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Lemonymous edited this page Nov 21, 2022 · 5 revisions

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Easy Edit Editors:

Easy Edit will enable several editors, added to the same menu where you change all other mod loader features, accessed from the [Mod Content] button on the Into the Breach main menu screen.

In the List Editors you can change the lists the game has available to pick from when starting a new run. After exiting an editor, all the changes you have made will be saved and applied immediately. No restart is required (unless the world editor has warning symbols on it).

In the Island Editor you can change the lists that will be used to spawn items on each island.

In the World Editor you can change which island will spawn in which location.

Note: If there are any missing items in any lists (from disabled mods for instance), the lists will not be applied in an attempt to prevent crashes


List Editors

Functionality Description
Create New List Click the button -> type a name -> hit enter to create a new empty list
Drag-Drop Drag items from the right area to an item list, or between lists to build your lists. Drop items anywhere else to remove them
Ctrl Holding ctrl when clicking an item will copy it, making it possible to copy items more easily between lists
Reset Clicking a list's reset button will reset lists that have been created with code, or delete lists that have been created with the Create New List button
Default This button will reset everything the current editor back to default without any prompt

Note: The titled lists don't determine what can spawn on that island. They are just the names of the lists. See the Island Editor to edit which lists each island will use, and the World Editor to edit which island will spawn in which location

Enemy List Editor

Has all the functionality of a List Editor, but for enemies, with the following additions:

  • Core: The basic 3 Vek that spawn on each island Ex: Firefly, Scorpion
  • Unique: The Vek that get added on islands 2-4 Ex: Beetle, Crab
  • Bots: The robots that will be used on Pinnacle
  • Leaders: The Vek that show up in the final island slot, usually Psions, not to be confused by Vek Bosses


Boss List Editor

Same as Enemy List Editor, but for bosses, with the following additional information:

  • Finale I: A unique list, with possible bosses that can spawn in phase one of the final mission
  • Finale II: A unique list, with possible bossses that can spawn in phase two of the final mission

Note: The Finale I and Finale II lists are special lists that cannot be selected in the Island Editor


Structure List Editor

Same as Enemy List Editor, but for structures, with the following additional information:


Mission List Editor

Same as Enemy List Editor, but for missions, with the following additional information:

  • High Threat: The missions selected that are considered a high threat
  • Low Threat: THe missions selected that are considered a low threat


Structure List Editor

  • Core: Determines which structures will spawn for a core reward
  • Rep: Determines which structures will spawn for a reputation reward
  • Power: Determines which structures will spawn for a grid/power reward


Island Editor

In this editor you can change the lists that will be used to spawn items on each island.

Item Description
New Island Click the button -> type a name -> hit enter to create a new empty island
Reset Each island has a reset button, which if clicked will reset islands that have been created with code, or delete islands that have been created with the New Island button
Default This button will reset everything the current editor back to default without any prompt
Ceo Change the Ceo for the island
Corporation Change the corporate pilot for the island
Island Change the island graphics for the island
Tileset Change the tileset for missions for the island
Enemy List Change the Enemy List for the island
Boss List Change the Boss List for the island
Mission List Change the Mission List for the island
Structure List Change the Structure List for the island

Note: A restart is required for island art to change. Enter the World Editor and make sure none of the islands have any warning indicator on them after changing island art


World Editor

Determines which 4 islands the game will have on the island select screen. Drag and drop islands from the right scroll bar to change them.

Note: A restart is required for island art to change. If any of the islands have a warning indicator, you must restart the game for the art changes to take effect


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