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42 lines (30 loc) · 1.45 KB

NoUI server on

File metadata and controls

42 lines (30 loc) · 1.45 KB

Setup HomeCenter server on a host, the end user is only required to downalod mobile app and login with account.

Key Point

  1. enable parameter isNonUIServer
  2. intall Xvfb

1. create account

do following on your PC, not on host : download, unzip HomeCenter server, run it and setup account and configure, shutdown server.

2. upload

upload all files to host. Note : please add permission of write and execute for folder.

3. enable parameter

add "isNonUIServer=true" to the end of

4. install Xvfb

run "yum install -y Xvfb" on CentOS to install Xvfb.

5. create start script

create script file "", add following content to it and add executable permission for it.


BASE_PATH=`dirname $0`
xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args="-screen 0 1280x760x24" java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsun.jnu.encoding=UTF-8 -cp hc.jar:hc_thirds.jar hc.App &

6. start server when power on

open "/etc/rc.d/rc.local", add path of "" to execute it when power on.

7. upgrade HomeCenter

open "" to see current version of server.

open "" to see the new version or not.

if there is a new version, kill : please use "kill -15", not "kill -9"), upload new version jar and execute


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