diff --git a/data/games/rpg/rpg_designers.json b/data/games/rpg/rpg_designers.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c0d7babe --- /dev/null +++ b/data/games/rpg/rpg_designers.json @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +{ + "description": "List of role-playing game designers.", + "source": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_role-playing_game_designers", + "rpgs":[ + "Peter Adkison", + "Aaron Allston", + "Terry Amthor", + "Sandy Antunes", + "Dave Arneson", + "Chris Avellone", + "Wilf K. Backhaus", + "D. Vincent Baker", + "Keith Baker", + "Meguey Baker", + "Richard Baker", + "Cam Banks", + "M. A. R. Barker", + "Wolfgang Baur", + "Anders Blixt", + "Brian Blume", + "R. Sean Borgstrom", + "Emily Care Boss", + "Brenda Brathwaite", + "Mike Breault", + "Bill Bridges", + "Anne Brown", + "Timothy Brown", + "Jennifer Brozek", + "Phil Brucato", + "Jason Bulmahn", + "Rich Burlew", + "Brian Campbell", + "Mike Carr", + "Michele Carter", + "Marcelo Cassaro", + "Frank Chadwick", + "Coleman Charlton", + "Bob Charrette", + "Deborah Teramis Christian", + "Bill Coffin", + "Andy Collins", + "David Cook", + "Monte Cook", + "Sue Weinlein Cook", + "Bruce Cordell", + "Greg Costikyan", + "N. Robin Crossby", + "Liz Danforth", + "Richard Dansky", + "Graeme Davis", + "Julie Ann Dawson", + "Jesse Decker", + "Tim Dedopulos", + "Jeff Dee", + "Marcelo Del Debbio", + "Troy Denning", + "Dennis Detwiller", + "Joe Dever", + "Michael Dobson", + "Darrin Drader", + "Ann Dupuis", + "Ron Edwards", + "Pete Fenlon", + "Nigel Findley", + "John M. Ford", + "Mark Galeotti", + "Richard Garfinkle", + "Marc Gascoigne", + "Lee Gold", + "Joseph Goodman", + "Andrew Greenberg", + "Daniel Greenberg", + "Ed Greenwood", + "Jeff Grubb", + "Gary Gygax", + "Neal Hallford", + "David A. Hargrave", + "Jess Hartley", + "Robert Hatch", + "Andria Hayday", + "Bruce Heard", + "Rob Heinsoo", + "Steve Henderson", + "Shane Lacy Hensley", + "Keith Herber", + "Tracy Hickman", + "Fred Hicks", + "Kenneth Hite", + "John Eric Holmes", + "Miranda Horner", + "Conrad Hubbard", + "Casey Hudson", + "Paul Hume", + "Steve Jackson", + "Steve Jackson", + "James Jacobs", + "Matt James", + "Jennell Jaquays", + "Harold Johnson", + "Tim Kask", + "Steve Kenson", + "Adam Koebel", + "Jeff Koke", + "Rick Krebs", + "Heike A. Kubasch", + "Christopher Kubasik", + "Robert J. Kuntz", + "Lenard Lakofka", + "Robin D. Laws", + "Ken Lightner", + "Nicole Lindroos", + "Ian Livingstone", + "Steve Long", + "James Lowder", + "Mark C. MacKinnon", + "Jeff Mackintosh", + "Ari Marmell", + "Julia Martin", + "Colin McComb", + "Angel Leigh McCoy", + "Elizabeth McCoy", + "Anne Gray McCready", + "Mike Mearls", + "Frank Mentzer", + "Marc W. Miller", + "Steve Miller", + "Kim Mohan", + "Tom Moldvay", + "Erik Mona", + "James A. Moore", + "Roger E. Moore", + "Jenna K. Moran", + "Jason Morningstar", + "Graeme Morris", + "Douglas Niles", + "Clinton R. Nixon", + "David Noonan", + "Kate Novak", + "Mike Nystul", + "Steffan O'Sullivan", + "Blaine Pardoe", + "Steve Perrin", + "Sandy Petersen", + "John R. Phythyon, Jr.", + "Jon Pickens", + "Mike Pohjola", + "Mike Pondsmith", + "Greg Porter", + "Chris Pramas", + "Anthony Pryor", + "David L. Pulver", + "Sean Punch", + "Jean Rabe", + "John D. Rateliff", + "Mark Rein·Hagen", + "Sean K. Reynolds", + "Ken Rolston", + "Aaron S. Rosenberg", + "S. John