This project will adhere to the following style guidelines:
- 4 spaces in-place of tabs
- All structs shall be typedefed with the project name "topaz" followed by a CamelCaseName of the struct. Its suffix shall be "_t"
- All functions:
- shall use the project name "topaz" as a prefix to serve as the namespace
- shall be "verb" oriented in its name
- shall use snake_case for their symbol names
- shall have its declaration be split across multiple lines if the argument list contains arguments
- shall have each argument commented and named
- shall have function pointer arguments named
- All class-based structs of the public user interface shall:
- be opaque
- uniquely defined within a header bearing the same name as the struct, effectively representing a "class"
- utilize "member functions" as a function whose first argument is a pointer to the opaque class object
- shall have a _create() and a _destroy()
Example function:
int topaz_my_function(int argument) {
return argument+1;
Example switch:
switch(value) {
case CASE_1:
do = something+else;
case CASE_2:
Example if-else:
if (value == 2) {
} else if (value == 2) {
} else {
Example header (all headers will employ the opaque class pattern):
#include <topaz/dependencies.h>
/// Description of ExampleClass.
typedef struct topazExampleClass_t topazExampleClass_t;
/// Description of this enum overall
typedef enum topazExampleClass_Enum topazExampleClass_Enum
enum topazExampleClass_Enum {
/// Value A contains this description.
/// Value B contains this description.
typedef struct topazExampleClass_HelperOpenStruct topazExampleClass_HelperOpenStruct
/// A naked, open struct used as a helper to this class.
struct topazExampleClass_HelperOpenStruct {
/// explanation of this member
int dataA;
/// explanation of this member.
float dataB;
/// Description of the creation function.
topazExampleClass_t * topaz_example_class_create();
/// Description of the destruction function.
void topaz_example_class_destroy(
/// Comment on the argument
topazExampleClass_t *
/// Description of member function
int topaz_example_class_do_action(
/// Comment on the argument
topazExampleClass_t *,
/// Comment on the argument
int argument
A second helper class that shares its implementation with
the main class.
typedef struct topazExampleClass_Helper_t topazExampleClass_Helper_t;
/// Description of the creation function.
topazExampleClass_Helper_t * topaz_example_class_helper_create(
/// Comment on the argument
topazExampleClass_t *
/// Description of the destruction function.
void topaz_example_class_helper_destroy(
/// Comment on the argument
topazExampleClass_Helper_t *