There are two components in decoding — test and decode.
- The test binary is used to compute basic statistics like letter error rate
(LER) and word error rate (WER) given an acoustic model using the greedy best
path without the constraint of a language model or lexicon. It will also
generate an
Emission Set
including the emission matrix as well as other target-related information for each sample, so that theEmission Set
can be fed into the decoder directly to generate transcripts without calling the models forward function again. - The decode binary attempts to find the smallest WER using a beam search decoder and a language model. It can take as input either an emission set generated from the test binary, which enables running hyper-parameter search in parallel, or an acoustic model to generate emissions at runtime, which may be more convenient when the dataset being decoded is small and a hyper-parameter sweep is not required.
Aside from the dataset and acoustic model, two dictionaries must be input to both binaries.
- Token dictionary: The same dictionary used to train the acoustic model and the order of the tokens should also be identical. Each line contains a unique token.
- Lexicon: The set of allowed words and their possible spellings used by the
decoder. Each line is a word and spelling pair that are separated by a tab.
The spelling is represented by a space-separated sequence of tokens. An
example entry could be
apple a p p l e
. Note that the same word may have multiple spellings; these should be on separate lines.
The dictionaries are specified through the flags tokens
and lexicon
. We
also have to set the flags am
and emission_dir
to the path of the acoustic
model and the directory where we want to save the emission set. The flags
and test
are combined to specify the datasets we want to run an
experiment on. Note that we can test on more than 1 dataset, they must be in
the same datadir
and are specified as a comma-sperated list to test
<test_cpp_binary> \
-tokens <path/to/tokens.txt> \
-lexicon <path/to/words.txt> \
-am <path/to/acoustic_model.bin> \
-emission_dir <path/to/emission_dir/> \
-datadir <path/to/dataset/> \
-test <path/to/testset/> \
-maxload -1 \
The decoder can take either an acoustic model or an emission set as input but
not both. E.g. only one of the flags am
and emission_dir
can be set. In
general, flags across Decode
and Test
have similar functions. All the
hyper-parameters are self-documented and can be set accordingly. The flag
specifies the path to save the logs, including the stdout log and
the hypotheses and references in sclite format (trn).
<decode_cpp_binary> \
-tokens <path/to/tokens.txt> \
-lexicon <path/to/words.txt> \
-am <path/to/acoustic_model.bin> \
-lm <path/to/language_model.bin> \
-datadir <path/to/dataset/> \
-test <path/to/testset/> \
-sclite <path/to/save/logs/> \
-lmweight 4 \
-wordscore 2.2 \
-maxload 50 \
-beamsize 2500 \
-beamscore 100 \
-silweight -1 \
-nthread_decoder 8 \
-smearing max \
-show \
<decode_cpp_binary> \
-tokens <path/to/tokens.txt> \
-lexicon <path/to/words.txt> \
-emission_dir <path/to/emission_dir/> \
-lm <path/to/language_model.bin> \
-datadir <path/to/dataset/> \
-test <path/to/testset/> \
-sclite <path/to/save/logs/> \
-lmweight 4 \
-wordscore 2.2 \
-maxload 50 \
-beamsize 2500 \
-beamscore 100 \
-silweight -1 \
-nthread_decoder 8 \
-smearing max \
-show \