Ross", + "Marcus Rowland", + "Ken St. Andre", + "R.A. Salvatore", + "Carl Sargent", + "Steven Schend", + "Mike Selinker", + "Kevin Siembieda", + "Scott Sigler", + "Edward E. Simbalist", + "Bill Slavicsek", + "John Snead", + "Lucien Soulban", + "Michael Stackpole", + "Greg Stafford", + "Lisa J. Steele", + "Owen K.C. Stephens", + "Greg Stolze", + "Richard Tucholka", + "Jonathan Tweet", + "John Scott Tynes", + "Chad Underkoffler", + "Monica Valentinelli", + "Michael J. Varhola", + "Allen Varney", + "James Wallis", + "James M. Ward", + "Darren Watts", + "Frederick Weining", + "Margaret Weis", + "Jean Wells", + "David Wesely", + "John Wick", + "Chris Wiese", + "Skip Williams", + "Walter Jon Williams", + "Lynn Willis", + "Steve Winter", + "Loren Wiseman", + "Teeuwynn Woodruff", + "Erick Wujcik", + "James Wyatt", + "Mike Young" + ] +} diff --git a/data/games/rpg/rpg_games.json b/data/games/rpg/rpg_games.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b41b148d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/games/rpg/rpg_games.json @@ -0,0 +1,863 @@ +{ + "description": "List of role-playing games.", + "source": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_role-playing_games", + "rpgs":[ + "13th Age", + "2300 AD", + "3D&T", + "7th Sea", + "9th Generation", + "A Game of Thrones", + "A Penny for My Thoughts", + "A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying", + "Aberrant", + "Aces & Eights: Shattered Frontier", + "Active Exploits", + "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons", + "Advanced Fighting Fantasy", + "Adventure!", + "Adventure!", + "Adventures in Fantasy", + "Adventures in Middle-earth", + "After The Bomb", + "Aftermath!", + "Age of the Tempest", + "Agone", + "Albedo", + "Aliens Adventure Game", + "All Flesh Must Be Eaten", + "Alma Mater", + "Alshard Gaia", + "Alshard", + "Alternity", + "Amazing Engine", + "Amber Diceless Roleplaying", + "Angel", + "Anima: Beyond Fantasy", + "Apocalypse World", + "Arcana Unearthed", + "Archaeron", + "Arduin", + "Aria", + "Arianrhod RPG", + "Armageddon: 2089", + "Armageddon: The End Times", + "Armored Trooper VOTOMS: The Roleplaying Game", + "Army of Darkness Roleplaying Game", + "Ars Magica", + "Artesia: Adventures in the Known World", + "Ashen Stars", + "Atlantis", + "Atlas Games (editions 4 & 5)", + "Attack of the Humans", + "Ave Molech", + "BASH!", + "Babylon 5", + "Basic Fantasy RPG", + "Basic Role-Playing", + "Batman Role-Playing Game", + "BattleDragons", + "Battlelords of the 23rd Century", + "Battlestar Galactica Role Playing Game", + "Behind Enemy Lines", + "Beyond the Supernatural", + "Bifrost", + "Big Bang Comics RPG", + "Big Eyes, Small Mouth", + "Black Crusade", + "Blackwatch", + "Blade of Arcana", + "Blades in the Dark", + "Blood Dawn", + "Blood of Heroes", + "Bloodlust (French)", + "Blue Planet", + "Blue Rose", + "Boot Hill", + "Brave New World", + "Breaking the Ice", + "Bubblegum Crisis", + "Buccaneer", + "Buck Rogers XXVC", + "Buffy the Vampire Slayer -", + "Bullwinkle and Rocky Role-Playing Party Game", + "Bunnies and Burrows", + "Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic", + "Burning Empires", + "Bushido", + "By the Gods", + "CORPS", + "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs", + "Cadwallon", + "Call of Cthulhu", + "Capes", + "Capes, Cowls & Villains Foul", + "Cartoon