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##Vrome - Bringing Vim's elegance to Chrome



        <F1>      Open this help page


        o         Open one or more URLs in current tab. Multiple URLs can be separated with ','.
                  The first URL is opened in the current tab, and all other URLs are opened in new tabs.

                  There are some powerful features here:
                  1, AutoComplete support:
                  <Down>,<Up>   Navigate next/previous link. (You can change the behavior in config, please
                  <Tab>,<S-Tab> Navigate the next/previous 10th link. (You can change the behavior in config,
                                please see
                  <Enter>       Open selected link in current tab.
                  <C-Enter>     Open selected link in new tab. and keep AutoComplete list open so you can
                                open another link.
                  <C-[0-9]>     Open links marked with red number.
                                The red number is the relative index of the currently selected link.
                                E.g: you can use <C-5> to open the 5th link, <C-7> to open the 7th one.
                                Useful when using <Tab>, <S-Tab>

                  Turn off autocomplete using `set noautocomplete` [Example](

                  2, Relative path support:
                  go to `` then type '/admin', '..', '../..', '../../rails', './wiki'
                  will open,
                  -- Useful for website administrators + developers

                  3, Search Engines:
                  Try `google [query]` e.g `google vrome` will return search results for `vrome`
				  Supported engines:  `google`, `answers`, `yahoo`, `wikipedia`, `bing`, `twitter` are built
                  in search engines.
				  Define your own [Example](

				  If no search engine name is provided, default (google) one is used

        O         Open one or more URL in current tab, based on current location. (check `o` for more)
        t         Open one or more URL in new tab. (check `o` for more)
        T         Open one or more URL in new tab, based on current location. (check `o` for more)

        ]]        Go to next page (Customizable)
        [[        Go to previous page.
        Sd        Switch Chrome Default look -- requires server (check ccc_file option in [Example](

[count] gu        Go to parent URL
        gU        Go to the root of the website

        gr        Go to referer URL
        gR        Go to referer URL in new tab

        y         Copy current URL to clipboard
        <C-y>     Copy a shorten URL to clipboard, the URL is shortened by ``
                  You can show the shortened URL on your dashboard on, Refer to Vrome Options

        p         Open highlighted text or clipboard in current tab.
                  If not a URL, a search is made with default engine
        P         Same as p but in a new tab
        <M-P>     Same as P but focus it

[count] <C-a>     Increment the last number in URL by 1, or by [count] if given.
[count] <C-x>     Decrement the last number in URL by 1, or by [count] if given.

Tabs manipulation

        g0, g^    Go to first tab
        g$        Go to last tab
[count] <C-^>     Go to last selected tab. if [count] is given, go to [count]th tab
        gl        Go to last created tab
[count] gt        Go to right [count] tab
[count] gT        Go to left [count] tab
[count] <C-p>     Go to left [count] tab

        gp        Toggle Pin current tab. pin tab if unpinned, unpin it if pinned.
        gP        Unpin all tabs in current window
        WP        Unpin all tabs in all windows

[count] gd        Duplicate current tab
[count] ge        Move tab right
[count] gq        Move tab left
        gD        Detach current tab to a new window.
        gI        Toggle incognito mode for current tab.
                  (You need to enable Vrome in incognito mode, check chrome://extensions/)

        gm        Marks tab for merging (can mark multiple tabs)
        gM        Marks all tabs in current window for merging
        gv        Moves marked tab(s) (merges)

[count] b         Go to  [count]th tab or the first matched tab.
                  If no [count] is provided, search input will appear
                  And will go to the first matched tab after pressing <Enter>.
        B         Delete all matched tabs. (same as b)
        <M-b>     Delete those tabs don't match. (same as b)

        <M-d>     Close current tab and select last selected tab.
        D         Close current tab and select left tab
        dc        Close current tab and select right tab.
        dm        Close matched tabs.
        do        Close other tabs except current one.
        dl        Close tabs on the left.
        dr        Close tabs on the right.
        dp        Close unpinned tabs.
        dP        Close pinned tabs.
        dW        Close other windows

[count] u         Reopen the last closed tab.

        r         Reload current tab
        R         Reload all tabs
    <C-r>         Refresh page without cached content


   M{a-zA-Z0-9}   Add new QuickMark for current URL.
                  You can go to a marked URL in the current tab with go{a-zA-Z0-9} or in a new tab with
                  e.g: Go to ``, associate `` to quick mark `g` using `Mg`,
                  Then you can use `gog` to open `` in current tab. or `gng` to open it in
                  a new tab.
   go{a-zA-Z0-9}  Open marked URL in current tab. (check M{a-zA-Z0-9} for more)
   gn{a-zA-Z0-9}  Open marked URL in new tab. (check M{a-zA-Z0-9} for more)

   m{a-zA-Z}      Set mark at the cursor position. Marks a-z are local to the buffer, whereas A-Z are valid
                  between buffers.
                  e.g: When you are reading the first paragraph of an article, you can save your cursor
                  position using `ma`
                  When revisiting the page, jump to the location using `'a`
   '{a-zA-Z}      Jump to the mark. Marks a-z are local to the buffer, whereas A-Z are valid between buffers.
                  (check m{a-zA-Z} for more)

Hints Mode

        f         Start Hint mode, All visible links/inputs are given a number.
                  Filter these elements using hints (numbers) or a keyword matching the element's content.
                  When a match is found, element is opened in the current tab (URL) or clicked (checkbox) or
                  grabs focus (input).

                  e.g: if there is a link named `Gmail`, you can type `ma` to filter and open it.
                  One more thing, Press <Enter> would open current highlighted element.
                  <C-Enter> would open all available hints in current page.

