return Json fail message
* */
* Get team members request
* Used to get a list of all team members
* @param teamId - team to search characters in
* @return status - failed if no such team exist
* @return status - success if request was successful
* @return teamMembers - null if no teamMembers
* @return teamMembers - list of all teamMembers
* */
* Create team request
* Used to create new team and add default 6 activities to it
* @param name - team name
* @param logo - team logo
* @param battleFrequency - team battleFrequency
* @return status failed if team name already exists
* @return status failed if somehow default activities are not present
* @return status success if team was successfully created
* */
* Delete team request
* Used to delete a team by teamId
* @param teamId - team for deletion
* @return status failed if no such team exists
* @return status success if team was deleted successfully
* */
* Update team request
* Used to update a team by teamId
* @param teamId - team for updating
* @param teamLogo - new team logo
* @param battleFrequency - new battle frequency
* @param lock - lock or unlock a team
* @return status failed if no such team exists
* @return status success if team was deleted successfully
* */
* Team exist request
* Used to check if a team exists by teamName
* @param teamName - team name for deletion
* @return status failed if no such team exists
* @return status succes with teamId and with lock status if team is locked
* */
* Login controller
* Used to login to database with a valid username and password
* @param login - user login
* @param password - user password
* @return Json data
* */
* Register player controller
* Used to register a new player in the database
* with a unique name
* @param login - user login to register
* @param password - user password to register
* @return status - failed if no data was provided
* @return status - success and playerId if player was registered
* */
* Check if player exist controller
* Used to check if a player exist in the database
* @param login - login to check in the database
* @return message false if player doesn't exist
* @return message true if player does exist
* */
* Create character request
* @param playerId - player for which to create character
* @param teamId - team for the character to be in
* @param headType - character headType
* @param bodyType - character bodyType
* @param gender - character gender
* @param characterName - character name
* @param isAdmin - map character as team leader in teamId team
* @return Json data with status success and newly created characterId
* @return if everything went well and status failed and message if something
* @return went wrong
* */
* Get character request
* @param characterId - Id of the required character
* @return Json data containing status being failed if no
* @return such character was found in database and being success
* @return if character was found
* @return All info on character:
* @return characterId, characterName, playerId, teamId,
* @return isAdmin, headType, bodyType, gender, items
* @return items - null if character has no items
* @return items - list where each element contains item
* @return data if character has items
* */
* Delete character request
* @param characterId - Id of the character for deletion
* @return status - failed, message - no such character exist if
* @return no character with characterId was found and
* @return status - success if character with characterId was successfully deleted
* */
* Character exist request
* @param characterName - name of the character for database search,
* @return status - success, message - true if character exists
* @return status - success, message - false if character doesn't exists
* */
* Get items request
* @param characterId - character for items search
* @return status - failed if no such character exist
* @return status - success items - null if character
* @return exists but has no items
* @return Items list if character exists and has items
* */
* Delete item request
* @param characterId - character to delete an item from
* @param itemId - item for deletion
* @return status - failed if no such character exists
* @return status - failed if the character already doesn't have the Item
* @return status - success if the item was deleted successfully
* */
* Buy item request
* @param charId - character that buys the item
* @param itemId - Item to be bought
* @return status - failed if no such character exist
* @return status - failed if no such item exist
* @return if the item was bought then status success and
* @return character pays points equivalent to item price
* */
* Unequip item request
* @param characterId - character that unequips the item
* @param itemId - Item to be unequiped
* @return status - failed if no such character exist
* @return status - failed if no such item exist
* */
* Equip item request
* @param characterId - character that equips the item
* @param itemId - Item to be equiped
* @return status - failed if no such character exist
* @return status - failed if no such item exist
* */
* Get player if such player request
* @param playerId - player to be found
* @return status - failed if no such player exist
* @return status - succes if player found and returns all data
* */
* Delete player request
* Used to delete player and all player characters
* If a character is team admin then the team will be deleted as well
* and thus all the characters inside that team
* @param playerId - Player to delete
* @return status - failed if the player was not found
* @return status - success if the player was deleted successfully
* */
* Get points request
* Used to get the points of a character
* @param characterId - Character to check the amount of points
* @return status - failed if the character was not found
* @return status - success if the character has int value of points
* */
* Do activity request
* Used as a points adding system when activity is done
* @param characterId - character for points adding
* @param activityId - team activity that the player already did
* @return status - failed if character not found
* @return status - failed if activity not found
* @return status - success if points were assigned successfully
* */
* Get activity request
* Used to get a list of all team activities
* @param teamId - team to search activities in
* @return status - failed if no such team exist
* @return status - success if request was successfull
* @return teamActivities - null if no activities
* @return teamActivities - list of all activities
* */
* Delete activity request
* @param activityId - Id of the activity for deletion
* @param teamId - Id of the team where activity will be deleted
* @return status - failed if no such team with teamId exist
* @return status - success if activity with activityId was successfully deleted
* */
* Create activity request
* Used to create a new activity for our team
* @param teamId - team for new activity creation
* @param activityName - new activity name
* @param activityReward - new activity reward
* @return status - failed if no such team exist
* @return status success if activity was created
* */
* Update activity request
* Used to update a new activity data for our team
* @param teamId - team for new activity data updating
* @param activityId - activity to be updated
* @param activityReward - reward for updated activity
* @return status - failed if no such team exist
* @return status success if activity was updated
* */
* Test request
* Used to ping connection
* @return status - success if got connection
* */
* Get item request
* Used to get an item by itemId
* @param itemId - item to get
* @return status - failed if the item was not found
* @return status - success and itemPrice if the item was found
* */
* Get item price request
* Used to get items price for shop
* @return status - success and items array
* @return itemId and itemPrice
* */