The package implements Improved Fisher Vectors as described in [1]. For a more concise description of Fisher Vectors see [2]. The functionality includes:
- Fitting a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
- Determining the number of GMM components via BIC
- Saving and loading the fitted GMM
- Computing the (Improved) Fisher Vectors based on the fitted GMM
For intsallation via pip run the following command on your terminal (requires python 3.4 or higher):
$ pip install fishervector
afterwards you should be able to import the package in python:
from fishervector import FisherVectorGMM
We randomly sample data just for this tutorial -> use your own data e.g. SIFT features of images
import numpy as np
shape = [300, 20, 32] # e.g. SIFT image features
image_data = np.concatenate([np.random.normal(-np.ones(30), size=shape), np.random.normal(np.ones(30), size=shape)], axis=0)
from fishervector import FisherVectorGMM
fv_gmm = FisherVectorGMM(n_kernels=10).fit(image_data)
Or alternatively fit the GMM using the BIC to determine the number of GMM components automatically:
from fishervector import FisherVectorGMM
fv_gmm = FisherVectorGMM().fit_by_bic(test_data, choices_n_kernels=[2,5,10,20])
image_data_test = image_data[:20] # use a fraction of the data to compute the fisher vectors
fv = fv_gmm.predict(image_data_test)
- Jonas Rothfuss (
- Fabio Ferreira (