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Before the HOL - Cosmos DB scenario-based labs -

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Cosmos DB scenario-based labs - Retail before the hands-on lab setup guide

Table of Contents


  1. Microsoft Azure subscription must be pay-as-you-go or MSDN.

    • Trial subscriptions will not work.
  2. Visual Studio 2019

  3. Azure CLI - version 2.0.68 or later

  4. .Net Framework 4.7.2

  5. .Net Core 2.2

    • If you are running Visual Studio 2017, install SDK 2.2.109

Before the hands-on lab

Duration: 10 minutes

Synopsis: In this exercise, you will set up your environment for use in the rest of the hands-on lab. You should follow all the steps provided in the Before the Hands-on Lab section to prepare your environment before attempting the labs.

Task 1: Download GitHub resources

  1. Open a browser window to the cloud workshop GitHub repository (

  2. Select Clone or download, then select Download Zip.

    Clone or download and Download ZIP are highlighted in this screenshot of the  GitHub repository.

  3. Extract the zip file to your local machine, be sure to keep note of where you have extracted the files. You should now see a set of folders:

    A set of extracted folders and files are visible in File Explorer: Hands On Lab, Media, Whiteboard design session,, etc.

Task 2: Get a Movie API Key

  1. Open a Chrome browser window to

  2. Create an account and copy your API Key for use in the next task

    • Select #
    • Fill in your account details, select #
    • Select your profile icon in the menu, select Settings
    • Select API

    The movie db right navigation.

    • Select click here underneath Request an API Key to generate a new key.

    The Click Here link is highlighted.

    • Select the Developer option for the API key type, accept the license agreement, then complete the form to create a new API key. Select Website under Type of Use. You may enter any URL (such as, and you must enter a description, such as: Creates a movie recommendation engine.

    The Create Key form is displayed.

    • Copy the API Key (v3 auth) key for later use

    Copy the API Key v3.

Task 3: Deploy resources to Azure

  1. Open a browser window to the Azure Portal, be sure to login as the user that has access to your soon to be created resource group

    NOTE: This is necessary as the script will open a window that requires you to have already logged in to the portal.

  2. Open a PowerShell ISE window, run the following command, if prompted, click Yes to All:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
  3. Execute the following command to update the Azure CLI to the latest version:

    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile .\AzureCLI.msi; Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList '/I AzureCLI.msi /quiet'
  4. Close the PowerShell ISE window after the Azure CLI update completes. This ensures that the latest CLI version is used when running the following scripts.

  5. Re-open the PowerShell ISE window, then browse to the C:\scenario-based-labs-master\Retail\deploy\deploy.ps1 PowerShell script in an PowerShell ISE window

    NOTE You can reference the Frequently Asked Questions/Issues if you run into issues with your deployment.

  6. Set the following variables:

    NOTE: If you are performing a demo of this solution, select the "demo" setting, otherwise leave as "lab"

    $githubPath = "PATH YOU EXTRACTED REPO ZIP TO" # Such as: C:\scenario-based-labs-master
    $mode = "lab"  # Can be 'lab' or 'demo'
    $subscriptionId = "YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ID" # You can find this at the top of your Azure resource group or any Azure resource, or in the Subscriptions link under "All services" in the portal's left-hand menu
    $prefix = "YOUR INITIALS"
    $isSpektra = $true # Set to $true if you are running in a Spektra-hosted environment ( instead of your own Azure subscription. Otherwise, set to $false.
    $databaseId = "movies"
    $movieApiKey = "YOUR MOVIE API KEY"

    NOTE: You should have Azure CLI 2.0.68 or higher to run this script. You can check by running az --version

  7. Press F5 to run the script, this will do the following:

    • Deploy the starter ARM template(s)
    • Deploy the initial web and function apps
    • Setup the web and function app configuration variables
    • Create starter objects in the 'object' collection of the Cosmos DB database
    • Update your project application configuration files with the target azure keys and settings
  8. The deployment will take 15-25 minutes to complete. You will be prompted for information in both demo and lab modes. As part of the deployment, you will see the following items created:

    • Function App
    • Web App
    • App Service Plans
    • Event Hub
    • Stream Analytics Job
    • Databricks Service
    • Cosmos DB
    • Key Vault
    • Storage Accounts
    • Application Insights
  9. Record the values that were output from the script for use in the lab

You should follow all steps provided before attending the hands-on lab.