Action Hour", + "Cassiopean Empire", + "Castle Falkenstein", + "Castles & Crusades", + "Challengers", + "Champions", + "Changeling: The Dreaming", + "Changeling: The Lost", + "Children of the Sun", + "Chill", + "Chivalry & Sorcery", + "Chronicles of Ramlar", + "City of Heroes", + "City of Mist", + "Commando", + "Conan Role-Playing Game", + "Conan: The Roleplaying Game", + "Conspiracy X", + "Core Command", + "Corporation the Roleplaying Game", + "Corum", + "Creeks and Crawdads", + "Crime Fighter", + "Crimefighters", + "Crystalicum (Polish)", + "CthulhuTech", + "Cursed Empire", + "Cutthroat: The Shadow Wars", + "Cybergeneration", + "Cyberpunk 2013", + "Cyberpunk 2020", + "Cyberspace", + "Cyborg Commando", + "C°ntinuum", + "D6 Adventure", + "D6 Fantasy", + "D6 Space", + "D6 System", + "DC Adventures", + "DC Heroes", + "DC Universe Roleplaying Game", + "Dallas", + "Danger International", + "Dangerous Journeys by E. Gary Gygax", + "Daredevils", + "Dark Ages", + "Dark Champions", + "Dark Conspiracy", + "Dark Dungeons", + "Dark Heresy, the Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay Game", + "Dark Streets", + "Darwin's World", + "Dawning Star", + "De Profundis", + "Dead Inside", + "Dead Reign", + "Deadlands: Hell on Earth", + "Deadlands: Lost Colony", + "Deadlands: The Weird West", + "Deathwatch", + "Deliria: Faerie Tales for the New Millennium by Phil Brucato", + "Delta Force: America Strikes Back!", + "Demon City Shinjuku Role-Playing Game", + "Demon Hunters Role Playing Game", + "Demon's Lair", + "Demon: The Fallen", + "Deryni Adventure Game", + "Diana: Warrior Princess", + "Diaspora", + "Dice & Glory", + "Dinky Dungeons", + "Dinosaur Planet: Broncosaurus Rex", + "Diomin", + "Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple", + "Doctor Who - Adventures In Time And Space: the roleplaying game", + "Doctor Who - Time Lord (role-playing game)", + "Dogs in the Vineyard", + "Domicile", + "Domination", + "Dominion Rules", + "Don't Let Them Take You Alive", + "Don't Look Back", + "Don't Rest Your Head", + "Donjon", + "Double Cross", + "Drací doupe", + "Dragon Age", + "Dragon Ball Z - Anime Adventure Game", + "Dragon Lords of Melniboné", + "Dragon Storm", + "Dragon Warriors", + "DragonMech", + "DragonQuest", + "DragonRaid", + "Dragonlance: Fifth Age", + "Dragonroar", + "Dragons and Demons", + "Dragonstar", + "Dread RPG", + "Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium", + "Dream Craft", + "Dream Park: The Roleplaying Game", + "Droids", + "Dune: Chronicles of the Imperium", + "Dungeon World", + "Dungeons & Dragons", + "Durance", + "Dust Devils", + "Dying Earth", + "Dzikie Pola (Wild Fields)", + "E-RPG System", + "EABA", + "ERA", + "EW-System", + "EXO", + "Earthdawn", + "Eclipse Phase", + "Eden: the Deceit", + "El-Hazard Role-Playing Game", + "Eldritch Role-Playing System", + "Element Masters", + "Elemental Axes", + "Elfquest", + "Elfs", + "Elric!", + "Elven Fire", + "Empire of the Petal Throne", + "En Garde!", + "Endyval", + "Enforcers", + "Engel", + "Enhanced: Humans and Heroes", + "Eon", + "Epic Role Playing", + "Erdor", + "Espionage!", + "Eternal Soldier", + "Etherscope", + "EverQuest Role-Playing Game", + "Everway", + "Evolve Gaming System", + "Ex Machina", + "Exalted", + "Exodus: Post Apocalyptic RPG", + "Expendables", + "FTL:2448", + "FUBAR", + "FUDGE", + "Fading Suns", + "Fading