diff --git a/parrots.yaml b/parrots.yaml index 79f4c08e..7d693b56 100644 --- a/parrots.yaml +++ b/parrots.yaml @@ -566,577 +566,6 @@ name: Espresso Martini Parrot - hd: hd/hackerparrot.gif name: Hacker Parrot -- gif: resonatingredparrot.gif - name: Resonating Red Parrot - tip: Blue and Green Parrots told Red Parrot something -||||||| parent of 64a1bb5 (Reuploaded parrots.yaml File) -- hd: hd/parrot.gif - name: Parrot -- hd: hd/opensourceparrot.gif - name: Open-source Parrot -- hd: hd/middleparrot.gif - name: Middle Parrot -- hd: hd/reverseparrot.gif - name: Reverse Parrot -- hd: hd/aussieparrot.gif - name: Aussie Parrot -- hd: hd/gothparrot.gif - name: Goth Parrot -- gif: oldtimeyparrot.gif - name: Old Timey Parrot -- hd: hd/boredparrot.gif - name: Bored Parrot -- hd: hd/shuffleparrot.gif - name: Shuffle Parrot -- gif: shufflefurtherparrot.gif - name: Shuffle Further Parrot - tip: Combine with Shuffle Parrot for a conga line! -- hd: hd/congaparrot.gif - name: Conga Line Parrot - tip: A self sufficient conga line parrot! -- hd: hd/reversecongaparrot.gif - name: Reverse Conga Line Parrot -- hd: hd/partyparrot.gif - name: Party Parrot -- hd: hd/sadparrot.gif - name: Sad Parrot - tip: Parrots are entitled to their full range of emotions. -- hd: hd/copparrot.gif - name: Cop Parrot - tip: Not to be confused with Stripper Parrot! -- hd: hd/fastparrot.gif - name: Fast Parrot - tip: Now with 50% more party! -- hd: hd/ultrafastparrot.gif - name: Ultra Fast Parrot - tip: Now with 150% more party! -- hd: hd/slowparrot.gif - name: Slow Parrot - tip: Web 1.0 all over again! -- gif: slomoparrot.gif - name: Slo-mo Parrot - tip: Party in slow motion. -- hd: hd/dadparrot.gif - name: Dad Parrot - tip: Is totally freaking out. -- hd: hd/dealwithitparrot.gif - name: Deal With It Parrot -- hd: hd/dealwithitnowparrot.gif - name: Deal With It Now Parrot -- gif: fiestaparrot.gif - name: Fiesta Parrot -- gif: pizzaparrot.gif - name: !!str "\U0001F355 Parrot" -- gif: hamburgerparrot.gif - name: !!str "\U0001F354 Parrot" -- gif: bananaparrot.gif - name: !!str "\U0001F34C Parrot" -- gif: chillparrot.gif - name: Chill Parrot -- gif: explodyparrot.gif - name: Explody Parrot -- gif: shufflepartyparrot.gif - name: Shuffle Party Parrot -- gif: icecreamparrot.gif - name: Ice-Cream Parrot -- hd: hd/sassyparrot.gif - name: Sassy Parrot -- hd: hd/confusedparrot.gif - name: Confused Parrot -- hd: hd/aussiecongaparrot.gif - name: Aussie Conga Line Parrot -- hd: hd/aussiereversecongaparrot.gif - name: Aussie Reverse Conga Line Parrot -- gif: wave1parrot.gif - name: Parrot Wave (1) -- gif: wave2parrot.gif - name: Parrot Wave (2) -- gif: wave3parrot.gif - name: Parrot Wave (3) -- gif: wave4parrot.gif - name: Parrot Wave (4) -- gif: wave5parrot.gif - name: Parrot Wave (5) -- gif: wave6parrot.gif - name: Parrot Wave (6) -- gif: wave7parrot.gif - name: Parrot Wave (7) -- gif: wave8parrot.gif - name: Parrot Wave (8) -- gif: wave9parrot.gif - name: Parrot Wave (9) -- hd: hd/congapartyparrot.gif - name: Conga Party Parrot -- hd: hd/moonwalkingparrot.gif - name: Moonwalking Parrot -- hd: hd/thumbsupparrot.gif - name: Thumbs Up Parrot -- hd: hd/coffeeparrot.gif - name: Coffee Parrot -- hd: hd/mustacheparrot.gif - name: Parrot with mustache -- hd: hd/christmasparrot.gif - name: Christmas Parrot -- hd: hd/sleepingparrot.gif - name: Sleepy Parrot -- hd: hd/beerparrot.gif - name: Happy Hour Parrot -- gif: darkbeerparrot.gif - name: Dark Beer Parrot -- gif: blondesassyparrot.gif - name: Blonde Sassy Parrot -- gif: bluescluesparrot.gif - name: Blues Clues Parrot -- hd: hd/gentlemanparrot.gif - name: Gentleman Parrot - tip: A true gentleman parrot -- gif: margaritaparrot.gif - name: Margarita Parrot - tip: Fiesta Parrot is getting his drink on, margarita style! -- gif: dreidelparrot.gif - name: Dreidel Parrot - tip: Happy Hanukkah! -- gif: harrypotterparrot.gif - name: Harry Potter Parrot - tip: You're a parrot-wizard Harry! -- gif: upvoteparrot.gif - name: Upvote Parrot -- hd: hd/twinsparrot.gif - name: Twins Parrot - tip: parrot + parrot = great party! -- gif: tripletsparrot.gif - name: Triplets Parrot - tip: parrot + parrot + parrot = magnificent party!!!! -- hd: hd/stableparrot.gif - name: Stable Parrot - tip: Gyrostablization Mode Initiated -- gif: shipitparrot.gif - name: Ship It Parrot -- gif: skiparrot.gif - name: Ski Parrot -- gif: loveparrot.gif - name: Love Parrot -- gif: halalparrot.gif - name: Halal Parrot -- hd: hd/wendyparrot.gif - name: Wendy's Parrot - tip: BACONATOR OR DIE! -- hd: hd/popcornparrot.gif - name: Popcorn Parrot -- hd: hd/donutparrot.gif - name: Donut Parrot -- hd: hd/evilparrot.gif - name: Evil Parrot -- hd: hd/discoparrot.gif - name: Disco Parrot - tip: 1970s Party Parrot -- gif: matrixparrot.gif - name: Matrix Parrot - tip: This Parrot took the Red Pill -- gif: papalparrot.gif - name: Papal Parrot -- gif: stalkerparrot.gif - name: Stalker Parrot -- hd: hd/scienceparrot.gif - name: Science Parrot -- hd: hd/revolutionparrot.gif - name: Revolution Parrot -- gif: fidgetparrot.gif - name: Fidget Spinner Parrot -- hd: hd/beretparrot.gif - name: Beret Parrot -- gif: tacoparrot.gif - name: Taco Parrot -- gif: ryangoslingparrot.gif - name: Ryan Gosling Parrot -- gif: luckyparrot.gif - name: Lucky Parrot -- hd: hd/birthdaypartyparrot.gif - name: Birthday Party Parrot -- hd: hd/jediparrot.gif - name: Jedi Parrot -- hd: hd/sithparrot.gif - name: Sith Parrot - tip: Feel the power of the darkside -- hd: hd/angryparrot.gif - name: Angry Parrot -- hd: hd/invisibleparrot.gif - name: Invisible Parrot -- gif: fadingparrot.gif - name: Fading Parrot -- gif: rotatingparrot.gif - name: Rotating Parrot -- gif: cryptoparrot.gif - name: Crypto Parrot -- gif: deployparrot.gif - name: Deploy Parrot - tip: Do not use emoji on Fridays -- gif: uparrowparrot.gif - name: Up Arrow Parrot -- hd: hd/sushiparrot.gif - name: Sushi Parrot -- hd: hd/pumpkinparrot.gif - name: Pumpkin Parrot -- hd: hd/angelparrot.gif - name: Angel Parrot -- hd: hd/bluntparrot.gif - name: Blunt Parrot -- hd: hd/sintparrot.gif - name: Sinterklaas Parrot -- hd: hd/pirateparrot.gif - name: Pirate Parrot -- hd: hd/ceilingparrot.gif - name: Ceiling Parrot -- hd: hd/mardigrasparrot.gif - name: Mardi Gras Parrot - tip: Laissez les bons temps rouler! -- gif: sovjetparrot.gif - name: Soviet Parrot - tip: даваи даваи! -- gif: portalparrot.gif - name: Portal Parrot - tip: The cake is a lie. -- hd: