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Jerry Jones edited this page Feb 3, 2023 · 18 revisions

Using Monthly Budget Editor

  1. Install the extension per the instructions in the readme file.

  2. In Moneydance, go to Tools > Budget Manager and create a new monthly budget. Enter a name for the budget and select Monthly for the Period then click Create. Although not strictly necessary, it's always best to start off with a new empty budget before using this extension otherwise unexpected results could occur.

Create a new budget

  1. Select Extensions > Monthly Budget Editor to open the budget editor window.

Budget Editor Window

  1. Be sure the correct budget and year is selected at the top of the window. Be sure to select the correct ones if not.

  2. If you want to initialize the budget with last year's budget or actual spending, now is a good time to do that. Select Initialize Budget followed by either Copy prior year's budget or Use prior year's actuals as you wish. You can also Cancel the initialization and return to the main menu.

Initialize Budget

  1. In the main window, the blue and blue-green cells are not editable as they are the roll up totals of the "children" below them. The remaining cells can be clicked on and edited to set a monthly budget amount for that month and budget category. To speed up data entry, you can tab between the editable cells. You can also right click on any of the editable cells as well as the totals column on the right to bring up a popup menu for special operations you can perform on the cell.
    Normal Popup     
    Totals popup
    The rollover balance selections will set the previous cell(s) to the actual spending for those months and then add or subtract and balance to the selected cell keeping the overall budget total for the category the same. This may result in a negative budget amount that will not be shown correctly in the built-in Moneydance reports and budget bars. You may want to consider using my companion extension called Monthly Budget Report which correctly handles negative budget amounts.

  2. After changing the budget you must click the Save button to actually update the Moneydance budget. If you click Cancel you will get one more chance to select Yes to save the changes, No to cancel the changes, or Cancel to return to the Budget Editor window.

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