Suns", + "Faery's Tale", + "Faith: the Sci-Fi RPG", + "Faldon", + "Fanhunter", + "Fantasy Craft", + "Fantasy Heartbreaker Roleplaying Game", + "Fantasy Hero", + "Fantasy Imperium", + "Fantasy Wargaming", + "Farscape Roleplaying Game", + "Fastlane", + "Fate Core", + "Fate of the Norns", + "Fates Worse than Death", + "Fear Itself", + "Feng Shui", + "Fiasco", + "Field Guide to Encounters", + "Fifth Cycle", + "Fight the Evil Power", + "Fighting Fantasy: The Introductory Role-Playing Game", + "Fireborn", + "Firefly", + "Firelight", + "Flash Gordon & the Warriors of Mongo", + "Flashing Blades", + "Forbidden Kingdoms", + "Forgotten Futures", + "Fragged Empire", + "Freedom Fighters", + "Friendly Wars", + "Fringeworthy", + "Furry Outlaws", + "Furry Pirates", + "Fusion", + "Future Worlds", + "Fuzion", + "GUMSHOE System", + "GURPS Conan", + "GURPS", + "Gamma World", + "Gangbusters", + "Ganghedge", + "Gangster!", + "Gatecrasher", + "Gaterunner", + "Gear Antique", + "Gear Krieg", + "Geist: The Sin-Eaters", + "Genesis - The Role Playing Game", + "Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai", + "Ghostbusters", + "Ghosts of Albion", + "Ghoulash: The Last Game on Earth", + "Godbound", + "Godlike", + "Golden Heroes", + "Gossip Beverly Hills", + "Grey Ranks", + "Grimm", + "Guardians", + "Gunslingers and Gamblers", + "HARPE", + "Habitica", + "HackMaster", + "Hakobune", + "Halcyon", + "Happy Birthday, Robot!", + "HardNova II", + "Haven: City of Violence", + "Hawkmoon", + "Hc Svnt Dracones", + "Heaven & Earth", + "Heavy Gear", + "Hercules & Xena Roleplaying Game", + "Heretics", + "Hero System", + "HeroQuest/Hero Wars", + "Heroes Unlimited", + "Heroes of Olympus", + "Heroes", + "Hidden Kingdom", + "High Adventure Cliffhangers Buck Rogers Adventure Game", + "High Adventure Role Playing (HARP)", + "High Colonies", + "High Fantasy", + "Hillfolk", + "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry", + "Hol", + "Hollow Earth Expedition", + "Hollyworld", + "Hong Kong Action Theater", + "Houses of the Blooded", + "How We Came To Live Here", + "Hunter Planet", + "Hunter: The Reckoning", + "Hunter: The Vigil", + "HârnMaster/Hârn", + "Icar by Rob Lang", + "Imagine Role Playing", + "Immortal: The Invisible War", + "In Dark Alleys", + "In Nomine Satanis / Magna Veritas", + "In Nomine", + "InSaNiTy the role-playing game", + "InSpectres", + "Incursion", + "Infernum", + "Infinity", + "Inner City", + "Inou Tsukai", + "Insight RPG System", + "Iron Gauntlets: Heroic Fantasy Roleplaying", + "Iron Heroes", + "Iron Kingdoms", + "Ironclaw", + "Ironhedge", + "Ironhedge", + "It Came From The Late, Late, Late Show", + "It Was a Mutual Decision", + "Jadeclaw", + "Jags", + "JailLords - Are You a Jail Lord or a Jail Fish?", + "James Bond 007: Role-Playing in Her Majesty's Secret Service", + "Jeremiah: The Roleplaying Game", + "John Carter, Warlord of Mars", + "Jorune (or Skyrealms of Jorune)", + "Jovian Chronicles", + "Judge Dredd: The Role-Playing Game", + "Justice, Inc.", + "Justifiers", + "KABAL", + "Khymir", + "Killer", + "Kindred of the East", + "Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom", + "Kingdom of Nothing", + "Knights and Magick", + "Knights of the Round Table", + "Kobolds Ate My Baby!", + "Krysztaly Czasu", + "Kult", + "Labyrinth Lord", + "Lace and Steel", + "Lamentations of the Flame Princess", + "Land of