hd/hardhatparrot.gif - name: Hard Hat Parrot - tip: ! '[Under Construction]' -- hd: hd/flyingmoneyparrot.gif - name: Flying Money Parrot - tip: The money is flying away! -- hd: hd/portalorangeparrot.gif - name: Portal Parrot (Orange Portal) -- hd: hd/portalblueparrot.gif - name: Portal Parrot (Blue Portal) -- hd: hd/reverseportalorangeparrot.gif - name: Reverse Portal Parrot (Orange Portal) -- hd: hd/reverseportalblueparrot.gif - name: Reverse Portal Parrot (Blue Portal) -- hd: hd/bunnyparrot.gif - name: Bunny Parrot - tip: Real men love bunnies -- hd: hd/norwegianblueparrot.gif - name: Norwegian Blue Parrot - tip: Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, idn'it, ay? -- hd: hd/transparront.gif - name: Transparront -- gif: fixparrot.gif - name: Fix Parrot -- hd: hd/brazilianplayerparrot.gif - name: Brazilian Player Parrot -- hd: hd/brazilianfanparrot.gif - name: Brazilian Fan Parrot -- hd: hd/spyparrot.gif - name: Spy Parrot -- hd: hd/marshmallowparrot.gif - name: Marshmallow Parrot -- hd: hd/whitewalkerparrot.gif - name: White Walker Parrot -- hd: hd/calvinist_parrot.gif - name: Calvinist Parrot -- hd: hd/frenchparrot.gif - name: French Parrot - tip: Oulala -- hd: hd/githubparrot.gif - name: Github Party Parrot - tip: Github PR Party -- hd: hd/bootlegparrot.gif - name: Bootleg Parrot -- hd: hd/bikerparrot.gif - name: Biker Parrot -- hd: hd/inverseparrot.gif - name: Inverse Parrot -- hd: hd/pingpongparrot.gif - name: Ping Pong Parrot -- hd: hd/laptop_parrot.gif - name: Laptop Parrot -- hd: hd/60fpsparrot.gif - name: 60fps Parrot -- hd: hd/redhatparrot.gif - name: Red Hat Parrot - tip: Soon to be IBM parrot... -- hd: hd/footballparrot.gif - name: Football Parrot -- hd: hd/flowerparrot.gif - name: Flower Parrot -- hd: hd/parrotnotfound.gif - name: Parrot Not Found -- hd: hd/spinningparrot.gif - name: Spinning Parrot -- hd: hd/redenvelopeparrot.gif - name: Red Envelope Parrot - tip: Happy Lunar New Year! -- hd: hd/grouchoparrot.gif - name: Groucho Parrot -- hd: hd/chicoparrot.gif - name: Chico Parrot -- hd: hd/harpoparrot.gif - name: Harpo Parrot -- gif: schnitzelparrot.gif - name: Schnitzel Parrot -- hd: hd/vikingparrot.gif - name: Viking Parrot -- hd: hd/darkmodeparrot.gif - name: Dark Mode Parrot -- hd: hd/tiedyeparrot.gif - name: Tie Dye Parrot -- hd: hd/horizontalparrot.gif - name: Horizontal Parrot -- hd: hd/sherlockholmesparrot.gif - name: Sherlock Parrot -- hd: hd/tennisparrot.gif - name: Tennis Parrot -- hd: hd/originalparrot.gif - name: Original Parrot - tip: The one and only. -- hd: hd/bobaparrot.gif - name: Boba Parrot -- hd: hd/backwardsparrot.gif - name: Backwards Parrot -- hd: hd/ripparrot.gif - name: RIP Parrot -- hd: hd/shortparrot.gif - name: Short Parrot - tip: Someone get a ladder -- hd: hd/headsetparrot.gif - name: Headset Parrot - tip: Hear no evil -- hd: hd/bouncingparrot.gif - name: Bouncing Parrot -- hd: hd/levitationparrot.gif - name: Levitation Parrot -- hd: hd/verticalparrot.gif - name: Vertical Parrot -- gif: databaseparrot.gif - name: Database Parrot - tip: To sql or not to sql -- hd: hd/phparrot.gif - name: PHParrot - tip: if (!