This project involves the development of an ERC20 Swapper based on Uniswap protocol. This swapper allows users to swap Ether to an arbitrary ERC-20 token.
This ERC20 swapper has been developed based on Uniswap V3 protocol.
There are three parameters that are set up when deploying this swapper:
wrappedETH: official wrapped Ethereum address
feeTier: fee user will have to pay to swap Ether to another token inside a Uniswap pool (ex: 3000 -> 0.3%)
swapRouter: address of Uniswap router used to swap Ether to desired arbitrary token
Uniswap SwapRouter02 supports swaps in both V2 and V3 pools. It is an upgraded version of SwapRouter contract within Uniswap v3 protocol and is mainly designed to be multicall.
There must be enough liquidity inside Uniswap pools in order to be able to swap Eth to desired token successfully.
ERC20 tokens such as USDT or DAI have been used to test the contract.
Current deployment:
Sepolia: 0xA247Ca6eaaD3d8798F885cd03f3dd8EE98dB1FE5
First of all, install all dependencies executing:
Make a copy of .env.template and rename it to .env
Set at least the following variables inside .env
IMPORTANTE NOTE: Leaving PRODUCTION_KEY variable empty TEST_PRIVATE_KEY value will be used for production networks.
Compile all the contract:
yarn run compile
Use the following command to deploy to Ethereum mainnet or Sepolia network
yarn run deploy-erc20swapper mainnet|sepolia
The proposed testing process will load Uniswap and coins data related to Sepolia network by default when forking networks or using hardhat, local or localhost as network parameter.
Testing deployment
yarn run deploy-erc20swapper hardhat|local|localhost
localhost can be used as network if
npx hardhat node
ornpx hardhat node --fork "rpc_url"
has been executed before -
Forking Sepolia, deploying a new ERC20 Swapper, testing features and executing a swap
2.1 Fork sepolia
npx hardhat node --fork "paste your seporia rpc url"
2.2 Deploying a new ERC20 Swapper, and testing features and executing a swap inside the forked network
yarn run test-swap-erc20swapper localhost
Two tasks have been developed to get quotes and execute swaps. Supposing that previous forked network is still alive, execute the following command to get the minimum amount that user will receive for a specific ETH amount.
3.1 Get quote
Example: Get the minimum amount of token at address 0x68194a729C2450ad26072b3D33ADaCbcef39D574 that a user would receive if they swap 0.001 ETH.
That address corresponds to DAI token in Sepolia.
npx hardhat quote --token 0x68194a729C2450ad26072b3D33ADaCbcef39D574 --fee 3100 --eth 0.001 --network localhost
This will produce a command that can be copied and executed to perform the swap.
3.2 Executing swaps
Copy the command produce by the get quote task or configure your own command for this task.
npx hardhat swap --eth 0.001 --token 0x68194a729C2450ad26072b3D33ADaCbcef39D574 --minamount 2.913982 --network localhost
Always be aware of connecting your wallet to trusted, safe and official services. Contract has been verified and swapEtherToken can be called from Etherscan.
Example: swap 0.001 Ether to receive at least 2 DAI
payableAmount (ether): 0.001 _token (address): 0x68194a729C2450ad26072b3D33ADaCbcef39D574 _minAmount (uint256): 2000000000000000000
Execute quote task
npx hardhat quote --token (token address) --fee (pool fee that will be used, ex: 500,3000,10000) --eth (ETH amount, ex: 0.001, 1) --network mainnet|sepolia
npx hardhat quote --token 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F --fee 3800 --eth 0.001 --network mainnet
npx hardhat quote --token 0x68194a729C2450ad26072b3D33ADaCbcef39D574 --fee 3100 --eth 0.001 --network sepolia
Execute the command produced by quote task or create your own command:
npx hardhat swap --eth (ETH amount, ex: 0.001, 1) --token (token address) --minamount (minium amount to receive, ex: 2.913982) --network sepolia|mainnet
npx hardhat swap --eth 0.001 --token 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F --minamount 3.79969 --network mainnet
npx hardhat swap --eth 0.001 --token 0x68194a729C2450ad26072b3D33ADaCbcef39D574 --minamount 2.913982 --network sepolia