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RHEL Fluentd Docker Images

Fluentd Docker image for RockyLinux and RHEL. If you don't need to use these base images, use the official fluentd docker images.

Basic Usage

Images are stored in Docker Hub.


docker pull jackhrt/fluentd-docker:v4.4.2-ubi8

Build from source

TAG_LATEST=true OS=ubi8 docker buildx bake


Adding plugins

An example of creating a custom image with plugins is included: Dockerfile.mqtt.

docker buildx bake fluentd-mqtt


An example docker compose file for the fluentd service is included.

docker compose up

Multi-Platform Builds

Initial Setup

The following command installs the QEMU emulators for the platforms you want to build. This only needs to be done once. This command was taken from the tonistiigi/binfmt

docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all

Build and Run

Multi-platform builds require overriding the platforms field in docker-bake.hcl. We cannot build multiple platforms at once with bake due to this issue. Change that parameter to linux/arm6 and run the bake command again.

TAG_LATEST=true docker buildx bake --set *.platform=linux/arm64

Now you can run an emulated linux/arm6 image with the same docker compose command.

docker compose up

Version Updates

Images are tagged by the version of fluentd and base image OS. This is done using the GitHub Actions workflow. The workflow currently must be manually triggered by myself.