the Rising Sun", + "Lands of Adventure", + "Legacy", + "Legend of the Five Rings Role-Playing Game", + "Legends and Loot", + "Legends of Anglerre", + "Legendy Armandie", + "Legionnaire", + "Lejendary Adventure", + "Les Chroniques d'Erdor", + "Leverage", + "Lightspeed", + "Little Fears - The Role-playing Game of Childhood Terror", + "Live Free or Die, the Game of Suburban Insurgency", + "Living Steel", + "Lone Wolf", + "Lord of the Rings Adventure Game", + "Lords of Creation", + "Légendes Celtiques", + "Légendes de la Vallée des rois", + "M.A.G.U.S.", + "M.I.S.S.I.O.N.", + "MEGA Role-Playing System", + "MERC", + "MYFAROG - Mythic Fantasy Role-playing Game", + "Mach: The First Colony", + "Macho Women with Guns", + "Macross II: The Role-Playing Game", + "Maelstrom", + "Mage: The Ascension", + "Mage: The Awakening", + "Mage: The Sorcerer's Crusade", + "Maji", + "Malefices", + "Malls and Morons", + "Man, Myth & Magic", + "Manhunter", + "Marvel Heroic Roleplaying", + "Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game", + "Marvel Super Heroes Role-Playing Game", + "Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game", + "Mashou Denki La Valeur", + "Masterbook", + "MechWarrior", + "Mecha", + "Mechamorphosis", + "Mechanical Dream", + "Mega - les Messagers Galactiques", + "Megaverse", + "Meikyu kingdom", + "Mekton", + "Melanda: Land of Mystery", + "Men In Black: The Roleplaying Game", + "Merc 2000", + "Mercenaries, Spies and Private Eyes", + "Metal Magic and Lore", + "Metamorphosis Alpha", + "Michtim: Fluffy Adventures", + "Microscope", + "Middle Earth Role Play", + "Midgard", + "Midnight at the Well of Souls Role-Playing System", + "Midnight", + "Miles Christi", + "Millennium's End", + "Mind Games RPG", + "Mistborn Adventure Game", + "Mojo", + "Monastyr", + "Monsterhearts", + "Monsters and Other Childish Things", + "Monsters! Monsters!", + "Mordheim", + "Morpheus", + "Morton's List", + "Mouse Guard", + "Multiverser", + "Mummy: The Resurrection", + "Murphy's World", + "Mutant Chronicles", + "Mutant City Blues", + "Mutant Future", + "Mutant RYMD", + "Mutant", + "Mutant: Undergångens Arvtagare", + "Mutants & Masterminds", + "Mutazoids", + "My Life with Master", + "Myrskyn aika", + "Mystic Quests", + "Mystic Realms", + "Mythworld", + "Necroscope", + "Neighborhood", + "Neiyar: Land of Heaven and the Abyss", + "NeoKosmos", + "Nephilim", + "Neuroshima", + "Nexus: The Infinite City", + "Nicotine Girls", + "Night Wizard!", + "Night of the Ninja", + "Night's Black Agents", + "Nightbane", + "Nightlife", + "Nights of the Crusades", + "Ninja Burger", + "Ninjas and Superspies", + "Nobilis", + "Noctum", + "Noir", + "Normality", + "Northern Crown", + "Nova Praxis", + "Novus", + "Now Playing", + "Numenera", + "OSRIC", + "Obsidian - The Age of Judgement", + "Odysseus", + "Old Dragon", + "Omnigon", + "Only War", + "Ops and Tactics", + "Ork! The Roleplaying Game", + "Orkworld", + "Orpheus", + "Other Suns", + "Outbreak: Undead", + "Outime", + "Over the Edge'", + "Paladin", + "Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game", + "Pandemonium!", + "Pantheon", + "Paper Computer Games", + "Paranoia", + "Passion Play", + "Path of the Oracle role playing game", + "Pathfinder", + "Pax Draconis", + "Pendragon (or King Arthur Pendragon)", + "Phantasia", + "Phantasy Conclave", + "Phase VII", + "Phoenix Command", + "Pirates