Latest Release: 3.3.0 2024-12-31
This repository contains Ansible Roles for deploying the Crunchy PostgreSQL Operator for Kubernetes and OpenShift.
The following are required for installation using these roles:
Ansible 2.4.6+
[PostgreSQL Operator Client]( (pgo) installed.
PostgreSQL Operator Docker Images
CentOS7 images can be found in Docker Hub, RHEL7 images are available to Crunchy customers
Next, edit the inventory
file included to configure the Crunchy PostgreSQL Operator installation.
Once the inventory
file has been configured, run the following command to deploy:
ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml
After installation completes, set the following environment variables for pgo
to work correctly:
export PGO_CA_CERT=/tmp/pgo-config/pg-operator.crt export PGO_CLIENT_CERT=/tmp/pgo-config/pg-operator.crt export PGO_CLIENT_KEY=/tmp/pgo-config/privkey.pem export URL=$(kubectl get service postgres-operator -o=jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}") export CO_APISERVER_URL=https://${URL?}:8443'
Finally, test pgo
is communicating with the PostgreSQL Operator API Service:
pgo version
Please view the official Crunchy Data PostgreSQL Operator documentation here.