- check code in MongoPluginSupport for changes borrowed from org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.DomainClassGrailsPlugin
- implement sparse index definitions for MongoDB 1.8
- write some documentation with examples for referencing and embedding entities
- document TransformationConfiguration annotation and put a page about inheritance in the docs
- document merge() instance method
- figure out some tests for inheritance scenarios
- add a refresh method to instances, to pull current data from db again
- remove deprecated stuff
- use GMongo as driver wrapper (optional, can be turned of in configuration. morphia will still use the undecorated mongo-driver)
- check out GORM Redis plugin and the inconsequential implementation and derive some best practices
- add WriteConcern to methods, where applicable
- add option to drop database on startup (dbCreate = “create-drop” // one of ‘create’, ‘create-drop’,‘update’ see http://grails.org/doc/1.3.x/guide/3.%20Configuration.html#3.3%20The%20DataSource)
- map Datastore methods onto Domain classes (as static and instance methods) – updateFirst, findAndUpdate
- Add test for index definition syntax
- save method: add support for failOnError:true in grails 1.2 (GRAILS-4343)
- implement GridFS access
- -process belongsTo and hasMany properties (via AST)
- Validation methods are injected by Grails
- id and version properties are injected by Grails