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Typing Animation

Jakub T. Jankiewicz edited this page Aug 12, 2021 · 23 revisions

Typing was first added in version 2.24.0 but in current form, with all updates and fixes, you should use at least 2.28.0 to use all the features.

Higher-level API

Prompt animation

term.set_prompt("name: ", { typing: true, delay: 200 });

echo animation

term.echo("Hello", { typing: true, delay: 200 });

Low-level API

Low-level API is single method terminal::typing:

term.typing(<type>, <delay>, <string>, options);
  • terminal::typing returns a promise that resolves when the animation ends.
  • there is only one option, finalize
  • type is one of the strings: 'prompt', 'echo' or 'enter'.
  • prompt animation as the name suggests is an animation of the prompt and at the end, the prompt is set to the given string.
  • echo animation as the name suggests animate the string that is echo into the terminal.
  • enter animation is an animation of entering the command and pressing enter, it uses the current prompt as a prefix after the animation starts. Enter animation doesn't have a higher-level counterpart.

To see examples of typing animation see demos:

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