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High-precision calculation in Python with Decimal type. The type is
located in the decimal module.

The Python decimal module provides support for fast correctly-rounded
decimal floating point arithmetic.

By default, Python interprets any number that includes a decimal point
as a double precision floating point number. The Decimal is a floating
decimal point type which more precision and a smaller range than the float.
It is appropriate for financial and monetary calculations. It is also
closer to the way how humans work with numbers.

Unlike hardware based binary floating point, the decimal module has
a user alterable precision which can be as large as needed for
a given problem. The default precision is 28 places.

Some values cannot be exactly represented in a float data type.
For instance, storing the 0.1 value in float (which is a binary floating point value)
variable we get only an approximation of the value. Similarly, the 1/3 value
cannot be represented exactly in decimal floating point type.

Float imprecision


n1 = 0.6
n2 = 0.7

print(n1 + n2)

Default precision

The Decimal has a default precision of 28 places, while the float has 18 places.


from decimal import Decimal

x = 1 / 3


y = Decimal(1) / Decimal(3)


Caution should be exercised when comparing floaing point values. While in many
real world problems a small error is negligible, financial and monetary
calculations must be exact.


from decimal import Decimal

x = 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1

print(x == 0.3)


x = Decimal('0.1') + Decimal('0.1') + Decimal('0.1')

print(x == Decimal('0.3'))
print(float(x) == 0.3)

Altering precision

We can change the default precision of the Decimal type.
The mpmath module is a library for arbitrary-precision
floating-point arithmetic.

$ pip install mpmath

we change the precision to 50 places. We compare the accuracy
of the math.sqrt, Decimal's sqrt, and mpmath.sqrt functions.


from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
import math

import mpmath

getcontext().prec = 50 = 50
num = Decimal(1) / Decimal(7)

num2 = mpmath.mpf(1) / mpmath.mpf(7)

print('   math.sqrt: {0}'.format(Decimal(math.sqrt(num))))
print('decimal.sqrt: {0}'.format(num.sqrt()))
print(' mpmath.sqrt: {0}'.format(mpmath.sqrt(num2)))
print('actual value: 0.3779644730092272272145165362341800608157513118689214')


The Decimal type provides several rounding options:

  • ROUND_CEILING - always round upwards towards infinity
  • ROUND_DOWN - always round toward zero
  • ROUND_FLOOR - always round down towards negative infinity
  • ROUND_HALF_DOWN - rounds away from zero if the last significant
    digit is greater than or equal to 5, otherwise toward zero
  • ROUND_HALF_EVEN - like ROUND_HALF_DOWN except that if the value
    is 5 then the preceding digit is examined; even values cause the
    result to be rounded down and odd digits cause the result to be rounded up.
  • ROUND_HALF_UP - like ROUND_HALF_DOWN except if the last significant
    digit is 5 the value is rounded away from zero
  • ROUND_UP - round away from zero
  • ROUND_05UP - round away from zero if the last digit is 0 or 5, otherwise towards zero

import decimal

context = decimal.getcontext()

rounding_modes = [

col_lines = '-' * 10

print(f"{' ':20} {'1/7 (1)':^10} {'1/7 (2)':^10} {'1/7 (3)':^10} {'1/7 (4)':^10}")
print(f"{' ':20} {col_lines:^10} {col_lines:^10} {col_lines:^10} {col_lines:^10}")

for mode in rounding_modes:

    print(f'{mode:20}', end=' ')

    for precision in [1, 2, 3, 4]:

        context.prec = precision
        context.rounding = getattr(decimal, mode)
        value = decimal.Decimal(1) / decimal.Decimal(7)
        print(f'{value:<10}', end=' ')


print(f"{' ':20} {'-1/7 (1)':^10} {'-1/7 (2)':^10} {'-1/7 (3)':^10} {'-1/7 (4)':^10}")
print(f"{' ':20} {col_lines:^10} {col_lines:^10} {col_lines:^10} {col_lines:^10}")

for mode in rounding_modes:

    print(f'{mode:20}', end=' ')

    for precision in [1, 2, 3, 4]:

        context.prec = precision
        context.rounding = getattr(decimal, mode)
        value = decimal.Decimal(-1) / decimal.Decimal(7)
        print(f'{value:<10}', end=' ')

                      1/7 (1)    1/7 (2)    1/7 (3)    1/7 (4)
                     ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
ROUND_CEILING        0.2        0.15       0.143      0.1429
ROUND_DOWN           0.1        0.14       0.142      0.1428
ROUND_FLOOR          0.1        0.14       0.142      0.1428
ROUND_HALF_DOWN      0.1        0.14       0.143      0.1429
ROUND_HALF_EVEN      0.1        0.14       0.143      0.1429
ROUND_HALF_UP        0.1        0.14       0.143      0.1429
ROUND_UP             0.2        0.15       0.143      0.1429
ROUND_05UP           0.1        0.14       0.142      0.1428
                      -1/7 (1)   -1/7 (2)   -1/7 (3)   -1/7 (4)
                     ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
ROUND_CEILING        -0.1       -0.14      -0.142     -0.1428
ROUND_DOWN           -0.1       -0.14      -0.142     -0.1428
ROUND_FLOOR          -0.2       -0.15      -0.143     -0.1429
ROUND_HALF_DOWN      -0.1       -0.14      -0.143     -0.1429
ROUND_HALF_EVEN      -0.1       -0.14      -0.143     -0.1429
ROUND_HALF_UP        -0.1       -0.14      -0.143     -0.1429
ROUND_UP             -0.2       -0.15      -0.143     -0.1429
ROUND_05UP           -0.1       -0.14      -0.142     -0.1428


The fractions module provides support for rational number arithmetic.


from decimal import Decimal
from fractions import Fraction

x = Decimal(1) / Decimal(3)
y = x * Decimal(3)

print(y == Decimal(1))


u = Fraction(1) / Fraction(3)
v = u * Fraction(3)

print(v == 1)


In the example, we increase the price by 13% and calculate the sum of
the value of all beverages.


# from products2 import get_products
from products import get_products
from decimal import Decimal

data = get_products()

res = [p for p in data if p.category == 'Beverages']

val = sum(p.unit_price * p.units_in_stock for p in res)

# d = 1.13
# val = sum(p.unit_price * d * p.units_in_stock for p in res)
# print(val)

d = 1.13
val = sum(p.unit_price * Decimal(str(d)) * p.units_in_stock for p in res)

There is a small error if we use floats.

$ ./

$ ./