                  We support hint mode with numbers (default) and strings/letters

                  You can switch to strings instead of numbers by:
                  `set useletters=1`

                  If you want to customize the hint keys sequence:
                  `set hintkeys=jlkhfsdagwerui`

                  If you need both numbers AND strings available. You need to map the commands to different
                  keys. [Example](

                  If you need to change the font-size or background-color. You can inject CSS using
                  `custom_begin_css and custom_end_css` [Example](

        F         Start Hint mode, but open links in new tabs. (check `f` for more)
                   Note you can use the first letter as upper-case to open multiple links in a row
                   Example: if we have hints such as `FA` `FS` `FD`
                   You can enter hint mode and type `Fa` then simply enter `s` `d`

        <M-f>     Start Hint mode, but open multiple links in a new tab. (check `f` for more)

        Also there are some extra commands when in the [input box]:
            ?     Show information about an element.
                  For example, type `?gmail` in the input box, it would search all elements matching gmail
                  like normal.
                  If there is one element matched, it would show the element's details, usually it is the
                  element's html.
            ;     Focus on an element. (check `?` in Hints Mode for more)
            [     Copy selected elements' url if existent. [hint] `[` looks like the C in Copy.
                  (check `?` in Hints  Mode for more)
            {     Copy selected element's text. [hint] `{` also looks like the C in Copy.
                  (check `?` in Hints Mode for more)
            !     Filter links not matching keyword. (check `?` in Hints Mode for more)


        gg        Go to top
        G         Go to bottom
        0         Go to left
        $         Go to right

[count] <C-f>     Scroll down [count] full page
[count] <C-d>     Scroll down [count] half page
[count] <C-b>     Scroll up [count] full page
[count] <C-u>     Scroll up [count] half page

[count] j         Scroll down
[count] k         Scroll up
[count] h         Scroll left
[count] l         Scroll right

[count] %         Scroll to percent of the page


[count] zi        Zoom in, based on the center of the screen.
[count] zI        Zoom in, based on the beginning of the screen.
[count] zm        3 times zoom in, based on the center of the screen.
[count] zM        3 times zoom in, based on the beginning of the screen.

[count] zo        Zoom out, based on the center of the screen.
[count] zO        Zoom out, based on the beginning of the screen.
[count] zr        3 times zoom out, based on the center of the screen.
[count] zR        3 times zoom out, based on the beginning of the screen.

        zz        zoom reset, based on the center of the screen.
        zZ        zoom reset, based on the beginning of the screen.


[count] H         Go [count] pages back.
[count] L         Go [count] pages forward.
[count] <C-o>     Go [count] pages back.
[count] <C-i>     Go [count] pages forward.
        gh        Filter History with keyword. -- <Up>/<Down>/<Tab>/<S-Tab>/<Enter>/<C-Enter> could be used
                  check Navigation:`o` - AutoComplete for more.
        gH        Filter History with keyword, but open in new tab. (check `gh` for more)


        gb        Filter bookmarks with keyword. <Up>/<Down>/<Tab>/<S-Tab>/<Enter>/<C-Enter> could be used
                  check Navigation:`o` - AutoComplete for more.
        gB        Filter bookmarks with keyword, but open in new tab. (check `gb` for more)


        /         Start forward search
        ?         Start backward search
        *         Search word under cursor
        #         Backward Search word under cursor
[count] n         Search next (Need to move the focus out of search box with `<Tab>` first)
[count] N         Search previous (Need to move the focus out of search box with `<Tab>` first)
        <Enter>   Open selected element in current tab
        <C-Enter> Open selected element in new tab
        <S-Enter> Search previous
        <M-Enter> Search next


[count] gi        Focus the [count]th input field
        gf        View source code in current tab.
        gF        View source code in new tab.
[count] ]f        Go to next frame
[count] [f        Go to previous frame

Other Stuff

        Y         Copy selected text
        .         Repeat the last command [count] times.

        <C-v>     Pass the next key
        <C-z>     Disable Vrome, use <C-Esc> to re-enable it.
                  The enable key is customizable in Option page.

Command Line Mode

        :         Enter Command-line mode
        :help     Open the help page.
        :bdelete  Close all matched tabs. like `B` in normal mode e.g `:bd gm`
        :mdelete  Delete a quick mark  e.g `:md e`

Insert mode

        <C-a>     Move to first words or select all
        <C-e>     Move to end
        <C-k>     Delete forwards to end of line.
        <C-u>     Delete backwards to the beginning of the line.

        <M-i>     Delete forward char
        <M-u>     Delete backward char
        <M-y>     Delete backward word
        <M-p>     Delete forward word

        <M-h>     Move back a word
        <M-l>     Move forward a word
        <M-j>     Move back a char
        <M-k>     Move forward a char

        <M-n>     Move next line char
        <M-m>     Move previous line

        <M-z>     Restore last changed value

        <C-i>     Launch the external editor,default 'editor' is 'gvim -f'. #server