title | sidebar_label |
Config Options for java |
java |
Option | Description | Values | Default |
sortParamsByRequiredFlag | Sort method arguments to place required parameters before optional parameters. | true | |
ensureUniqueParams | Whether to ensure parameter names are unique in an operation (rename parameters that are not). | true | |
allowUnicodeIdentifiers | boolean, toggles whether unicode identifiers are allowed in names or not, default is false | false | |
prependFormOrBodyParameters | Add form or body parameters to the beginning of the parameter list. | false | |
modelPackage | package for generated models | org.openapitools.client.model | |
apiPackage | package for generated api classes | org.openapitools.client.api | |
invokerPackage | root package for generated code | org.openapitools.client | |
groupId | groupId in generated pom.xml | org.openapitools | |
artifactId | artifactId in generated pom.xml. This also becomes part of the generated library's filename | openapi-java-client | |
artifactVersion | artifact version in generated pom.xml. This also becomes part of the generated library's filename | 1.0.0 | |
artifactUrl | artifact URL in generated pom.xml | https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator | |
artifactDescription | artifact description in generated pom.xml | OpenAPI Java | |
scmConnection | SCM connection in generated pom.xml | scm:git:git@github.com:openapitools/openapi-generator.git | |
scmDeveloperConnection | SCM developer connection in generated pom.xml | scm:git:git@github.com:openapitools/openapi-generator.git | |
scmUrl | SCM URL in generated pom.xml | https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator | |
developerName | developer name in generated pom.xml | OpenAPI-Generator Contributors | |
developerEmail | developer email in generated pom.xml | team@openapitools.org | |
developerOrganization | developer organization in generated pom.xml | OpenAPITools.org | |
developerOrganizationUrl | developer organization URL in generated pom.xml | http://openapitools.org | |
licenseName | The name of the license | Unlicense | |
licenseUrl | The URL of the license | http://unlicense.org | |
sourceFolder | source folder for generated code | src/main/java | |
serializableModel | boolean - toggle "implements Serializable" for generated models | false | |
bigDecimalAsString | Treat BigDecimal values as Strings to avoid precision loss. | false | |
fullJavaUtil | whether to use fully qualified name for classes under java.util. This option only works for Java API client | false | |
hideGenerationTimestamp | Hides the generation timestamp when files are generated. | false | |
withXml | whether to include support for application/xml content type and include XML annotations in the model (works with libraries that provide support for JSON and XML) | false | |
dateLibrary | Option. Date library to use |
threetenbp |
java8 | Option. Use Java8 classes instead of third party equivalents |
false |
disableHtmlEscaping | Disable HTML escaping of JSON strings when using gson (needed to avoid problems with byte[] fields) | false | |
booleanGetterPrefix | Set booleanGetterPrefix | get | |
parentGroupId | parent groupId in generated pom N.B. parentGroupId, parentArtifactId and parentVersion must all be specified for any of them to take effect | null | |
parentArtifactId | parent artifactId in generated pom N.B. parentGroupId, parentArtifactId and parentVersion must all be specified for any of them to take effect | null | |
parentVersion | parent version in generated pom N.B. parentGroupId, parentArtifactId and parentVersion must all be specified for any of them to take effect | null | |
snapshotVersion | Uses a SNAPSHOT version. |
null |
useRxJava | Whether to use the RxJava adapter with the retrofit2 library. | false | |
useRxJava2 | Whether to use the RxJava2 adapter with the retrofit2 library. | false | |
parcelableModel | Whether to generate models for Android that implement Parcelable with the okhttp-gson library. | false | |
usePlayWS | Use Play! Async HTTP client (Play WS API) | false | |
playVersion | Version of Play! Framework (possible values "play24", "play25" (default), "play26") | null | |
supportJava6 | Whether to support Java6 with the Jersey1 library. | false | |
useBeanValidation | Use BeanValidation API annotations | false | |
performBeanValidation | Perform BeanValidation | false | |
useGzipFeature | Send gzip-encoded requests | false | |
useRuntimeException | Use RuntimeException instead of Exception | false | |
feignVersion | Version of OpenFeign: '10.x', '9.x' (default) | false | |
useReflectionEqualsHashCode | Use org.apache.commons.lang3.builder for equals and hashCode in the models. WARNING: This will fail under a security manager, unless the appropriate permissions are set up correctly and also there's potential performance impact. | false | |
caseInsensitiveResponseHeaders | Make API response's headers case-insensitive. Available on okhttp-gson, jersey2 libraries | false | |
library | library template (sub-template) to use |
okhttp-gson |
serializationLibrary | Serialization library, default depends from the library |
null |