and Plunder", + "Pirates!", + "Plüsch, Power & Plunder (German)", + "Point Blank", + "Polaris (1997)", + "Polaris", + "PowerGame", + "Powers and Perils", + "Praedor", + "Prime Directive", + "Primetime Adventures", + "Prince Valiant: The Story-Telling Game", + "Privateers and Gentlemen", + "Project A-ko: The Roleplaying Game", + "Project: Paradigm", + "Promethean: The Created", + "Psiworld", + "Pulp Adventure", + "Puppetland", + "Q10", + "QAGS", + "Qin", + "Quest of the Ancients", + "Quill: Quill: A Letter-Writing Roleplaying Game for a Single Player", + "RMSS (Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing)", + "Raex: The roleplaying adventure experience", + "Rangers of Taradoin", + "Rapture: The Second Coming", + "Recon", + "Red Dragon", + "Red Dwarf: The Role Playing Game", + "Reich Star", + "Reign", + "Rifts Chaos Earth", + "Rifts", + "Ringworld", + "Risus", + "Robot Warriors", + "Robotech", + "Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles Role-Playing Game", + "Rogue Trader", + "Rotted Capes", + "Rules to Live By", + "Rune Striders", + "Rune", + "RuneQuest[11]", + "RuneSlayers", + "Runebearer", + "Rêve: the Dream Ouroboros", + "S/lay w/Me", + "SAGA System", + "SLA Industries", + "STOCS", + "Saga", + "Sanctum Polis - Rest Eternal Memory", + "Sandman: Map of Halaal", + "Satasupe", + "Savage Worlds", + "Scion: Hero", + "Sea Dracula", + "Second Dawn", + "SenZar", + "Sengoku", + "Serenity", + "Seventh Sea", + "Shadow Fight 2", + "Shadow Lords", + "Shadow Nations", + "Shadow of the Demon Lord", + "Shadowforce Archer", + "Shadowrun", + "Shatterzone", + "Shock: Social Science Fiction", + "Silver Age Sentinels", + "Simian Conquest", + "Simple System", + "Simply Roleplaying!", + "Sine Requie", + "Skulduggery", + "Skull and Crossbones: Roleplay on the Spanish Main", + "Skyrealms of Jorune", + "Sláine: The Roleplaying Game of Celtic Heroes", + "Smallville", + "Sojourner's Quest: A Fantasy Role Playing Game", + "Sorcerer by Ron Edwards", + "Sovereign Stone", + "Space 1889", + "Space Dragon", + "Space Gothic", + "Space Infantry", + "Space Opera", + "Space Quest", + "SpaceNinjaCyberCrisis XDO", + "SpaceTime", + "Spacemaster", + "Spaceship Zero", + "Sphinx", + "Spione: Story Now in Cold War Berlin", + "Spirit of the Century", + "Splicers", + "Splittermond", + "Spycraft", + "Squawk", + "St. Palmer's", + "Stalking the Night Fantastic", + "Standard RPG System", + "Star Ace", + "Star Frontiers", + "Star Hero", + "Star Legend", + "Star Patrol", + "Star Riders", + "Star Rovers", + "Star Trek: Adventure Gaming in the Final Frontier", + "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Role Playing Game", + "Star Trek: The Next Generation Role-playing Game", + "Star Trek: The Role Playing Game", + "Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game", + "Star Wreck Roleplaying Game", + "Star*Drive", + "StarCraft Adventures", + "StarRun", + "Starblazer Adventures", + "Starfaring", + "Starfinder Roleplaying Game", + "Starfleet Voyages", + "Stargate SG-1 (RPG)", + "Starhedge by Empire Wargames", + "Starship Troopers (RPG)", + "Starships & Spacemen", + "SteamCraft", + "Steve Perrin's Quest Rules", + "Stormbringer", + "Storytelling System", + "Street Fighter: The Storytelling Game", + "Strike Legion", + "Strontium Dog", + "Sundered Epoch: Generations", + "Super Crusaders", + "Super Powers