Setup HomeCenter server on a host, the end user is only required to downalod mobile app and login with account.
- enable parameter isNonUIServer
- intall Xvfb
do following on your PC, not on host : download, unzip HomeCenter server, run it and setup account and configure, shutdown server.
upload all files to host. Note : please add permission of write and execute for folder.
add "isNonUIServer=true" to the end of
run "yum install -y Xvfb" on CentOS to install Xvfb.
create script file "", add following content to it and add executable permission for it.
BASE_PATH=`dirname $0`
xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args="-screen 0 1280x760x24" java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsun.jnu.encoding=UTF-8 -cp hc.jar:hc_thirds.jar hc.App &
open "/etc/rc.d/rc.local", add path of "" to execute it when power on.
open "" to see current version of server.
open "" to see the new version or not.
if there is a new version, kill : please use "kill -15", not "kill -9"), upload new version jar and execute
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