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105 lines (85 loc) · 3.75 KB

File metadata and controls

105 lines (85 loc) · 3.75 KB

Note. this requires expansion (last updated: August 2021)

Top level

An Irie file is a dependent record (A list of bindings). It's "module signature" is the type of this record. Records contain assignments and mixfix definitions


  • Anonymous functions (lambdas) are introduced with \ (also λ) eg. _+_ = \a b => add a b
  • Named functions: f x = x + x add x = let y = x + x in y


A List of bindings with optional type annotations.

Identifiers may freely mix alphanumerical characters and symbols.

reservedChars = "\"@.(){};\\" -- as defined in the parser itself
f = 3

callEG = fn arg1 arg2 -- Call a function
add a b = a + b -- define a function
add2    = \a b => add a b -- '\' introduces an anonymous function

Mixfix expressions

You can define new operators, using '_' to indicate where arguments go. This allows you to redefine vast quantities of syntax, simply by importing mixfixes.

[_] = \i => i --the identity function, resulting in usual parentheses behavior: eg = [ 5 ]
_+2 = \a => a + 2  -- eg = 5 +2
_addMixFix_ = add2 -- eg = 2 addMixFix 3

Terms and Types

All terms (and types) have a type, which loosely speaking describes a set of values. terms and types are syntactically equivalent (they can be manipulated in the same ways)

There exists successive universes of types, and given (t : ty); ty resides in a higher universe.

5 : Int : Set : Set2 -- etc..
1 , 2 , 3 : Vec 3 Int    -- a dependent type, indexed by the length of the vector


There are 3 type constructors, and their corresponding term constructs:

  • Functions: Abstraction \a => a and application a b
  • Records: Construction { x = 3 , y = 4 } and Lens r.x r.x.over (_+_ 1)
  • Sum data: Label Cons a b and Match \case { Cons a b => a + b }
string = "morning"
i32-8    = 8 : I32    -- a 32 bit number
bigInt-8 = 8 : BigInt -- an arbitrary precision int, uses GMP internally

-- product and sum types
tuple  = 5 ; "afternoon" -- anonymous record
record = { n=3 ; str="evening" }

sumData = -- the categorical dual to a product type
  | Rectangle : { x : Float ; y : Float } -> Shape
  | Circle -> Float -> Shape

-- \case is a builtin function.
-- it's input type is a sum type, and
-- return type is a join (in the subtyping lattice) of the types of its alts
shapeArea : Shape -> Float
 = \case
  | Rectangle { x ; y } => x * y
  | Circle r => π * r ^ 2


A few subtyping relations are builtin, which are very good at obviating the need to be excessively specific

f : { x : Int } -> Int      -- f expects as argument a record with a label x of type Int
out = f { x=4 ; y="noise" } -- but will accept any subtype of {x:Int}

-- handle flag handles sumtypes with 2 alts
handleFlag : || Flag1 | Flag2 || -> Int
handleFlag = \case
  | Flag1 => 3
  | Flag2 => 9

oneFlag = Flag1 : || Flag1 ||
ok = handleFlag oneFlag -- || Flag1 || is a subtype of || Flag1 | Flag2 ||

-- Thus one reason for sum types being the mathematical dual of product types is clear

Dependent types

The first point of interest is that dependent types increase the expressivity of our types:

2 , 5 : Vec 2 Int -- here the size of the list is constant (also doesn't exist at runtime)
_,_ :: {n:Int} : A -> Vec n A -> Vec (n + 1) A -- _,_ prepends an element, incrementing the vec size

Types as propositions

A dependent type is introduced by Π(x : A) T(x) this means the type T depends on x, which is in it's scope because of the pi-binder

Types can be viewed as propositions, and their terms a proof of that proposition

3 : Int -- the 'proposition' Int is trivially proven by supplying an inhabitant

-- 3 being equal to 3 is known as definitional equality
-- propositional equality includes non-trivial cases