👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍
The following is a small set of guidelines for contributing to Privacy Board Game. These are mostly guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.
- Code of Conduct
- Reporting Bugs
- Suggesting Enhancements
- Translate to your language
- Start with an issue
This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to contato@itidigital.org.
We are human and we fail! Things can go wrong, or outdated with time. You can help us keep everything up!
- Make sure the bug has been previously reported in the issues list. If you do not go to the next step.
- Not reported? Okay, login or create an account on GitHub.
- Now, go to New issue add the main title of the bug in a few words and add your comment by describing the bug and this should include relevant links. Ready to go?! Click on "Submit new issue".
- Ready! Waiting for updates!
New ideas and improvements are welcome, let's start ?!
- Make sure the enhancement has been previously reported in the issues list. If you do not go to the next step.
- Not reported before? Okay, login or create an account on GitHub.
- Now, go to New issue add the main title of the enhancement in a few words and add your comment by describing the enhancement and this should include relevant links. Ready to go?! Click on "Submit new issue".
- Ready! Waiting for updates!
Our localization efforts are on the POEditor platform, an intuitive, simple and efficient localization software. It is very simple to start:
- Go to POEditor Privacy Board Game
- Mark the language you want to start, if you do not see your language click on "Click here to suggest a new language".
- Add your email address and your name.
- Click on "Join this project", you can also login using Facebook, Google Plus and GitHub.
You will receive an activation e-mail message and in addition to activating your account, you will see a step-by-step tutorial in page to use the localization tool and start translating instantly. If you need, see the support and FAQ pages.
We really appreciate your support translating this game, this will enable people in your region to learn about privacy and security in their own local languages.
Our project is open to contributions!
All the tasks are open for contribution, they are documented through our issues, milestones and projects panel!
Want to start? Choose one of the areas to see our open tasks and choose one!