$party) { die(); } -- gif: mergedparrot.gif - name: Merged Parrot - tip: Celebrating the merge! -- hd: hd/braveheartparrot.gif - name: Braveheart Parrot -- hd: hd/maracasparrot.gif - name: Maracas Parrot -- gif: bobrossparrot.gif - name: Bob Ross Parrot - tip: Happy trees, happy life! -- hd: hd/yosemitesamparrot.gif - name: Yosemite Sam Parrot - tip: Now I got you Rabbit! -- hd: hd/illuminatiparrot.gif - name: Illuminati Parrot - tip: All Seeing Parrot -- hd: hd/michaeljacksonparrot.gif - name: Michael Jackson Parrot -- hd: hd/picassoparrot.gif - name: Picasso Parrot -- hd: hd/headingparrot.gif - name: Heading Parrot -- hd: hd/innersourceparrot.gif - name: InnerSource Parrot - tip: InnerSource-Commons Parrot -- gif: asyncparrot.gif - name: async Parrot -- hd: hd/meldparrot.gif - name: Meld Parrot -- hd: hd/docparrot.gif - name: Doc Parrot - tip: Or any medical professional really... -- hd: hd/rythmicalparrot.gif - name: Rythmical Parrot -- hd: hd/exceptionallyfastparrot.gif - name: Exceptionally Fast Parrot -- hd: hd/wfhparrot.gif - name: Work from Home Parrot -- hd: hd/covid19parrot.gif - name: COVID-19 Parrot - tip: Parrot takes a break from partying to socially distance -- gif: metalparrot.gif - name: Metal Parrot -- hd: hd/wineparrot.gif - name: Wine Parrot - tip: Parrot and a Pinot -- hd: hd/hypnoparrot.gif - name: Hypno Parrot - tip: You are getting sleepy! -- hd: hd/hypnoparrotdark.gif - name: Hypno Parrot Dark -- hd: hd/hypnoparrotlight.gif - name: Hypno Parrot Light -- hd: hd/everythingsfineparrot.gif - name: Everything Is Fine Parrot - tip: It's really not -- hd: hd/headbangingparrot.gif - name: Head Banging Parrot -- hd: hd/tpparrot.gif - name: TP Parrot - tip: Don't Hoard, ppl -- hd: hd/stayhomeparrot.gif - name: Stay Home Parrot - tip: He's in there -- hd: hd/stayhomeparrotcloser.gif - name: Stay Home Parrot Closer - tip: See I told you -- hd: hd/stayhomeparrotwindow.gif - name: Stay Home Parrot Window - tip: Get off my lawn -- hd: hd/staytfhomeparrot.gif - name: Stay TF Home Parrot - tip: Can I help you? -- hd: hd/rubyparrot.gif - name: Ruby Parrot - tip: This Parrot surely loves gems -- hd: hd/moonparrot.gif - name: Moon Parrot - tip: Parrot and the moon -- hd: hd/hmmparrot.gif - name: Hmm Parrot - tip: Hmmmmm... -- hd: hd/nodeparrot.gif - name: Node Parrot - tip: party.on("end",e => {die()}) -- hd: hd/hanamiparrot.gif - name: Hanami Parrot - tip: Very beautiful -- gif: revertitparrot.gif - name: Revert It Parrot -- hd: hd/daftpunkparrot.gif - name: Daft Punk Parrot - tip: Harder Better Faster Stronger -- hd: hd/zoukparrot.gif - name: Zouk Parrot - tip: Parrot turned tropical -- hd: hd/glimpseparrot.gif - name: Glimpse Parrot - tip: A glimpse from the wall -- hd: hd/dailyparrot.gif - name: Daily Parrot - tip: A parrot to announce daily meetings -- hd: hd/quadparrot.gif - name: Quad Parrot -- gif: dabparrot.gif - name: Dab Parrot -- hd: hd/jumpingparrot.gif - name: Gots some hops -- hd: hd/jumpingparrotjr.gif - name: Jr. Bounce Parrot - tip: Aww hey little fella -- hd: hd/pokeparrot.gif - name: 151 Pokémon Parrot - tip: One Hundred Fifty-One Parrot -- hd: hd/cakeparrot.gif - name: Cake Parrot -- hd: hd/unicornparrot.gif - name: Unicorn Parrot -- hd: hd/thefastestparrot.gif - name: The Fastest Parrot - tip: Really fast -- hd: hd/playcatchleftparrot.gif - name: Catch ball Left Parrot -- hd: hd/playcatchrightparrot.gif - name: Catch ball Right Parrot -- hd: hd/biparrot.gif - name: Bi Parrot -- hd: hd/imposterparrot.gif - name: Imposter Parrot - tip: Looks kinda sus -- hd: hd/kindasusparrot.gif - name: Kinda Sus Parrot -- hd: hd/chefparrot.gif - name: Chef parrot - tip: Cooking parrot -- hd: hd/turndownforwatchparrot.gif - name: Turn Down for Watch -- gif: pear-parrots.gif - name: Pear Parrots -- hd: hd/tinfoilhatparrot.gif - name: Tin foil hat Parrot -- hd: hd/mateparrot.gif - name: Mate Parrot - tip: South-american mate fan Parrot -- gif: ethparrot.gif - name: Ethereum Parrot -- hd: hd/sneezyparrot.gif - name: Sneezy Parrot -- hd: hd/accessibleparrot.gif - name: Accessible Parrot -- gif: pythonparrot.gif - name: Python Parrot -- hd: hd/redbullparrot.gif - name: Redbull Parrot -- hd: hd/vueparrot.gif - name: Vue Parrot -- hd: hd/sidewaysparrot.gif - name: Sideways Parrot -- hd: hd/raceconditionparrot.gif - name: Race Condition Parrot -- hd: hd/balconyparrot.gif - name: Balcony Parrot -- hd: hd/zombieparrot.gif - name: Zombie Parrot - tip: Feel better soon little guy! -- hd: hd/mergeconflictparrot.gif - name: Merge Conflict Parrot - tip: Ruh roh -- hd: hd/vaccineparrot.gif - name: Vaccine Parrot -- hd: hd/thankyouparrot.gif - name: Thank You Parrot - tip: Appreciate it -- hd: hd/astronautparrot.gif - name: Astronaut Parrot - tip: To the moon! -- hd: hd/autonomousparrot.gif - name: Autonomous Parrot -- hd: hd/boomparrot.gif - name: Boom Parrot -- hd: hd/maskparrot.gif - name: Masked Parrot - tip: safety is number one priority -- hd: hd/reactparrot.gif - name: React Parrot -- gif: standupparrot.gif - name: Standup Parrot - tip: Stand up not sit down -- hd: hd/mergetrainparrot.gif - name: Merge Train Parrot - tip: All aboard the merge train -- hd: hd/mergeimmediatelyparrot.gif - name: Merge Immediately Parrot - tip: Merge it with complete disregard -- hd: hd/badparrot.gif - name: Bad Bad Parrot -- gif: dizzyparrot.gif - name: Pixelated parrot dizzy after spinning -- gif: mongodbparrot.gif - name: MongoDB Parrot -- name: Matrix Parrot - gif: matrixparrot.gif -- gif: drupal_parrot.gif - name: A parrot that uses Drupal I guess -- gif: krakenparrot.gif - name: Kraken Parrot -- hd: hd/soccerparrot.gif - name: Soccer Parrot -- hd: hd/blurryparrot.gif - name: Blurry Parrot -- hd: hd/croissantparrot.gif - name: Croissant Parrot -- hd: hd/temporaltableparrot.gif - name: Temporal Table Parrot - tip: System Versioning all your SQL tables -- hd: hd/chefkissparrot.gif - name: Chef Kiss Parrot -- hd: hd/deletedparrot.gif - name: Deleted Parrot -- hd: hd/fasttwinsparrot.gif - name: Fast Twins Parrot -- hd: hd/vacationparrot.gif - name: Vacation Parrot -- gif: resonatingredparrot.gif - name: Resonating Red Parrot - tip: Blue and Green Parrots told Red Parrot something -- gif: resonatingredparrot.gif +- hd: hd/resonatingredparrot.gif name: Resonating Red Parrot tip: Blue and Green Parrots told Red Parrot something diff --git a/parrots/resonatingredparrot.gif b/parrots/hd/resonatingredparrot.gif similarity index 100% rename from parrots/resonatingredparrot.gif rename to parrots/hd/resonatingredparrot.gif