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Skip Hansen edited this page Feb 22, 2025 · 56 revisions

Welcome to the OpenEPaperLink wiki!

This is an alternative firmware and protocol for various Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL). It can be used to setup E-Paper (EPD) tags and supply them with content.

The software in this project consists of two parts:

Additionally, there are various hardware designs for access points and flasher-interfaces to program tags, preferably using one of the many programming jigs.


While considerable effort has been spent researching all of this, most of the information here has been gathered from the tags themselves, information in the FCC database, or extrapolated from other sources. Since there is very little information out there this is the best we can do. We probably got some stuff wrong ...

:godmode: Please help and add additional information wherever possible :godmode:

Editing the wiki

Feel free to add missing information, write documentation, tips or tutorials.


When adding a page, for the page title, please avoid using characters that could be illegal for use in a file name, like : or ". Instead of 2.9", use 2.9″.


ZBS based (M2)

nRF based (M3)

CC1x10 (CC1110,CC1310) based (SubGhz)


Access Points (AP)

The following basic tag types are supported by the OpenEPaperLink project:

  1. IEEE 802.15.4 protocol on 2.4 Ghz.
  2. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) on 2.4 Ghz.
  3. GFSK with an 802.15.4 like header on 868 or 915 Mhz (SubGhz).

The BLE only AP firmware can be flashed into a number of off the shelf ESP32-S3 boards to support BLE tags ONLY.

The LilyGo-T‐Panel-AP can be flashed with OEPL firmware and used with IEEE 802.15.4 or BLE TAGs without any modifications or additions. Support for SubGhz Tags can be added by attaching on external CC1101 module via the expansion port.

There are many DIY AP designs available.

For more information see:

Some OEPL enthusiasts sell AP kits or ready to go APs from time to time, to locate one enquire on the #lifetime-supply channel on discord.

SubGHz and Bluetooth

Information and Usage


ESP32 Generated Images

User Generated Images

Misc Stuff


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