Unlimited", + "Super Squadron", + "Supergame", + "Superhero 2044", + "Supernatural", + "Supervillains", + "Superworld by Chaosium", + "Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies", + "Sword World RPG", + "Swordbearer", + "Swords & Wizardry", + "Synnibarr", + "Systems Failure", + "TORG", + "TWERPS", + "Tagmar", + "Tales from the Floating Vagabond", + "Talislanta", + "Taste My Steel!", + "Technoir", + "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness", + "Teenagers from Outer Space", + "Ten Thousand Worlds", + "Tenchi Muyo!", + "Tenra War", + "Tephra: The Steampunk RPG", + "Terra Incognita", + "Terra Primate", + "Terra the Gunslinger", + "TerraDrive", + "Testament (role-playing game)", + "The Adventures of Indiana Jones Role-Playing Game", + "The Authority Role-Playing Game", + "The Burning Wheel", + "The Castle Perilous", + "The Challenges Game System", + "The Confederate Rangers", + "The Dark Eye", + "The Doctor Who Role Playing Game", + "The Dominion Tank Police Role-Playing Game", + "The Dresden files", + "The Esoterrorists", + "The Everlasting", + "The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen", + "The Fantasy Sagas", + "The Fantasy Trip", + "The Great Commission", + "The Judge Dredd Roleplaying Game", + "The Judge Dredd Roleplaying Game", + "The Laundry", + "The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game", + "The Masters of the Universe Role Playing Game", + "The Mechanoid Invasion", + "The Metabarons Roleplaying Game", + "The Modern Sagas", + "The Monster Horror Show", + "The Morrow Project", + "The Mountain Witch", + "The Nearside Project", + "The Official Superhero Adventure Game", + "The One Ring: Adventures over the Edge of the Wild", + "The Pokéthulhu Adventure Game", + "The Pool", + "The Price of Freedom", + "The Primal Order", + "The Realm of Yolmi", + "The Riddle of Steel", + "The Sci-Fi Sagas", + "The Shab-al-Hiri Roach", + "The Shadow of Yesterday", + "The Slayers d20", + "The Spawn of Fashan", + "The Squared Circle", + "The Strange", + "The Unexplained", + "The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game", + "The Whispering Vault", + "The World of Indiana Jones", + "The World of Kystrel", + "The Zorcerer of Zo", + "Theatrix", + "Thieves' Guild", + "Thieves' World", + "Thrilling Tales", + "Tibet: The Roleplaying Game", + "Time & Time Again", + "Time Lord — Adventures through Time and Space", + "Timehunter", + "Timelords", + "Timemaster", + "Timeship", + "To Challenge Tomorrow", + "Tokyo NOVA", + "Toon", + "Top Secret", + "Total Eclipse RPG", + "Trail of Cthulhu", + "Transhuman Space", + "Trauma", + "Traveller", + "Traveller: 2300", + "Trevas", + "Tri-Stat dX", + "Tribe 8", + "Tribes", + "Trinity", + "Trollbabe", + "True20", + "Truth & Justice", + "Trystell", + "Tunnels and Trolls", + "Twilight 2000", + "Twilight Imperium: The Role-Playing Game", + "Tékumel: Empire of the Petal Throne", + "URPG", + "USS Infinity", + "Uncharted Worlds", + "Underground", + "Underworld", + "Unhallowed Metropolis", + "Unisystem", + "Universalis", + "Universe", + "Unknown Armies", + "Usagi Yojimbo", + "Uuhraah!", + "Valley of the Pharaohs", + "Vampire: The Dark Ages", + "Vampire: The Masquerade", + "Vampire: The Requiem", + "Vanishing Point (role-play game)", + "Victorian Adventure", + "Victorian Age: Vampire", + "Victoriana - 2nd edition", + "Villains