A stack and register based virtual machine which can compile and execute arbitrary code in runtime.
Support for types like
- int64/uint64
- double
- pointers
- 01/22/2023: Modified 'db' directive so it can store pointers. It still allows you to define null terminated strings as before. For allocating memory you should use malloc. See the allocation example for more info.
- 01/18/2023: Renamed project because all cool names were taken and I wasn't feeling super creative.
- 01/16/2023: Rewrote entire project. All entities on the stack and in registers are now considered an Object. This is a breaking change, old code is moved to 'legacy' branche.
- 01/05/2023: It is possible to print formatted strings. For more info on what string formatting options there are, see https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt
The instruction opcodes are case sensitive and MUST be lower case!
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <Compilation/Compiler.hpp>
#include <Core/VirtualMachine.hpp>
#include <Modules/ModuleLoader.hpp>
#include <Modules/SystemModule.hpp>
#include <Utilities/File.hpp>
using namespace REKT;
using std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;
using std::chrono::duration_cast;
using std::chrono::microseconds;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::string filepath = "fibonacci.asm";
if(argc > 1)
filepath = std::string(argv[1]);
std::cout << "The file does not exist " << filepath << std::endl;
return 1;
std::string source = File::ReadAllText(filepath);
Compiler compiler;
Assembly assembly;
VirtualMachine machine;
if(compiler.Compile(source, &assembly))
ExecutionStatus status = ExecutionStatus::Ok;
auto startTime = high_resolution_clock::now();
while (status == ExecutionStatus::Ok)
status = machine.Run();
auto endTime = high_resolution_clock::now();
auto elapsedMilliseconds = duration_cast<microseconds>(endTime - startTime).count() * 0.001;
std::cout << "Execution finished with status " << (int)status << " in " << elapsedMilliseconds << " milliseconds" << std::endl;
return 0;
In the root directory of the folder (where the include and src folder are located), create a directory called build. From within the build directory run one of the following commands
If you pass 0 to BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY, CMake will configure the makefile to generate an executable. If you pass it 1, it will generate it for a shared library. After running the command run 'make' or whichever tool you use to execute a makefile.
MOV Move a value into a register or into a variable. Registers are able to store any type, variables are constrained to only contain the type they are defined as.
- mov eax ebx
- mov eax myVariable
- mov eax 10
- mov myVariable eax
- mov myVariable anotherVariable
- mov myVariable 123.45
INC Increments the value stored in a register or variable with 1.
- inc eax
- inc myVariable
DEC Decrements the value stored in a register or variable with 1.
- dec eax
- dec myVariable
ADD Adds a value to a value stored in a register or variable.
- add eax 30
- add eax myVariable
- add myVariable 30
- add myVariable eax
SUB Subtract a value from a value stored in a register or variable.
- sub eax 30
- sub eax myVariable
- sub myVariable 30
- sub myVariable eax
MUL Multiplies a value stored in a register or variable with another value.
- mul eax 30
- mul eax myVariable
- mul myVariable 30
- mul myVariable eax
DIV Divides a value stored in a register or variable with another value.
- div eax 30
- div eax myVariable
- div myVariable 30
- div myVariable eax
PUSH Pushes a value to the stack.
- push eax
- push myVariable
- push 10
- push 0.5
POP Pops any value off the top of the stack.
- pop
- pop eax
- pop myVariable
CMP Compares 2 values for equality and sets a flag whether the lefthandside is less than, greater than, or equal to the righthandside.
- cmp eax ebx
- cmp eax myVariable
- cmp eax 99
- cmp myVariable ebx
- cmp myVariable anotherVariable
- cmp myVariable 45
CALL Makes a jump to a specific label defined by the user, OR calls predefined functions provided by your application. A label can be defined above any instruction and it could be seen like a function identifier. If a jump to a label is made, the return address will get placed on top of the stack. Then whenever a RET instruction is being executed, the return address will get popped off the top of the stack and the instruction pointer is set to this address. In order to prevent corruption of the stack, it is very important that you take good care of what you push and pop to/from the stack.
- call doWork
- call printInfo
- call doCalculation
RET The RET instruction sets the instructionpointer back to the instruction that comes right after the CALL instruction. See description about the CALL opcode to get an understanding of how these two instructions relate.
JMP Unconditional jump to a label
- jmp someLabel
JE Jump to label if CMP instruction evaluated to equal.
- je someLabel
JNE Jump to label if CMP instruction evaluated to not equal.
- jne someLabel
JG Jump to label if CMP instruction evaluated to greater than.
- jg someLabel
JGE Jump to label if CMP instruction evaluated to greater than or equal.
- jge someLabel
JL Jump to label if CMP instruction evaluated to less than.
- jl someLabel
JLE Jump to label if CMP instruction evaluated to less than or equal.
- jle someLabel
JZ Jump to label if result of a add/sub/mul/div instruction equals to zero.
- jz someLabel
JNZ Jump to label if result of a add/sub/mul/div instruction does not equal zero.
- jz someLabel
NOP This opcode literally does nothing. In x86 assembly it can be used to disable instructions by overwriting them with NOP instructions
HLT This effectively stops the program.