- Improved inset box shadow for a nice depressed look on :active states.
- Added inset box shadow for improved button beauty! (if you don't like it, you can set $fb-inset: false)
- Added background-clip to help with bleeding backgrounds under rounded corners in webkit
- Fixed a bug in
(it works now)
- Changes that affect your current style
- The mixin fancy-arrow was removed, I don't think anyone ever used this.
- Removed doubled border on :active state (caused lots of CSS bloat for minimal visual effect).
- Disabled styling is now off by default.
$fb-allow-disabled: false !default
. If you're using disabled styling, set this to true and you won't notice any changes. If not, your CSS output may be shrink quite a bit!
- Improvements/Fixes
- Disabled styles are much leaner
- Button reset uses
to make sure all fancy buttons get styles reset in one location - New variable:
$fb-line-height: 1.2em !default
allows you to set a default button line-height. - New Mixin:
allows you to set the color and opacity for disabled button states. This is best used with a 'disabled' class name, or disabled attribute selector. - Source is now dasherized (won't affect your usage, just makes it nicer for me)
- Imports to Compass library now only use the minimum necessary css3 modules
- Added support for RVM gem sets and bundler to aid development of fancy-buttons (doesn't affect users)
- Removed template files
- Added
variable - defaults to true (credit: Chris Eppstein) Now you can toggle the output of styling for disabled buttons or links with the class "button disabled". This is useful if you want to reduce the size of your css and won't be using the disabled feature.
Updated old linear-gradient syntax in the example
- Deprecated @import fancy_button.sass in favor of syntax agnostic and dashed import @import "fancy-buttons"
- Added :visited override to avoid incorrect colors in link buttons
Updated requirements to include latest stable versions of Haml and Compass
Fixed an overzealous .gitignore rule where essential stylesheets were being excluded from the gem. Oh my!
Updated to use Sass3 syntax, this requires the latest pre-releases of both Haml and Compass which should be automatically installed for you.
Note: you may need to update your system with sudo gem update --system
if you're not running ruby gems 1.3.6
Now Supporting the latest FireFox gradients
Note: You'll need Compass 0.10 (pending release) or 0.10.0.pre8 (if you're bleeding edge like me)
minor bug fixes
- !fb_image_path allows users to specify an alternate image or image path than the default
- IE6 conditional stylesheet included (removes png background image)
- Mundane fixes which I've forgotten.
- CSS gradients can be disabled using !fb_gradient = 0 (mostly for testing purposes)
- Background color for buttons lighter than #aaa have been lightened to more closely match the gradient version.
- Use your own custom gradients (horizontal, vertical, or radial)!
- New matte gradient
- Improved gradient click style (looks inverted)
- Set project-wide gradient type !fb_gradient_type = "glossy", "matte", "custom" (default is glossy)
- Directly specify button padding with +fancy-button-padding(h_padding, v_padding, {border_width})
- New demo showing glossy, matte, and custom gradients (includes a radial gradient demo)
- Fixed Text color flicker when using functions with borderline luminosity
- Important: * You must use
sudo gem install compass --pre
since rubygems doesn't install prerelease gem versions automatically. - Important: Global defaults have changed from the prefix "!default_button_" to the prefix "!fb_". If you were using global project defaults update them or your buttons will break with this update. The reason for the change was to use a more specific namespace to avoid global variable interactions.
- Now requiring Haml 2.2.14 and Compass 0.10.0.pre2 (for new gradient mixin)