
# DigitalOcean JS

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JavaScript library for the DigitalOcean API. For use in Node or the browser.

## Goals

This library was built with a few goals in mind:

- Be able to use in a Node or Browser environment with no difference in usage.
- Use Promises instead of callbacks so clients can make use of `async`/`await`.
- Be built in TypeScript so consumers of the library can benefit from excellent intellisense with the TypeScript definitions.
- Provide solid documentation including examples for usage.

## Usage

To use the library, install from the npm repository.

$ npm install --save digitalocean-js
# Alternatively install with yarn
$ yarn add digitalocean-js

Simply import the client and initialize it with your API token:

import { DigitalOcean } from 'digitalocean-js';

const client = new DigitalOcean('my-api-token');

To see all the services available, check out the [documentation](https://johnbwoodruff.github.io/digitalocean-js/).