Release date: August 17th, 2019
- Upgraded a bunch of dependency versions to fix most security issues #43.
- Upgraded to Electron 3.1.13, which fixed the menu bar being impossible to see on linux #45.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Hits datatable to throw mad errors when hits had no symbol provided #44.
- Fixed a long standing bug due to multiple Uniprot IDs being returned. This caused errors in retrieving the Uniprot Summary and ProtVista data #40.
- Fix issues building from source on linux #42 - thanks to @hmontenegro for reporting and help troubleshooting.
Release date: August 15th, 2018
- Added a link back to CTDbase in the disease associations table.
- Fixed a bug where the expression experiments search box being improperly hidden after no results were returned and then a valid query was performed.
- Fixed a bug that occasionally resulted in the Prot Vista widget crashing (thereby crashing the app) when a hit didn't have an Ensembl ID.
Release date: August 6th, 2018
- Added the Prot Vista widget from EBI for interactive protein data (domains, PTMs, variation, etc).
- Added a table for all expression experiments available for a given species so that the expression widget can display single experiments.
- Fixed a bug where the hits search box was being improperly hidden if no results were returned.
Release date: July 12th, 2018
- Fixed 'Gene Basics' header changing to 'Overview' after un-collapsing the section.
- Fixed a bug where headers weren't properly displayed for a hit after a query where no hits were found.
Release date: June 27th, 2018
- Added splash screen.
- Added ability to limit to multiple species rather than just one.
- Added table so hits are easily navigable rather than showing the top hit only.
- Added an interactive expression data widget from the EBI Expression Atlas.
- Added concise, curated descriptions from WormBase where available.
- Added tooltips for some of the less common database accessions.
- Added GO function and Interpro domains fields.
- Added UCSC browser links for mouse and human genomic positions (mm9/hg19).
- Added curated disease associations from the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database, which includes all annotations from OMIM as well.
- Fixed multiple entries for PFAM/PROSITE causing issues with both the UI and links themselves.
- Fixed linebreaks not being properly removed from old queries.
- Fixed menu on OSX, which also resolved a bug with the hotkey command.
- Moved around various elements for better organization.
- Added collapsible sections.
- Prettified UI.
- Various backend changes to better handle missing data.