- Purvesh: I worked on the front end development for the super market website. I worked on fethching and displaying the products on the home page of the website. Also, developed a page which can be opened by clicking on a product on the home page that displays individual product details.
- Anuj: I worked in developing user interface for creating new user cart, adding, updating and removing products from user cart. Also setup server and adatabase on aws.
- Isha: This week due to some roadblocks I shifted my project from cassandra to mongodb, so I recreated all the web services for mongodb and set the mongo database on aws cloud. I also implemented session management and password encryption for user sessions.
- Ritika: I have implemented inter-dependecy services with different domains. I hosted my application and mongodb server on AWS.
- Shantagouda This week i worked on consuming other webservices data into Neo4j Database. Created web services to dynamically create Nodes and Relationships whenever the user performs some activity.
- Purvesh: I will work on developing the separate pages for products of different categories and will also start working on setting up the MongoDB cluster on the AWS.
- Anuj: I will be working on developing user interface for cart and user management in shared shopping cart.
- Isha: In this week I will work on frontend pages of login and registration and will try to set up the mongodb cluster on AWS.
- Ritika: In this week, I will complete front-end part of my domain and also, create replicas for mongodb clusters.
- Shantagouda: I will work on setting up Neo4j clusters on AWS and test the functionality of Recommendation system once it is running on AWS.
- Purvesh: No challenges/blockers at the moment.
- Anuj: No challenges/blockers at the moment.
- Isha: Setting cassandra cluster on AWS free tier.
- Ritika: Replicating and clustering mongodb along with the connection to my app server.
- Shantagouda: No Challenges or Blockers at the moment.