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{"name":"murmur3","dependencies":[{"name":"bitwise","repository":"https://github.com/itsgreggreg/mint-bitwise","constraint":"0.5.0 <= v < 1.0.0"}],"components":[],"stores":[],"modules":[{"description":null,"name":"Murmur3","functions":[{"type":"Number","description":"<p>Takes a seed and a string and produces a 32 bit hash.</p>\n<p>Given the same seed and string, it will always produce the same hash.</p>\n<pre><code class=\"language-mint\">Murmur3.hash32(1234, "Turn me into a hash") == 4138100590\n</code></pre>\n","name":"hash32","source":"/*\nTakes a seed and a string and produces a 32 bit hash.\n\nGiven the same seed and string, it will always produce the same hash.\n\n```mint\nMurmur3.hash32(1234, \"Turn me into a hash\") == 4138100590\n```\n*/\nfun hash32 (seed : Number, str : String) : Number {\n str\n |> Murmur3.Private.stringCodepointReduce(init, Murmur3.Private.hashFold)\n |> Murmur3.Private.finalize()\n} where {\n init =\n {\n shift = 0,\n seed = seed,\n hash = 0,\n charsProcessed = 0\n }\n}","arguments":[{"type":"Number","name":"seed"},{"type":"String","name":"str"}]}]},{"description":"<p>Private internals of Murmur3, do not use these.</p>\n<p>The public interface is in the <code>Murmur3</code> module.</p>\n","name":"Murmur3.Private","functions":[{"type":"Number","description":"<p>32-bit multiplication</p>\n","name":"multiplyBy","source":"/* 32-bit multiplication */\nfun multiplyBy (b : Number, a : Number) : Number {\n w + z\n} where {\n w =\n Bitwise.and(a, 65535) * b\n\n x =\n Bitwise.zeroFillRightShift(16, a) * b\n\n y =\n Bitwise.and((x), 65535)\n\n z =\n Bitwise.leftShift(16, y)\n}","arguments":[{"type":"Number","name":"b"},{"type":"Number","name":"a"}]},{"type":"Number","description":"<p>Given a 32bit int and an int representing a number of bit positions,\nreturns the 32bit int rotated left by that number of positions.\nrotlBy : Int -> Int -> Int</p>\n","name":"rotlBy","source":"/*\n Given a 32bit int and an int representing a number of bit positions,\nreturns the 32bit int rotated left by that number of positions.\nrotlBy : Int -> Int -> Int\n*/\nfun rotlBy (b : Number, a : Number) : Number {\n Bitwise.or(\n (Bitwise.leftShift(b, a)), \n (Bitwise.zeroFillRightShift((32 - b), a)))\n}","arguments":[{"type":"Number","name":"b"},{"type":"Number","name":"a"}]},{"type":"Murmur3.Private.HashData","description":"<p>handles each char of the input string</p>\n","name":"hashFold","source":"/* handles each char of the input string */\nfun hashFold (data : Murmur3.Private.HashData, char : Number) : Murmur3.Private.HashData {\n case (data.shift) {\n 24 =>\n {\n shift = 0,\n seed = mix(data.seed, res),\n hash = 0,\n charsProcessed = data.charsProcessed + 1\n }\n\n =>\n {\n shift = data.shift + 8,\n seed = data.seed,\n hash = res,\n charsProcessed = data.charsProcessed + 1\n }\n }\n} where {\n res =\n char\n |> Bitwise.and(255)\n |> Bitwise.leftShift(data.shift)\n |> Bitwise.or(data.hash)\n}","arguments":[{"type":"Murmur3.Private.HashData","name":"data"},{"type":"Number","name":"char"}]},{"type":"Number","description":null,"name":"mix","source":"fun mix (h1 : Number, k1 : Number) : Number {\n res + 3864292196\n} where {\n res =\n k1\n |> multiplyBy(C1)\n |> rotlBy(15)\n |> multiplyBy(C2)\n |> Bitwise.xor(h1)\n |> rotlBy(13)\n |> multiplyBy(5)\n}","arguments":[{"type":"Number","name":"h1"},{"type":"Number","name":"k1"}]},{"type":"Number","description":null,"name":"finalize","source":"fun finalize (data : Murmur3.Private.HashData) : Number {\n Bitwise.xor(h2, Bitwise.zeroFillRightShift(16, h2))\n |> Bitwise.zeroFillRightShift(0)\n} where {\n acc =\n if (data.hash == 0) {\n data.seed\n } else {\n data.hash\n |> multiplyBy(C1)\n |> rotlBy(15)\n |> multiplyBy(C2)\n |> Bitwise.xor(data.seed)\n }\n\n h0 =\n Bitwise.xor(acc, data.charsProcessed)\n\n h1 =\n Bitwise.xor(h0, Bitwise.zeroFillRightShift(16, h0))\n |> multiplyBy(2246822507)\n\n h2 =\n Bitwise.xor(h1, (Bitwise.zeroFillRightShift(13, h1)))\n |> multiplyBy(3266489909)\n}","arguments":[{"type":"Murmur3.Private.HashData","name":"data"}]},{"type":"a","description":"<p>reduce over 32 bit codepoints of a string. handles joining surrogate pairs\ninto a single codepoint</p>\n","name":"stringCodepointReduce","source":"/*\nreduce over 32 bit codepoints of a string. handles joining surrogate pairs\n into a single codepoint\n*/\nfun stringCodepointReduce (start : a, fn : Function(a, Number, a), str : String) : a {\n res[1]\n} where {\n res =\n String.split(\"\", str)\n |> Array.reduce(\n {0, start}, \n (acc : Tuple(Number, b), s : String) : Tuple(Number, b) {\n if (acc[0] == 0) {\n case (isSurrogatePair(s)) {\n {bool, num} =>\n if (bool) {\n {num, acc[1]}\n } else {\n {0, fn(acc[1], num)}\n }\n }\n } else {\n {0, fn(acc[1], joinSurrogatePair(acc[0], s))}\n }\n })\n}","arguments":[{"type":"a","name":"start"},{"type":"Function(a, Number, a)","name":"fn"},{"type":"String","name":"str"}]},{"type":"Number","description":"<p>combines 16 bit surrogate pairs into a 32 bit integer</p>\n","name":"joinSurrogatePair","source":"/* combines 16 bit surrogate pairs into a 32 bit integer */\nfun joinSurrogatePair (l : Number, r : String) : Number {\n (l - a) * b + c - d + e\n} where {\n a =\n (`0xD800` as Number)\n\n b =\n (`0x400` as Number)\n\n c =\n (`#{r}.charCodeAt(0)` as Number)\n\n d =\n (`0xDC00` as Number)\n\n e =\n (`0x10000` as Number)\n}","arguments":[{"type":"Number","name":"l"},{"type":"String","name":"r"}]},{"type":"Tuple(Bool, Number)","description":"<p>determines if a character is the start of a 16 bit surrogate pair</p>\n","name":"isSurrogatePair","source":"/* determines if a character is the start of a 16 bit surrogate pair */\nfun isSurrogatePair (c : String) : Tuple(Bool, Number) {\n if ((`0xD800` as Number) <= code && code <= (`0xDBFF` as Number)) {\n {true, code}\n } else {\n {false, code}\n }\n} where {\n code =\n `#{c}.charCodeAt(0)` as Number\n}","arguments":[{"type":"String","name":"c"}]}]}],"providers":[],"records":[{"description":"<p>Private data structure for computing a 32bit hash</p>\n","name":"Murmur3.Private.HashData","fields":[{"key":"shift","type":"Number","mapping":null},{"key":"seed","type":"Number","mapping":null},{"key":"hash","type":"Number","mapping":null},{"key":"charsProcessed","type":"Number","mapping":null}]}],"enums":[]}