and Vigilantes", + "Violence", + "WARS Roleplaying Game", + "WWE: Know Your Role", + "Warcraft the Roleplaying Game", + "Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay", + "Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay", + "Warheads: Medieval Tales", + "Waste World", + "Wayfarers", + "Weapons of the Gods", + "Weird Wars", + "Werewolf: The Apocalypse", + "Werewolf: The Forsaken", + "Werewolf: The Wild West by White Wolf", + "Westhedge", + "What Price Glory?!", + "When Worlds Collide", + "White Wolf Publishing (edition 3)", + "Wiedźmin", + "Wild Talents", + "Wild West", + "Witch Hunt", + "Witch Hunter: The Invisible World", + "Witchcraft", + "With Great Power...", + "Wizards' Realm", + "Wizards' World", + "Woof meow", + "World Action And Adventure", + "World Tree", + "World of Darkness", + "World of Synnibarr", + "Worlds Beyond", + "Worlds of Wonder", + "Wraith: The Great War", + "Wraith: The Oblivion", + "Wushu", + "Wyrd is Bond", + "Xcrawl", + "Y-Modus", + "Year of the Phoenix", + "Year of the Zombie", + "Ysgarth", + "Zaibatsu", + "Zen and the Art of Mayhem", + "Zone", + "Zweihänder", + "d20 Future", + "d20 Modern", + "d20 Past", + "d20 System", + "d20" + ] +} diff --git a/data/games/rpg/rpg_settings.json b/data/games/rpg/rpg_settings.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0923d5dc --- /dev/null +++ b/data/games/rpg/rpg_settings.json @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +{ + "description": "List of campaign settings.", + "source": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_campaign_settings", + "rpgs":[ + "Aerth", + "Agone", + "Al-Qadim", + "Alternity", + "Arcana Unearthed", + "Arcanis", + "Ars Magica", + "Babylon 5", + "BattleTech", + "Birthright", + "Blackmoor", + "Blue Planet", + "Blue Rose", + "Brigada Ligeira Estelar", + "Bubblegum Crisis", + "Centauri Knights", + "Council of Wyrms", + "CthulhuTech", + "Cyberpunk 2020", + "Cyberspace", + "Dark Sun", + "Dark*Matter", + "Dawning Star", + "Discworld", + "Doctor Who", + "Dragonlance", + "Dragonstar", + "Earthdawn", + "Eberron", + "Eclipse Phase", + "Engel", + "Ex Machina", + "Fading Suns", + "Forcelia", + "Forgotten Realms", + "Freeport: The City of Adventure", + "Fringeworthy", + "GURPS Infinite Worlds", + "GURPS Planet of Adventure", + "GURPS Terradyne", + "Gamma World", + "Garweeze Wurld", + "Gear Krieg", + "Glorantha", + "Greyhawk (aka World of Greyhawk)", + "Hackjammer", + "Heavy Gear", + "Hollow World", + "Hyborian Age", + "Hârn", + "Iron Kingdoms", + "Jovian Chronicles", + "Kalibruhn", + "Kara-Tur", + "Kingdoms of Kalamar", + "Lankhmar – City of Adventure", + "Legend of the Five Rings", + "Lost Lands", + "Melniboné", + "Middle Earth", + "Midgard", + "Mystara", + "Norrath", + "Numenera", + "Palladium Fantasy", + "Pathfinder Chronicles", + "Planescape", + "Ravenloft", + "Scarred Lands", + "Serenity", + "Shadow World", + "Shadowrun", + "Space: 1889", + "Spacemaster", + "Spelljammer", + "Star Frontiers", + "Star Hero", + "Star Trek universe", + "Star Wars universe", + "Star*Drive", + "Starfinder", + "Stargate SG-1", + "The Dark Eye", + "The Old World", + "The Wheel of Time", + "Thieves' World", + "Thunder Rift", + "Titan", + "Transhuman Space", + "Traveller universe", + "Tribe 8", + "Tékumel", + "Warcraft", + "Westeros", + "Wilderlands of High Fantasy", + "World Tree RPG", + "Yrth" + ] +}